
the first conversation

"hi!" said jason

"m-my name is l-luna" luna said

"it's nice to meet you luna!" said jason

because of Jason's confidence luna instantly fell even more in love she felt trapped by this boy

luna notices this and instantly snaps her self out of it

"it's nice to meet you to!" said luna confidently

jason seeing this was admiring her will power and her confidence

luna seeing the admiration in his face started to get flustered

jason then noticed something

"wow your cute when your flustered" jason said

after hearing this Luna turned a bright shade of red

"u-uh ok I think your cute to" after realizing what she said she froze

after seeing her turn red he muttered out "beautiful"

luna heared and had a slight nose bleed

chapter 3 ended

hey quick question should I do a lot of this or do you want me to slow the story?