
Only My Girl

This is my life. Very flat and empty, until Pelita illuminates my life. Pelita is, "Pelita Nafisa". One of the millions of women with mysterious characteristics, one of the many women who can make my feelings interested in her, and one of hundreds of women on campus, who are not interested in my good looks. I'm Devana Clano, stupid but handsome students and also rich, said the love war will begin soon after this. Pelita, wait for me. I will definitely win your heart, even though you don't love me. I will make you the first, even though you make my last mention. I will make you one, even though I became one of them for you. Wait and then just get it until it arrived. I will keep trying to fight for you until I get your heart. Until that time arrived, I would continue to hope for Goddess of Luck who sided with my side. Whatever happens, I will continue to pay attention to you, until you melt your cold heart. I hope I'm lucky, and hope you love me back.

AurasylaXliniara · Urban
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37 Chs

After a few minutes of walking, they finally reached Vina's yard. They are sat facing each other on a park bench, so silent. None of them want to start a conversation, they don't even look at each other. Vina was lost in her mind, while Deva.. He is struggling with his heart being carried away.

Vina tapped her finger on the table, she waited for Deva to start a chat. Vina was bored. She stared at Deva with very annoyed eyes. It was pointed that way, making Deva again and again bow Vina head. Vina felt she was being abused, and then she stood up and left Deva alone.

Deva held Vina's hand, "Wait! I'll tell you a story now." Said Deva in a pleading tone.

Vina looked for the truth in every word Deva said, then she returned to sit across from Deva.

"So.. ? "Ask Vina out of patience.

Deva clears his throat one moment, "What do you want to know?"

"Mmm.. All of your old story, maybe? But it's up to you. If you can't tell all of your story, don't mind it. Cause, i just want to hear your story from your mouth." Said Vina with her shrug.

Deva was silent for a moment. Judging by the hours that have passed, it is certain that he and Vina would play hooky. Deva raised his hand which means, 'wait a minute '. Vina raised her eyebrows, she didn't want to ask, but on the other hand she was also curious at the same time.

Vina sighed her breath, no matter what. She must remain patient in waiting. And just suddenly..

"Devaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!". Vina was shocked by Deva, who had suddenly taken her clothes off. What a shameless fellow.

Deva smiled brat, "What? Don't tell me you want to see more of this?" Seduce Deva on Vina.

Vina shut her eyes tight and yelled, "DEVAAAAAAAAAAAAA! How utterly ridiculous!!! Hurry up to use your shirt now!!!!".

Deva ignored Vina's screams and laughed out loud.

"Hahaha.. What a cute expression you made when I was wearing something else." Said Deva by slightly wiping away his tears.

Vina opens her eyes slowly, then closes her back while Deva blows her face off. Vina rouge. She shut her eyes tight with her face in deep red.

Deva stitched her up again, "Who told you to open your eyes? I was just about to change my clothes. You were gonna peek at me, weren't you?". Deva said in a seductive tone.

Vina shook her head, then squatted to cover her entire face from shame and pleasure, perhaps.

Over and over, Deva laughed at the very funny and innocent Vina.

"If you want to open your eyes, then follow my directions. Got it?". Said Deva by pulling Vina to his feet.

Vina nodded her head, "D-don't prank me anymore y-yea?" Said Vina with disconnected voice.

"I know.. Then I'll start counting yeaah! On the count of ten, open your eyes, ok?".

Vina nodded her head.

"One... Two... Three...Fou—"

'Is Deva gonna prank me again?'. Says Vina in her heart.

"..Seven... Eight... Nine... Ten! Open your eyes!!".


One kiss landed on Vina's forehead, Vina is silent and froze. Deva flashed his smile, then ruffled Vina's hair. Vina had her mouth shut tight, her face began to blush again and her balance became unstable, luckily Deva soon held Vina in his arms. They fell to their knees hugging each other.

Deva rubbed Vina's back and whispered, "Are you surprised, dear?". He whispered with such a soft voice.

Vina hugged Deva so tightly, she shook her head in the sign, (I'm not surprised at all).

Deva's in the shade this time, maybe because he's starting to like Vina? Anyway, Deva and his romance problems are so many twists and turns. Vina got carried away, until she hugged Deva so long and also comfortably. Deva put his chin right on Vina's shoulders, and Vina felt amused by it.

Vina pushed Deva's body, then she swirled her lips, "It tickled my shoulder, Dev!". Vina said indignantly.

Deva only gave Vina with his best smile, then got up from his seat and also pulled Vina to up with him. Vina cleaned her dress that got a little dirty from sitting in the grass. Deva invited Vina to come back to the park chair, and now the atmosphere has changed. Nothing was awkward anymore, and no one felt carried away. Now Deva held Vina's hands on the table, locking his gaze with Vina's eyes.

Vina misbehaved with the intense look Deva gave. Vina looked the other way, (it's important not to look in Deva's eyes) he thought. Deva was upset with Vina's gaze that was not on him, and then he held Vina's cheek to bring Vina's gaze to his eyes.

"Look at me."

Vina shook her head.

"Vina, look at me!" Deva's assertive.

Vina looked at Deva with eyes locked on each other, as if she couldn't be bothered.

Deva smiled, "Want to hear my past stories, don't you?.."

".. Then listen carefully to every word I have vented." Said Deva by adding his unfinished sentence.

Vina shows a respectful pose for Deva, "all right, Captain!".

"Good girl.. Okay, I'll start with my family first, is that okay?".

"Of course it's okay, I'll listen to you!". Vina answered with such eagerness.

"All right, so be it....

15 years ago...

A woman was struggling to bear her baby, fighting for the safety of her child in the future, also struggling to stay alive with this little family.

Reva Clanara, the woman who was to be a mother, the woman who was supposed to raise the baby with love and love, and the woman who should have been the great consort of John Alexandria.

Now the wife of John and the mother of his future son (Deva) are struggling between life and death. Giving birth to a child when her health was failing, which was the hardest thing for Reva. Her chances of survival are 10% after the baby is born or equal to an hour less after giving birth.

Reva had a severe hemorrhage when she gave birth to Deva. The day before Reva gave birth, she was diagnosed with 'Hemolytic Anemia' by her gynecologist. Hemolytic anemia is not nearly as severe as 'Aplastic Anemia' or 'Sickle-cell Anemia', but it can still endanger the life of a pregnant woman and the safety of the baby inside her.

Two hours had passed, John began to worry because the room in front of him had not yet opened. There was no baby crying, there were no cries of a mother giving birth, It's such a terrible atmosphere. John constantly prayed for his wife and unborn child to be safe. The cold sweat began to flow from his pellets, and he wandered about with a frantic mind.

'Owaa.. Owaa... Owaa... '
