
Only I Level Up Across The Multiverse

Yuuto, a teenage boy abandoned by his parents after discovering he was quirkless came across a villain prejudiced against quirkless people, with his victims having been only quirkless people. On his way back to the orphanage having done a little workout, he had come across this villain and ultimately, his end was on the way. Fortunately, he lived, and woke up to a blue screen asking if he'd like to become a ['Player'] Pressing [Yes] instantly, a quest appeared: [Daily Quest: Preparations to become strong] [Press-ups: Incomplete (0/100)] [Sit-ups: Incomplete (0/100)] [Squats: Incomplete (0/100)] [Running: Incomplete (0/10km)] WARNING!: Incompletion of Daily Quests will result in appropriate levels of punishment. This was the beginning of his life turning upside down, and the beginning of becoming the strongest across the multiverse. 1st World: MHA/BNHA

Rizzler007 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Chapter 2: System

A/N: Since I know what Webnovel readers are like, I'll say this:

I'm undecisive how I'll do the romance, whether it's 1 girl total, 2 girls total, 1/2 from every world. This doesn't mean start spamming "#HAREM" or "#NOHAREM", it means give helpful suggestions.

P.S. When looking at the system stuff, don't go all "*Snort* AcTuAlLy" on me. Just let me chill and activate the "This is a fanfic" Trap card.

+ Info Dump chapter


[There are Three unread messages]

- Congratulations on becoming a [Player] (Read)

- [Daily Quest: Preparations to become strong] is now available (Read)

- [World Quest: Become the strongest] is now available (Unread)

Having read the first 2 messages, before starting and finishing the daily quest, Yuuto decided to read the final message.

[World Quest: Become the strongest]

[Defeat All For One]

Well... that was... underwhelming, per se. No time limit. No warning, nada.

'All for One, huh...? Usually when a boss character has a name like that, they're crazy OP' He thought, both jokingly yet serious.

"Anyway..." Glancing at the Daily Quest, Yuuto immediately got out of bed and began the quest.

If there was one thing he knew: It's to never fuck about with a quest when there's a WARNING. For all he knew, if he failed he would be dropped into the pits of hell and be eaten by cerberus before being pooped out.

[Daily Quest: Preparations to become strong]

[Press-ups: Complete (100/100)]

[Sit-ups: Complete (100/100)]

[Squats: Complete (100/100)]

[Running: Incomplete (0/10km)]

WARNING!: Incompletion of Daily Quests will result in appropriate levels of punishment.

Having done everything but the running, he began to run from one end of the room to the other to see if it worked.

After a minute or so however, it seemed to not work.

'Damn. Can't exploit, rip'

And so, he jumped out the window (He was on the ground floor, never fear!) and run around the hospital building.


[Daily Quest: Preparations to become strong]

[Press-ups: Complete (100/100)]

[Sit-ups: Complete (100/100)]

[Squats: Complete (100/100)]

[Running: Complete (10/10km)]

WARNING!: Incompletion of Daily Quests will result in appropriate levels of punishment.

Back in his room, Yuuto's breathing became controlled after a few seconds of rest. Now... 'IT'S TIME FOR THE REWARDS BABYYYY'

[You've Completed the 'Daily Quest: Preparations to become strong'

[Completion rewards have arrived]

[Would you like to confirm?] (Y/N)

'Absolutely!' He thought, pressing the holographic YES button.

[The following rewards are available]

[Reward 1: Full Recovery]

[Reward 2: 3 Stat Points]

[Reward 3: Mystery Box]

[Collect All Rewards?] (Y/N)

'Oh... I rested a little just for a 'full recovery' as a reward...? Oh well, it is what it is' He shrugged, pressing YES once again.

Having accepted his rewards, Yuuto felt his fatigue being completely rid of, with his stamina returning back to full, as if he never did a workout at all.

[3 Stat Points Gained]

[Mystery Box Gained, sent to Inventory]

Having received his stat points, it only just came as a shock to Yuuto that he forgot to check his status.



Name: Yuuto (No family name)

Level: 1

Class: None

Title: None

HP: 300 (1 Vit = 20HP)

MP: 15 (1 Int = 1MP)


Strength: 15

Vitality: 15

Agility: 15

Intelligence: 15

Sense: 15

(Available Points to Distribute: 3)

[P.S. 10 is the number for a normal, healthy quirkless adult]

'So in other words, I'm only 1.5x better than an adult... I mean, it's something I guess' Yuuto thought positively.

Not only was society against quirkless people, but even the world itself was. Little does Yuuto know, 15 stat points is the max potential of a quirkless human. Yes, because of how cells work when having a quirk, humans with quirk allow their body to break the potential of a normal human, hence making them better in every sense.

(A/N: Hope that makes sense. But what I'm saying is: Yuuto has hit the max for a quirkless human, and his potential was stunted due to being quirkless... but thanks to the system its fine now :) .)

"Let's do the maths real quick..." Yuuto began, "If the UA entrance exam starts in 2 months, that means that there are 60 days until the exam. That means by the time the UA exam comes, I'd have done 60 daily quests. 60x3 (Stat Points) = 180... So I'd get 180 stat points after only 2 months??" He muttered with his imaginary glasses and braces on his face.

'In that case, after 2 months... I'd get the one stat equivalent of 18 adults?' He questioned, not knowing if that was good or not.

Sure, it might be a good thing for a quirkless nobody like him... but would it really be good enough for UA, literally the best high school for future heroes?

"No... it's not enough" He had to find a way to become stronger.

'Skills' He spoke in his mind.


Passive Skills:

- Undying Willpower

Active Skills:

- Dash

(A/N: Give suggestions for skills for him, pls.)

Quickly reading over the Dash skill and seeing both the cost and speed boost, it was quite nice.

However, what was truly good, was the [Undying Willpower] skill.

[Skill: Undying Willpower]

[Passive Skill]

[Mana Required to Activate: None]

[Through your willpower, your body is able to force itself to strengthen in order to prevent death. When health goes below 50%, your stats increase by 50%. When health goes below 25%, your stats increase by 100% (Double). When health goes below 5%, your stats triple]

"Woah..." 'That seems OP' He let out a small gasp.

And finally, having checked both his status and skills, it was time to look at the final thing (Excluding the shop): 'Inventory'.

- [Rusty Knife x1]

[Durability: 5/100]

[+5 Attack]

- [Dirty Clothes x1]

- [Broken Headphones x1]

- [Mystery Box x1]

Raising his finger and tapping the square which held the mystery box icon, the screen showed

[Would you like to open Mystery Box x1?] (Y/N)

Tapping the YES button, again, the holographic screen turned white for a second, before a new icon appeared over where the mystery box previously was.

It was a small stone with a blue rune on it. Taking it out of the inventory, it appeared in Yuuto's hand.

[Skill Runestone: Bloodlust]

[Learn the Skill?] (Y/N)

At the speed of light, the YES button was pressed, enveloping Yuuto in blue particles which were only visible to him.

['Skill: Bloodlust' has been learned]

[Skill: Bloodlust]

[Active Skill]

[Mana Required to Activate: 3]

[Release a menacing aura which intimidates the target into submission. Use 3 MP to activate the skill at the minimal level. The amount of bloodlust released is based off of the amount of MP used, as well as the emotion of the user]


A/N: Hope last skill makes sense. What I'm saying it, 3MP is the minimum amount required to activate the skill at the minimal level with NO actual bloodlust from MC. However, to make the bloodlust skill stronger, it is dependant on the amount of extra MP added, and if the MC has strong emotions such as anger/actual bloodlust, it'll make the skill even stronger. Get it?



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