
One Punch Of Justice

One Punch Justice is a thrilling tale of a hero named Saitama, who finds himself transported to a parallel universe of the One Piece world. In this universe, the characters are the same, but events unfold differently, and Saitama is determined to uphold justice and punish wrongdoers, whether they be pirates or the navy. As Saitama traverses this treacherous world, he discovers that it is filled with darkness and evil. However, his presence brings light to the ordinary people, and he becomes their beacon of hope. Saitama's quest for justice takes him on a perilous journey, where he faces many challenges and battles against powerful foes. The story is not limited to the One Piece world, as Saitama will continue to traverse to other parallel universes, where he will remain unbeatable in any worldview. With each new world, Saitama's battles become more intense, and the stakes are higher. Prepare to be captivated by the relentless suspense that engulfs the pages of One Punch Justice. Unravel the mysteries, navigate the treacherous twists, and witness Saitama's unwavering determination as he unravels the darkness that plagues each world he traverses. Brace yourself for an exhilarating expedition into a realm where heroes rise, justice prevails, and the unknown awaits at every turn.

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49 Chs

OPJ Chapter 21: Should White Beard Call me Daddy?

Marines received newspapers year-round, making them the biggest customers of the World Economy News Paper. After Saitama apologized repeatedly, the News Coo didn't dare utter a word. He handed the newspaper to Saitama and sadly flew away. Saitama chuckled and scratched his head, then eagerly opened the newspaper.

The Morgans, a giant news bird, had monopolized all the world's newspapers. Each day, the news they reported had a significant impact on the world. The marines and pirates relied heavily on this source of information and propaganda, but ordinary pirates were more interested in the bounty attached to the wanted posters in the newspaper.

The bounty order, issued by the marines, was a barometer of pirate strength. The lowest bounty meant a pirate was weak and anyone could defeat them. But pirates with the highest bounties were monsters, and they couldn't be provoked. The bounty amount offered by the marines revealed everything about a pirate's strength.

As Saitama perused the latest news, he stumbled upon a familiar name: "Portgas D. Ace..." He read the name and the bounty order: "The second division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates, 'Fire Fist Ace', Bounty --- 550 million Belly..."

Excitement washed over Saitama as he recognized Ace, a formidable pirate with an impressive bounty. It was a stroke of luck to come across his name, and Saitama couldn't help but wonder what Ace was up to now.


Meanwhile, Garp, who was still out on a mission, received a call from the Fleet Admiral, demanding an explanation for the latest news.

"Explain yourself, Garp!" barked the Admiral.

But Garp couldn't help but burst into fits of hysterical laughter, "BWAAA-HA-HA…"

On the other end of the line, the Admiral seethed with anger at Garp's reaction. "What's so funny, Garp?! This is a catastrophe that could throw the entire ocean into chaos! And to make matters worse, it's your own grandson involved in this mess!"

Garp's outburst of laughter echoed through the phone, "BWAAA-HA-HA… Now, that's impressive! I'd expect nothing less from my grandson."

The Fleet Admiral had reached his limit, his fury palpable even through the phone, "Stop joking around! Your son is the leader of a revolutionary army, and now your grandson has become Whitebeard's son... If it weren't for your heroism as a Marine, you'd be held accountable for the crimes of your family, Garp!"

But Garp remained unfazed, munching on rice crackers as he spoke, "Ah, don't be so angry, Sengoku-san..."

As the call ended, Garp chuckled to himself with disdain, "It's not a big deal. Ace became Whitebeard's son. So as Ace's grandpa, it's only natural that Whitebeard should call me Daddy too, BWAAA-HA-HA…"


The Fleet Admiral was momentarily speechless, never imagining the day when Garp would be dragged to a military court. His anger stemmed not just from the Ace situation, but also from Garp's nonchalant attitude towards it all. Garp seemed too comfortable, as if nothing had happened!

However, Sengoku knew him well, having been his friend for decades. He understood that Garp was still sharp and capable of handling any problem. A warning call should suffice.

With a resigned sigh, Sengoku hung up the phone and muttered to himself, "Garp... Your family needs to stop giving me headaches..."

Garp's laughter faded away as he stared at the Den Den Mushi. His wrinkled face appeared weary once again. "Ace... Why won't you listen to your grandpa? If I run into you in the sea again, what am I supposed to do? Ground you?" He shook his head, chuckling to himself, "Who am I kidding? You're a grown man now."


