
Online In Another World

In this world, there are those that are fortunate and those who are not. Ethan Bellrose is neither; he is cursed. At nineteen, he has lived his entire life sheltered in his home as his fragile body blisters under sunlight, breaks under the slightest impact, and falls to any sickness. However, the arrival of a world-changing digital service catches the hopeless young man’s eye: “Reincarnation Online”--a virtual reality experience that gives a new fantastical life to those who are unfulfilled with their current path. For Ethan Bellrose, the choice is simple. Without hesitation, he orders the virtual reality headgear, choosing to abandon his current life and live forevermore in the world of fantasy, magic, and endless adventure–”Arcadius.” Though what he finds is a world not full of leisure and trivial triumph, but a world just as alive and full of darkness, glory, and grandeur as Earth–if not greater. Starting from square one as an infant, given a new name and family, this is the eventful life, full of dreadful lows and exhilarating highs, of “Emilio Dragonheart.” [...Booting System…] [Welcome to Reincarnation Online.] [You will henceforth by the recipient of the Dragonheart System.] [Please, enjoy your stay.]

DelzGB · Fantasy
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485 Chs

Gramps Urming

The man rubbed his chin with his sable glove before glancing at the young boy, "Oh, I see. It's like that, then. Well, get to it–I'm expecting my payment by tonight. If I don't have it, well…"

There was something being alluded to by the man's words, though he didn't know what it was, Reno certainly did as she visibly shivered.

"...I know!...I know…I'll have it," Reno said through a quivering voice.

The tension in the air was palpable as the darkly-dressed man stared down at the girl before returning to smile, patting her on the head, "Well, that's all I came here to say! As long as you know."

Just as the mysterious man turned away to leave, he noticed what was hanging from around the man's neck–a necklace bearing the unmistakable badge of an adventurer.

He's an adventurer…? He thought.


There was silence for a solid minute as Reno stood there, not breathing again until the man was out of sight completely.

"Who was that?" He finally asked, quietly.