
One punch man:Traveling between worlds

This story is about a simple otaku who has above-normal physical powers and psychic powers who doesn't use these abilities for anything, except for basic things. This is our protagonist who lives in a time of peace. Being the son of two heroes, he doesn't have much to do other than read manga or watch anime since his parents are already stronger themselves, not letting their son have the opportunity to be a hero. But what would happen if this boy traveled to the worlds he reads about and sees every day? And that's what we're going to find out.

Joel2018_Assis · Anime & Comics
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66 Chs

The cultural festival part 1

After my "incident" with Rumi, I now don't know whether to tell Mina the truth or not.

I never thought I would be in a situation like the protagonist of a Harem, but here we are making my situation worse. I also don't know if my mother will like knowing that I have 3 girls interested in me.

Anyway, I have to take Eri for a walk around U.A so she can learn about the festival that's going to happen.

I decide to take Eri to class A's dorm first so she can meet Izuku and the others. The moment Eri and I arrived we saw that Mina was teaching the group how to dance.

💭Mina is doing well with rehearsals.

- These....are...your students? - Eri asks holding my hand.

- Yes, they are, but before I was a student, it was only after a fight that I became a pro hero. - I respond and the two of us approach the group.

- Apparently you are doing well in rehearsals. - I say this making the group look at us.

- Saito! - Everyone said at the same time and they walked towards the two of us.

- Who is that girl? Is it Eri? - Uraraka asks.

- Yes, it's her. - I answer.

- What a beautiful outfit she is wearing. - Tsuyu praises.

- I decided to bring my sister so she can get used to people from outside and so she doesn't get scared easily around new people. - I say this taking everyone by surprise.

- She your sister?! - The Group shouted and in the process scared Eri who hid behind me and she even used my cape as protection.

- There was no need to shout! As you can see she is shy, so go easy on her. Now about the fact that she is my sister, she was adopted by my parents. Now she is called Eri Tatsumaki. - I say that and Eri slowly reveals her face.

- Nice to meet you Eri, I'm Iida. - Iida introduces himself and Mineta is next.

- I'm Mineta! I hope to meet you in 10 years. - Mineta said that I'll soon make him hit the ground because of what he said.

- Be careful with your words Mineta, or you'll spend a good few years in the hospital. - He said that with a frightening expression.

Moving forward, the next one was Izuku who approached Eri and she looked at Izuku and then at me.

- Why are there two Saito? - Eri asks, which makes me laugh lightly.

- No Eri. There aren't two of me. This is Izuku Midoriya who is considered my twin brother because we both have an almost identical appearance, the only differences are: The color of our hair, Izuku is dark green and I am light green, in addition to the difference in height. - I explain to Eri.

💭There's also the fact that he has pimples and I don't.

- Another thing. I'm going to introduce U.A to Eri. Do you want to go Izuku? - I ask him.

- Yes. - Izuku responds and then the door to the dormitory opens.

- Hey, we have to talk to the dance group! - Said Kirishima, but he soon sees Eri.

- Eri-chan! Saito brought you. Oh! You must not know me. - Kirishima said, approaching.

- Then let's take a break. Now it's tea time! - shouted Mina.


At break time, Izuku, Eri and I entered the school to start Eri's tour.

- Even though today is a holiday, there are a lot of people in the dorms preparing for the festival. - The moment I said that, 3rd year students appeared.

- Oh! Saito-sensei. - Said a student.

- Wait a second! You have a daughter?! - Said another student and I have a neutral expression.

- I'm too young to be a Father. - I answer the students.

They gave flyers to Izuku and me, talking about the lecture that will take place on the day of the festival.

After exploring the school I took Eri to the open area where the students are preparing the sites for the festival.

- It's a month away, but the staff is very busy. - Izuku said.

- It seems like everyone wants to do their best this year. - I say this thinking about what a festival like this would be like in my world.

💭With the heroes we have, I don't think this will be possible.

At that moment a fake dragon skull appears in front of us, scaring Eri a little, at the same moment I notice that the person holding the dragon head is a student from Class B Tetsutestu.

- Oh! Sorry. It's Midoriya from Class A. - He said, but at the same time Monoma appears behind his colleague.

- Well well. Do you really have time to waste here? - He said, but Izuku and I ignored him and looked at Eri.

- Are you okay Eri-chan? - Izuku asks and Eri nods.

- Hey, are you really going to ignore me? Your gang is going to put on a show, right? Are you sure about that? I'll be very clear, this time class B will surpass them. Romeo, Juliet and the Prisoner of Azkaban: Return of the King. We will make a spectacular, completely original work of fantasy! - Monoma declares.

💭This kid is so annoying. Will a punch keep him quiet? What's more, a mix of Harry Potter and Juliet's Romeo? That it? A 9 o'clock soap opera with magic?

- You better get ready! You'll have to wipe your tears when we beat you!Hahahahaha!!!! - Monoma starts laughing like crazy and at the same moment he falls to the ground due to my punch. At the same time this happened, Izuku covered Eri's eyes.

- Oh. Sorry about that, I can't control myself when something is irritating me like a fly. - I say this using a neutral face and another student appears who is Awase.

- Sorry, Sensei, but without Kendo, there's no way to control him. - Awase said, taking Monoma by the shoulder.

- How strange, she is usually with him. - Izuku said.