To Saitama, this was just another mundane day. The same couldn't be said for Garp. When Ace decided to set sail as a pirate, Garp's sense of loyalty was torn apart. It was like a sharp blade piercing his heart. But for Saitama, it was just another duty to perform. He had no personal attachment to Ace. They weren't friends or family, just mere acquaintances that he used to know.

If Ace followed the law, it made no difference to Saitama whether he became a pirate or not. However, breaking the law would require him to take action, even if it meant delivering the final blow.

No one was above the law, not even if they were acquainted. If someone committed a crime, they should be treated like a common criminal. Saitama's aim was to bring justice to those who deserved it. And justice meant killing Ace, if necessary.

The sea breeze gently caressed his cheeks, causing some pleasant itches. Saitama took a deep breath and muttered, "Looks like another dull day in paradise."

As Saitama settled down to sleep, a sudden shout from the navigator on the mast jolted him awake.

"Commodore!" the navigator cried out. "There's a warship approaching from the rear, flying the flag of the Headquarters! Shall we hail them?"

"The Headquarters?" Saitama was perplexed. He shook his head repeatedly. "No, it's too bothersome. Let them go on ahead."

Despite Saitama's orders to refrain from communicating with the warship, fate had other ideas in store for them.

"Hello there!" came a voice from the HQ ship. "We're from the Headquarters..."

The two boats were traveling side by side, and a man with a well-groomed hair, a scar under his right eye, and bolts attached to his knuckles shouted to the sailors on the opposite deck.

"I'm Captain Fullbody, of the Marine Headquarters," he continued. "Which branch are you from? I'm escorting a bounty hunter, but there's been a sudden emergency. Could you possibly help us keep this criminal in custody for a while? I'll return tomorrow or thereabouts."

Although the current top officer of the 153rd branch held the rank of captain, their department differed greatly from that of the Headquarters. In fact, their positions were separated by three different levels, making them quite distinct from each other.

As the group of people awaited a response, they dared not make any statements and could only wait for the highest-ranking officer on their ship to reply.

Suddenly, Fullbody jumped over to Saitama's ship and flashed a sly smile. "Well, hello there, pretty boy," he said. "Could you do us a favor?"

Saitama looked at Fullbody with his usual blank expression. "No," he simply replied.

As a lieutenant, Fullbody wasn't dressed appropriately for his duty. He wore stylish clothing, as if he was on vacation.

"Sure enough... An urgent task is just an excuse... Whait! did you said No?" with surprise.

Saitama nodded. "Yes, I did. It's just too much trouble. I have my own things to take care of and can't be bothered with babysitting a criminal. So, I refuse."

"Hey, man, don't be so inhumane..." Fullbody pleaded, his tone becoming more desperate.

Saitama shrugged. "It's not my problem. Deal with it."

Fullbody let out a weary sigh and shrugged his broad shoulders. "Alright, I'll come clean... Today was supposed to be my day off, but fate had other plans. I stumbled upon a notorious pirate with fearsome abilities, and duty called me to apprehend him."

He paused for a moment and looked at Saitama's bald head and stoic expression. Something clicked in his memory and he gasped in realization. "Hold on a second... Aren't you Loguetown's Commodore, Saitama?"

Saitama blinked and turned to the man standing in front of him. "It's me. What's wrong?" he asked, puzzled.

The man, grinned and exclaimed, "Ha! Nothing's wrong, but I've heard a lot about you!"

Fullbody's excitement was palpable as he looked Saitama up and down, sizing him up. "It's incredible. I've heard that countless sea pirates have met their end at your hands over the years. Even the Pirate Fleet Admiral of the largest fleet in the East Blue, Krieg, was no match for you and his fifty warships were easily sunk by you alone. And now, it seems luck is on my side since I caught Gin the 'Man-Demon' today... thanks to you!"

Saitama didn't say anything, but tilted his head in thought.

"Krieg... Who is that?" he wondered to himself.

Brimming with enthusiasm. He grabbed Saitama's hand and exclaimed, "It's rare to meet you here today, guarding the entrance to the Grand Line like an iron wall! Please, let me treat you to a meal!"

Saitama hesitated. "But aren't you supposed to be on a date...?"

Fullbody waved his hand dismissively. "Dates can wait, but meeting a new generation of justice-minded marines like you is a rare opportunity!"

Fullbody talked for a while longer, but Saitama still seemed hesitant. So he stroked his chin, deep in thought.

"Come on, let me treat you to a meal! Please don't refuse my invitation, it's on me... please!"

Saitama's face lit up at the offer. "You're so generous! Okay, I'm in!"


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