
a suspicious feeling

hi again last time I told u how my story started but now I'll be in the same time zone I'm in now

also thanks to all the people who liked my last story

after luna saw this she was shocked at the speed of the wolf human she looked outside but

she no longer felt the feeling of being watched so she decided to just sleep until tomorrow

when she woke up luna started thinking that it was a dream but when she got up she realised that the bed sheets had been in a similar position as it had been in the dream (nudge nudge)

so luna immediately new that that dream... was real

knowing this luna had forgot about school and had turned up late to class becouse of this she got after school detention

she seated at her usual desk but instead of being bored like she usaly was she felt that feeling that someone was watching her again she quickly looked around and saw a unfamiliar face but at the same time it also felt familiar

haveing noticed this luna put her hand up

the teacher said "yes luna?"

luna said in reply "has that guy always been in are class?" she points at the unknown person

"no hes new hear if you where hear on time you would know that" the teacher said

"hey newby why don't you introduce yourself to luna!" a random student shouted

the unknown person then said "ok jocky hi there I'm jason"

luna asked in reply "do you have anything you like?"

luna had actually been interested in jason

jason said to Lunas question "I like hunting, exercising and reading!"

luna had instantly fell in love with this man becouse he had a good figure a good brain a confident attitude and even felt a weird connection as if they had met before

luna instantly realised she already fell for who she would label as mister perfect if she had to give him a nickname the only people who wouldn't like him who are girls or gay people are the people who like the shy type

as she realised she had been stareing at him she said "uh hi there I'm luna!"

chapter 2 finished