-  That's not the case this time. She is now participating in the beauty pageant. - Awase explains, taking Izuku by surprise.

- Beauty contest?! - Izuku said. - Yes, they forced her to participate. - Awase ends.

- I'm not Monoma, but good luck to you Class A. - Said Tetsutestu, leaving with his colleagues.

- You didn't say anything that there would be a beauty contest. - Izuku said, looking at me.

- I forgot. - I respond as if it were something natural and Izuku lets out a sigh.

- It doesn't surprise me... - Izuku responds.

- But there is one person who is very excited for this contest. - I say to Izuku.

- Who? - He asks.

- Last year's runner-up Nejire Hado. - I answer.


We went to the Equipment Room to see Nejire and saw her floating wearing a beautiful emerald green and light green dress. Eri was amazed to see Nejire's beauty.

- Hey, why is Eri here? That's weird? Why? It will be so fun! - Nejire said, approaching us.

💭My god, she talks too much.

But while I was focused on what she said, Izuku is focused on the two big "personalities" that Nejire has.

- You have an individuality..... Your face..... your face... and Well, well well... - Izuku said, not knowing what to say or what to look at, so I decide to help.

- It's proportional. - I say that, but Izuku starts to get confused, but he manages to speak.

- It's amazing that you didn't win! - Izuku said.

Saito:💭You can't do it, right? Izuku?

Izuku:💭I can't help It! The boobs are in front of me!

Saito: 💭You're lucky that Nejire is airheaded, so she'll only notice her gaze if you're direct, but I can't blame you, I'd be lost in that "horizon" too.

- Have you heard? Every year I don't win! There's always an amazing girl! The beauty pageant queen. Bibimi Kenzaraki, from Class G of the 3rd year of the support course. - Nejire explains.

💭Well, Beauty is suggestive for every human being, even if for some the person is too ugly.

At that moment Tamaki enters the conversation.

- In this year's contest, Kendo will participate and she has won the public's favor in a commercial. Hado is also motivated. But to do a good performance in front of so many people... Just thinking about it... Gives me a stomach ache. - Tamaki said, kneeling on the floor.

With that, Nejire said that she will do her best to win the competition since this is her last year before graduation.

Soon after that we went to the support room where we spoke to Mei Hatsune. I admit that if Izuku hadn't been interested in Uraraka, maybe he would have liked Mei.

The reason I think about this is the possible synergy they can have. Izuku is creative with the way he uses One for All and Mei is good with her inventions that help Izuku a lot in combat, in addition to him helping Mei in creating powerful inventions.

Combine the two and you get a great pair of future heroes, but as much as it would be a good thing to see, I can't change Izuku's interest, well technically I can, but I'm not crazy about doing that.

After that we went to the cafeteria to eat something.

- Well, I think that was all. - I say this while eating a sandwich.

- What did you think Eri? - Izuku asks.

- I don't know..... But..... There are so many people working hard. What will happen? - Eri responds and Izuku and I smile along with her response.

- That's expectation. - Said the Director who is eating cheese at the next table with Midnight.

- I'm glad you brought her, Saito-san. I'm also looking forward to the cultural festival. The students worked hard to make fun projects that entertained. - Said the Director.

- After the police, so much happened.... - Midnight was about to continue, but Nezo stopped her.

- Stop, Kayama. Well, enjoy the festival. - Said the Director as he left the cafeteria.

💭This system in this world is as boring as mine. As always, the government sticks its nose where it shouldn't.

- I'm not going to say details, especially since you can ask Saito about what's happening. Well good luck young people. Oh! Saito, you need to spend more time in the teachers' lounge. - Midnight said

- And have you flirt with me? No thanks. - I respond that made Midnight laugh lightly and she leaves.

- Basically Izuku, we can't have invaders on the day of the festival. Because if that happens, no matter how small it is, the festival will be canceled instantly. So I and some other heroes are going to be on patrol around the school. - I'll explain it to him.

- How strict! - Izuku comments.

- Orders are orders, but I'm sure nothing bad will happen. - I say this drinking a juice.

Soon after that Izuku had to leave because his break time had ended leaving just me and Eri.

- So, Eri? Have you decided whether you want to go to the festival? - I ask.

- Yes.... I'm curious to see what will happen. - Eri responds.

- Well then, let's bring the whole family, I think our parents will like the festival. Maybe Dad won't care, but the intention is what matters. - I say this after finishing my snack.

- Hey, Onii-chan? - Eri calls me.

- Yes? - I answer.

- What are you, Mom were they talking about before you brought me here? - Eri asks and I have a thoughtful expression.

💭Ah. That "conversation"...

I stay silent for a few seconds and then come up with an answer.

- It's better you don't know that yet, Eri. You shouldn't worry about what my mother and I said to me. - I respond with a smile, but Eri insists.

- Does it have to do with me? - She asks.

- Actually, it has to do with me, but like I said. You don't need to worry Eri, this is just a problem I ended up causing. - I respond to her, who seems to be satisfied with my answer.

I look serious and thoughtful and look around the cafeteria, letting my mind wander. The reason I don't want to talk about this matter with Eri is because I want her to care about the festival rather than my problem that my mother told me. After all, this has a lot to do with my arrival in this world.

💭After all, it's just the possible consequences that my possible new power can cause, but I'm afraid that my time in this is running out....

To be continued....