
One Punch Man In Marvel

Li Wei just bought the “One Punch Superman” comic, but unfortunately he traveled to the Marvel world where gods and demons are everywhere. After receiving the inheritance of Saitama teacher, Li Wei knew that his life was destined to be no ordinary. “From now on! The earth! I will guard it!” said a bald head with a fierce expression, hammering his chest hard. “Really! Listen to me, don’t come to Earth again, if I punch it down, you may die!” A bald head solemnly said. “You better listen to him, otherwise the consequences will be very serious.” A purple sweet potato bald who was robbed of Infinity Gauntlet and was beaten with a bald head hiding in the corner whispered.

Renz_Udquin · Anime & Comics
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69 Chs

Chapter 33 【Venom】

"By the way, Parker, you called me last night, what's the matter?"

The three of them walked to the wide balcony yard, and Li Wei asked knowingly.

"Because of my good friend Harry, he was injected with spider venom, and now his body has undergone genetic mutations, and he has gained various physical abilities far beyond ordinary people."

"Because of the side effects of spider venom, he became bloodthirsty and militant, and he also knew who I was. He had a grudge that I didn't help him. If it wasn't for Max's help, I might not be able to subdue him. ." Peter said.

"Fortunately, with Max's help, we stopped Harry before he caused a lot of damage."

When Peter said this, Max couldn't help but stand up his chest.

As the first extraordinary event Max participated in, he built up confidence.

Although Harry possessed the power beyond the limit of the human body, under the joint efforts of the two of them, he easily defeated Harry.

Max, who was inferior in the past, has now become more confident.

"Hey, I have another date. I have to go first."

After Peter and Li Wei said goodbye, they left happily. The two lone wolves looked at each other and smiled awkwardly.

After leaving Li Wei's manor, Peter first went to the hospital to visit Harry. He was told by the doctor that although Harry had passed the dangerous period, when he would wake up is still unknown.

After leaving the hospital, Peter rode his small battery cart to take Mary Jane back home. At this moment, it's like love.


In the park.

In the woods, there is a huge amounts of spider web with two figures sleeping on it.

At this moment, a meteor suddenly flashed across the sky, and the two of them made a "wow" sound.

The two are not others, it is Peter and Mary Jane.

"Did you see it?" Peter asked.

"I saw it, it's so beautiful." Mary Jane said.

"Tell me you love me." Mary Jane turned to look at Peter.

"I love you, I love you to death, one is so."

Peter and Mary Jane looked at each other affectionately, and then they kissed each other.

They didn't notice. Just now they saw the passing meteor in the sky, and it fell straight into the park next to them, smashing a small hole, but there was no sound.

A black liquid flows out of the flaming meteorite, which seems to be alive, flowing quickly from the ground.

"We have to go." Peter said.

"Okay." Mary Jane nodded.

The two left, and Peter did not notice that a cloud of black liquid stuck to the sign on the back of his radio frequency car.

at the same time.

In a suburban area, Flint Mark was hurriedly running away.

Behind him, followed by a dozen policemen chasing him.

Flint Mark felt that he was very unlucky lately. He was robbed on the street by two nasty guys and sent to prison.

His life in prison is not easy, he is always bullied by the big guys inside.

Fortunately, he is not very good-looking, and his skin is not white and tender, otherwise his ass may not be able to keep the first time.

After going through many hardships, he finally escaped.

Although he was exhausted, he told himself that he must escape the police, and then made a lot of money.

Only in this way can he save his daughter.

At this time, Flint Mark's road ahead was surrounded by an iron net about two meters high.

Flint Mark turned his head to look at the dozen or so policemen behind him. Without the slightest hesitation, he climbed into the iron net.

"catch him."

"You two surround him from the east." The police shouted.

Flint Mark rushed forward in a panic. Suddenly, he stepped on the air and fell into a pit.

"Where did you go?"

The policemen outside the iron net lost sight of Flint Mark.

Flint Mark got up from the ground, he looked around suspiciously, not knowing what was going on.

The ground is full of sand, surrounded by hard concrete walls.

Naturally, Flint Mark didn't know that he broke into the nuclear bomb test area.

Suddenly, a beam of light illuminates Flint Mark.

The light went out, and the surrounding iron pillars flickered with electric lights. At first glance, it was not a safe place.

At the same time, in the laboratory next to it.

"The capacitor is fully charged."


"Donny, there is a slight fluctuation in Unit One."

"The quality of silicon has changed. It may be a bird that will fly away soon."

"Begin molecular synthesis."

As soon as the staff's words fell, the electrified iron pillar next to Flint Mark began to spin, swirling the surrounding sand, like a whirlpool of sandstorms, enclosing him in the center.

Flint Mark was terrified, and he rushed outside, but the spinning iron pillar instantly bounced him back.

The sandstorm continued to spin, and Flint Mark felt that he was about to suffocate, Roar became difficult to breathe, and the surrounding air seemed to be evacuated.

Suddenly, Flint Mark was horrified to find that his fingers had turned into sand and were sucked away by the spinning sandstorm.

Later, Flint Mark's arms and body turned into sand and joined the spinning sandstorm.

Flint Mark disappeared.

The dozen or so police officers who arrived late looked at the experimental pit, and they found nothing except a pile of sand.

"Damn it, where did he escape?"

The police could not believe that Flint Mark escaped under their noses.


The next day.

Nuclear bomb test area.

This deep pit used for experiments is full of sand.

It's just that today these sands have become different.

These sands flowed like a stream of water, forming a human-shaped appearance, but without holding on for a second, the human-shaped sand scattered into a pile.

These sands seem to be conscious, and after a few times of aggregation, they form a humanoid Sandman.

This "Sandman" saw the pocket watch in the sand. "It" picked up the pocket watch. Inside was a picture of a little girl.

It seems that the girl in the pocket watch gave "Sandman" power. "Sandman" suddenly became strong and became a man, Flint Mark!

If Levi is here, you will be surprised, Flint Mark is the villain Sandman in Spider-man3.

This guy's super Ability is so powerful that he can easily manipulate the sand through his mind.

He can convert his body into a sand-like substance to invalidate the enemy's attack.

You can also change the composition and density of your body into gravel or hard sandstone. Even changing the density of the body, turning any part of the body into a high-density simple weapon, is very powerful.

In Spider-man 3, Peter still failed to kill him completely until the end, which shows the power of Sandman's super Ability.

In the end, Flint Mark's evil heart was completely replaced by his love for his daughter, and he chose to change his evil heart.