
Online Game- My Healing Become A Permanent Buff

Su Ming entered the VRMMO game and received a strong talent at the very start.[Grace of Life]: Eternal Tier Talent. When healed by its healing skills, you will randomly receive a layer of permanent buffs that cannot be removed…. “Frost Breaker” “Dragon’s Blessing” “Infernal Dark Flames”Eventually, Su Ming had stacked up thousands of layers of buffs that, when added, amounted to hundreds of thousands of buffs.When the Mythical Boss had spawned, Su Ming effortlessly tanked all of the Boss’s earth-shattering skills. With just a spell, he landed tens of billions of damage on the Mythical Boss in a matter of seconds.“WTF is this?! T-this is a Priest?!”All players stared at the scene blankly.All priest players cried envious tears after witnessing his feat. They were Priests too but why was there such a huge gap between them?This is experiment, what it become depends on you, Readers. For supporting me you can pay me in paypal : https://www.paypal.me/Gamer1080856 Paytm: 20rs. https://paytm.me/I-dCQ08 100rs. https://paytm.me/LbZz-6p I don't own the cover if you want to remove cover please comment.

Gamer_108 · Games
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Chapter 4: The Bishop’s Reward 『Divine Spirit』

Half an hour later…

"Ding! Congratulations on obtaining the『Increased Wisdom Lv1』buff."


Su Ming was still stacking multiple buffs on himself.

His figure was particularly striking in the Church Hall.

By this time, many players who were inside the Church of Light also saw Su Ming's actions.

Of course, the players were confused.

"What kind of divine art is this bro doing to constantly give himself healing spells?"

"Is he on a special quest?"

"Haha, don't joke! If this was a hidden mission, I, your father, would lick the floor right here and then."

Just then, a guard walked out from the church.

He walked directly to Su Ming and respectfully said, "Adventurer, the Bishop has invited you for an audience. Please follow me."

"Bishop Halman? Lead the way."

Su Ming remembered the favorability prompt from before, so he readily agreed to it.

He followed the guard into the church.

For a moment, the plaza went silent as all eyes were on the player who shouted "lick the floor".

The player was so angry that his face turned green. How thick-faced must he be if he were to continue standing here? With his tail between his legs, he hurriedly ran off.


Inside the church, Su Ming met Bishop Halman.

"Adventurer, I'm touched by your devotion towards the Holy Light, so I've decided to reward you. Here are two silver-grade skill books, you can choose one of them."

Bishop Halman took out two skill books with golden covers.

Silver-grade skill books?!

As soon as his words fell, the eyes of the players who were visiting the church instantly shifted on them.

"Dafuq! Did I hear that right… silver-grade skill books?!"

"People are still trying to buy a bronze-grade skill book and one copy costs 3000 yuan. These silver-grade skill books, they'd be worth 10,000 yuan for f*ck's sake!"

"A skill book is actually worth a month's salary. Man, I'm jealous."

The players looked at Su Ming with envy and couldn't wait to be the one accepting the reward.

Ignoring the others, Su Ming carefully read the information of the two skill books.

『Divine Spirit』(Silver-grade skill book)

『Manifold Light Missile』(Silver-grade skill book)

"I choose the『Divine Spirit』skill book."

Su Ming quickly made his choice.

Although the『Manifold Light Missile』was a rare attack skill, the first skill book could summon the spirit of the holy light, an elemental creature with healing abilities.

And that spirit perfectly matched his『Life's Grace』for casting more buffs.

"Excellent choice!" Seeing Su Ming's choice, Bishop Halman was even more pleased; "The Divine Spirit is the purest elemental life, I hope you can better comprehend the power of Holy Light from its accompaniment."


"[Aaron Town] Bishop Halman's favoritism towards you has increased by +15 points. Current favoritism: 65."

Su Ming was again rendered speechless by the system prompt.

This Halman's favorability towards him was inexplicably increasing every time?!

Even so, Su Ming was naturally delighted to be able to receive a skill book.

"Thank you for your gift."

Su Ming politely thanked and spun around, leaving the church under the envious eyes of other players.


On the street outside the church…

"Ding! Congratulations on acquiring the skill『Divine Spirit Lv1』."

Su Ming decisively studied the skill.

『Divine Spirit』(Silver-grade)

Grade: 1(0/500)


-Summons a holy light elemental using 50% of the user's HP.

-Restores 2 units of [skill level * 100] HP for 5 seconds.

Cooldown: 15 seconds

MP Consumption: 30.

"Unexpectedly, this skill provides a regeneration effect."

Su Ming was very satisfied.

Furthermore, during the half hour he spent at the Fountain of Radiance, he casted up to 148 layers of buffs.

『Increased Strength Lv70』『Increased Physique Lv50』『Increased Agility Lv36』『Increased Wisdom Lv20』

ID: Cang Hai

Level: 1 (0/200)

HP: 1200

MP: 768


Strength: 80

Physique: 60

Agility: 40

Wisdom: 32

These attributes were overpowered!

The HP had actually exceeded 1000!

No one would believe if someone were to say that these were the attributes of a Lv1 player.

As time passes by, the gap between Su Ming and an ordinary player would widen.

The Eternal-Tier Talent was indeed worthy of its name.

"To rest the results of my half hour buffs, it's time to hunt monsters now."

Speaking of this, Su Ming headed towards the Black Crow Forest.


Along the trail in Black Crow Forest…

There were a large number of Lv1 Wild Wolves distributed in the forest and their attributes were similar to the players. If the players were to get careless, they'd get killed by the wild wolves in a matter of seconds.

Therefore, all players were hunting wild wolves in teams of five or six.

Soon, Su Ming discovered a sparsely populated location.

From the forest, five or six giant wolves were gazing at him with cold eyes.

[Wild Wolf]

Level: 1

Rank: Ordinary

HP: 190

Attack: 21

Defense: 8

Magic Defense: 3

Skills: Pluck Lv1, Claw Lv1


The wild wolf snarled and pounced as it ruthlessly thrusted its claws towards Su Ming.

However, Su Ming stood there, looking all relaxed at the wild wolf's attack, as if he was not fighting a monster but leisurely traveling instead.

-0, -0, -0, ...

A series of numbers popped up, and as expected, all of them were zero. Obviously, Su Ming's physical defense was at 60 which was 3 times the attack power of the wild wolf. The wolf was bound to have a crushing defeat in the first place!

"What a pathetic 'injury', heh. Now it's my turn to attack!"

Su Ming took out his staff and slammed it on the wild wolf.



With the sound of bones snapping, the wild wolf's head was smashed into pulp. And that, ladies and gents, was what Su Ming's ordinary attack could do to those low level monsters!


Su Ming looked at the useless beginner staff before decisively retracting his backpack. He added some more artistic features to the scene by smacking the bloody wolf's head before leaving.


A dull ringing sound reverberated into his ears.


The tremendous force blasted the giant wolf's corpse several meters away. The result was its body being smashed and twisted. Ah, what a magnificent art!

The system prompted.


"You've killed 1 wolf. EXP gained: 10."


Occasionally, it was good to experience a close combat where the punches hit the flesh.

And so, Su Ming changed his target and rushed towards the other wolves.


"You've killed 1 wolf…"


Wolf corpses flew over the place as Su Ming's EXP grew rapidly.

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