
Oni in MHA

Ayame, a genius at fighting, an heir to a big yakuza family died when her residence was raided by a rival yakuza family. Got a chance by meeting ROB and granted 3 wish she choose to reincarnated at her favorite anime My Hero Academia. [Semi OP] [Yuri, I want to try romance but expect a slow-paced one for romance][No Harem !!][ Expect Slight AU ] Disclaimer : I do not own MHA, Nakiri Ayame, or Cover image The author only own the idea and OC Warning : - Posted on Webnovel.com, ScribbleHub, and (Waiting for Approval on RoyalRoad under the same Pen Name) Support : https://www.patreon.com/raizarp (More than 10 Advanced Chapters!) Buy me a Coffee!! https://ko-fi.com/raizarp My Other Series! https://www.scribblehub.com/profile/61227/raizarp/ Discord: https://discord.gg/CM7BRUdd Release Schedule: 1 Chapter/ 3 Days

RaizarP · Anime & Comics
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61 Chs

Chapter 48 – Another normal day, or not.

Yo~ The webnovel finally put my new series on my profile.

If you are interested in my new series, yuri with 18+ scenes! You could always check it! The title is The New Horizon.

By the way, it's a VRMMORPG theme that allowed sexual harassment inside the game, no r*pe though!

Well then folks, enjoy the chapters!!


1st POV

"Yo~ Good Morning!" I said as I entered 1A's classroom.

Because I went to the school at the last minute, everybody was sitting in the classroom already.

"Oh, Nakiri! Your punishment is done?" Asked Iida. "That's good! You can attend the class again!"

"Ou, It has been 3 days since I entered UA's ground." I answered Iida while looking at the classroom.

I saw Midoriya slumped in his seat without energy. Following my gaze, Iida also looked at Midoriya.

"It's rare for him to be like that, I wonder what's going on." Asked Iida.

I pretended to not know anything about yesterday and walked on my seat.

"Well, there is a day when a person wanted to laze around. Maybe it's his day?" I said as I smiled.

"Certainly…" Answered Iida.

Tokoyami, Ojiro, Ashido, and Kirishima who knew the truth were looking away from me. They stick around with Midoriya until the end yesterday, so they knew about how I bea- spar with Midoriya until night.

I sat in my seat and called Yaoyorozu in front of me.

"Yaoyorozu, can I borrow your note? I wanted to know what I miss in these 3 days."

"Sure…" Yaoyorozu takes notebooks from her bag and gave it to me. "I plan to let you borrow these anyway. You can return it anytime you want."

"Thank you, I will return it tomorrow." I took the notebooks and put them in my bag. "By the way, the Sports Festival is next week right? What did you do to prepare for it?"

"I mostly read about chemistry and about the molecular structure to add more creations as my cards. How about you Nakiri? I heard that some of our classmates were training in your house." Asked Yaoyorozu.

Jiro and Uraraka who heard that were interested and approached us.

"Well, the training was hard!! I come 2 days ago but I can't come yesterday because of something. I really wanted to train again in Nakiri's house." Said Uraraka.

'Come to think of it, that's true. I forgot about her yesterday and didn't count her in!! Somehow, sorry…' I thought. I really forget about Uraraka yesterday, my mind was full about how to train Midoriya to the point I forget his love interest!!

"Is the training that hard?" Asked Jiro.

"I-" As Uraraka was about to answer Jiro, Ashido suddenly came from behind and shout.


"Right, it was fun!!" I said as I offered a high five to Ashido. She understands what I want and we high-fived.

Uraraka looked at me with dead eyes, I bet she thinks like 'Only you can enjoy that!' or something.

"But, Midoriya also joined your training right? If the training was fun, why he ended up like that." Asked Yaoyorozu. Jiro looked at Midoriya and nodded her head.

"Umu, I phrase it wrongly. It was fun for me, I don't know how other people felt. But I know that Ashido was having fun too." I nodded my head sagely.

Ashido let out a dry laugh and looked away from Yaoyorozu.

"I-Is that so… then it's hard as expected?" Asked Jiro.

This time Uraraka nodded repeatedly and said. "Super super hard!! On the first day, Deku went home like a zombie. This time he looked like that, I don't know what happen this time but I bet his training was getting harder!!"

"Ashido, do you know anything about his training?" Asked Yaoyorozu.

Ashido looked at me which I replied with a smile. But, instead of telling them about Midoriya's training, she looked away terrified.

"N-no, I didn't know anything!!" Said Ashido in a monotone.

"You don't need to get that scared Ashido, I will not ask you to train like Midoriya yesterday." I said.

Ashido turned to me and said. "You promise?"

I smiled as I put my index finger on my cheeks and said. "I wonder~ Maybe if you told them, I will not do it?"

Yaoyorozu, Jiro, and Uraraka looked at me suspiciously. While Ashido gets terrified and flees.

"W-well, you can ask Kirishima for that!! Or maybe Ojiro and Tokoyami!!" She put the responsibility on the other and walked backway to her seat.

"Hahahaha, how about you ask Midoriya directly?" I said to the other three and they nodded.

As we are chatting, the door was opened and the Present Mic comes in.


Jiro and Uraraka went to their seat and the class was started.


3rd POV

(UA's Meeting Room)

Inside the meeting room, All Might and the other teacher were sitting on the chair waiting for someone. The door of the meeting room was opened and Nakiri Asano followed by Nakiri Nana went inside the room.

"I'm sorry, we are a bit late. We got in a traffic jam." Said Asano.

"Don't worry about it, Nakiri-dono. Please take a seat in that chairs." Nezu said as he pointed at the seat in front of him.

"Thank you, so what is this meeting about? Nezu-dono." As Asano sit down on the chair, the atmosphere around him changed. He turned serious and asked Nezu,

All Might and the other teachers could feel it because of their long experience working as a hero. The man in front of them was dangerous.

Nana watching the teacher turned wary around them sighed.

'My husband can't hold himself back when the topic related to Ayame as always. I hope he can make a good judgment.' Thought Nana.

"2 Days ago, it seems your daughter come here. She talked with All Might about a certain matter, and it seems she asked for our help to protect her family. Did you know something about that, Nakiri-dono?" Nezu put his arms on the table to support his head and asked Asano.

"I don't know anything about that, it seems she moves by herself. She's at that age after all." Asano sighed slightly and put on a slight smile.

"Is that so, then can you tell your daughter that we agree to help her?" Said Nezu.

"No problem. I will tell her about it. Then, let's get into the real problem here." Said Asano as he leaned back on his chair.

"Indeed, let's talk about it." Nezu looked at All Might and answered with a nod from him. "Please tell us all you know about All for One."

The rest of the teachers who didn't know All for One were confused. They looked at Nezu and Asano alternatively.

Asano thinking for a while and let out a long sigh. The atmosphere around him turned normal for a second before changed again. This time, a black horn appeared on his head as he put his arm on top of the table and said.

"Where do you want me to start?"

Author Here~

More than 40 Advanced chapters (For all my works) Are available on my Patr-eon!!


You can find it: https://pat-reon.com/raizarp

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Most of the money from my Patr-eon will go to help me write better and Ordering an Illustration for both of my works.


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Word Count: 1134

RaizarPcreators' thoughts