
The Announcement (4)

Looking at the pinned Li Kai, Li Hua coldly spoke. "It's best you don't make a scene, Mr. Li. We wouldn't want to attract any more attention to the problem."

Understanding the meaning behind her words, Li Kai quickly closed his mouth. "Who are you?" He asked as he stared at the beautiful girl.

"You do not need to know our Young Miss's name." said the bodyguard pinning down Li Kai. "It's best you keep your mouth shut or I will ruin your face."

Shivering, Li Kai felt a chill run down his spine.

"Li Hua!"

Turning around, Li Hua saw Mei Xing walking towards her.

"I'm done. Did you finish yet?"

"I'm about to."

"Okay, hurry up then. We should get back before your grandpa comes home."

Noticing someone on the ground, Mei Xing leaned her head to get a view. What met her eyes caused a smile to form on her face slowly. A glimmer of mischief flashed through her eyes as she looked at Li Kai on the ground.

"Oh my. Who do we have here? Li Kai? What are you doing on the ground? What if your fans see you in this state?"

Hearing an angelic voice, Li Kai looked up and saw Xi Mei Xing smiling at him.

"Mei Xing."

"Li Kai, what did you do that you are on the ground in such a state?"

Silently signaling her bodyguard, they quickly let go of Li Kai. Feeling that he was released, Li Kai promptly got up and dusted himself as he tried to clean any dust that may have gotten on his clothes.

"So what were you doing on the ground Li Kai?" asked Mei Xing again.

Rubbing the back of his neck, Li Kai chuckled. "Ah that. There was a misunderstanding between the young miss beside you and me."

Turning to look at Li Hua, Mei Xing asked, "What misunderstanding."

"I wanted the cufflinks in her hands and offered her an autograph and photo, but she refused. So seeing that she wanted them, I allowed her to keep them in exchange for a dinner date, but she refused than suddenly these guys came and pinned me down."

Hearing his excused, Mei Xing covered her mouth in shock as she stared at Li Hua.

"Li Hua. You should have told me you wanted these. I could have gotten better ones for you."

Seeing Mei Xing acting familiar with the girl, Li Kai started to get a bad feeling.

"Do you know her Mei Xing?"

"Do I know her? Of course, I do. I went to school and am childhood friends with Li Hua. We're best friends, you see. I can't imagine that the Vice President of Neng Corps treated you in such a way."

Vice President of Neng Corps? She couldn't be Neng Li Hua, right?

"Li Hua. What would Grandfather Huang say if he found out that you treated a famous star this way? You really surprise me sometimes you know. What am I going to do with you, Neng Li Hua." sighed Mei Xing as she rubbed her temples.

Amused, Li Hua stood silently as she watched Mei Xing play.

Turning her attention to Li Kai, Mei Xing grabbed his arm tightly. "I'm so sorry, Li Kai. Please forgive my friend. She had just gotten back from abroad, so she didn't know who you were. Are you okay? You must have gotten hurt."

"Ahh! I'm...I'm okay. I'm fine." Li Kai said as he pulled his arm away from Mei Xing's grip.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, yes. I'm fine. I have to go. I'll see you later Mei Xing." Bowing down, Li Kai quickly left the store before anyone could say anything.

"He should have apologized to you, Li Hua. Are you okay?"

"It's fine. Don't worry Mei Xing. I have the bodyguards my dad and grandfather assigned, so I'm fine."

Sighing, Mei Xing nodded her head. "That's good. I was worried for a moment there. It's good that your grandfather had assigned bodyguards for you. Who knows what could have happened if they weren't here."

Linking her arm through Li Hua's, they quickly bought the cufflinks and left the store. As they were walking and checking other stores, the big screen in the mall started to play Sunrise's press conference. Stopping, Li Hua watched the press conference along with other mall goers.

"Hello, everyone. My name is Zhao Guowei, CEO Li's assistant. Thank you all for coming today. In the past few days, there have been rumors of CEO Li dating, and today's press conference is to address it."