
One Piece: Vicecaptain

Jade is just and average 19 yr old guy who’s main hobby is to watch anime. He lives an average life of studying, working, going to the gym, socialising, etc One day he stumbles across an ad while watching anime through illegal websites. “Why won’t this dam thing close?” Getting frustrated he clicks the ad [Would you like to play One Piece: Survival?] [Yes] or [Yes I would love to] Watch Jade get isekaid into the world of one piece Stumbling across Luffy and becoming the vice-captain of the straw hat pirates! Witness Jade gain respect from the strawhats while gaining a name for himself and a bounty Notice - Luffy will still be the true captain of the strawhats but Jade will be pulling strings in the background to ensure the crew victory Creator notice - This is my first novel so far. Sorry if I mess something up I’ll try fix it as soon as I can Please leave some suggestions and I’ll gladly contribute them to the novel

SilentDeath · Action
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

The Test

The mood in the bar was slightly tense as these powerful characters were staring each other down

"Before we officially join, we need to know how strong our potential captain is going to be" Zoro stated as he looks over at Luffys direction

Luffy looks back with a big grin "Dont worry, im very very strong" Luffy says as he flexes his rubbery muscles

Out of nowhere a sword slash comes towards Luffys neck but he dodges by ducking under it leaving the slash slicing the wall behind him

"hey- thats not nice" Luffy looks over at the direction of the attacker but in an instant a figure almost as if teleporting appears behind him and prepares to slice him down

Luffy barely dodges "Gum Gum Pistol!" his fist heads towards the figure in a terrifying speed but it misses and destroys the surrounding furniture

"You will be fighting me" The figure who was moving at a insane speed which the others couldn't clearly see it was reveals herself as Kuina.

"Hey go easy on him Kuina, He may have a devil fruit but this is just bullying" Zoro said while spectating the battle

"HEY, SNEAKING UP ON LUFFY LIKE THAT IS UNFAIR" Coby shouted in the sidelines while hiding behind jade

"nothing is fair in the real world" Zoro stares at pathetic sight of Coby cowering in fear

"Thats right Coby, were pirates fighting fair is the least of our problems" Jade tries to calm Coby down

"GUM GUM PISTOL" another fist goes towards Kuina as she dodges the fist easily

"Is this all you can do? I thought Devil Fruit users were powerful" Kuina states almost looking down on Luffy

"Dont look down on me!" Luffy says back "GUM GUM GATALING!" a barrage of fist moving at a fast speed comes towards Kuina

However as fast as she was,it was basically almost impossible to dodge this much punches as Kuina blocks and parries the incoming attacks but once in a while gets hit by a fist which hurts her substantially

"Wolf Rush" She spins her sword with such grace it almost seems entrancing and dashes forward appearing behind Luffy

"Hey that did nothing to me-" Luffy notices an X mark cut appearing on his chest causing him to groan in pain

"LUFFY" Coby shouts as he is scared for Luffy as he might lose this fight

"Dont worry about him, He is my captain after all" Jade smiles at Coby which slightly calms him down a little

'Luffy should be able to take her down but I cant say that for sure as it is Zoros rival which in the cannon story that she should be as strong or even stronger than Zoro right now' Jade continues to watch the fight

"SECOND GEAR" Luffy pumps air into his body as if increasing his blood pressure

'What?! Luffy shouldn't be able to use this until Enies Lobby. Second gear allows him to greatly increase his strength and speed. The Luffy in this world is stronger than I realized. The [Plot change] may be more complicated in the future'

"what are you doin-" Kuina looks at luffy while steam is coming off his body. A fist punches her in the stomach sending her flying through the air

Kuina kicks off the air almost as she was walking on it and dashes towards Luffy "I dont know what you did to your body but dont expect this fight to finish quickly"

Zoro looks at Luffy surprised in the sudden gain of strength Luffy got

"YEAH GO GET HER LUFFY" Coby cheers with slight tears in his eyes

Luffy moves out of the way of Kunia's attack "GUM GUM JET PISTOL!" His fist that almost as if moves of the speed of light hits Kunia's right shoulder

As Kuina gets hit with the attack she slices the fist that interacted with her causing it to bleed substantially

"This fight is very evenly matched" Jades says as he inspects the fight. Zoro nods in agreement

The fight continues in a repetitive manner as they trade steel and flesh with each other.

The commotion of the fight causes the surrounding small village to cower in fear as the destruction the two are causing are creating huge chaotic sounds

The villagers evacuate the village to reduce the damage

The fight continues for another 20 minutes

"How are you holding up Strawhat" Kuina says bruised and injured

"Pretty dam good" Luffy responds with his iconic grin as his body bleeds non stop

"Lets end this"

"yeah sure"



Luffys two fists moving at a terrifying rate clashes with the tornado of Kunia's slashes destroying everything around them in the process. It causes a bunch of dust to fill the air

Zoro, Jade and Coby spectate the fight with admiration

As the dust of the destruction clears two figures stand facing each other

The air is filled with an intense sense of bloodshed

"Your good Strawhat" Kuina says out loud smiling at Luffys direction. She may be fighting basically to the death but she respects her opponent no matter what

"You too, I need someone like you in my crew" Luffy says back

"Im going to finish this" "THIRD GEA-"

A thud could be heard as Kuinas body drops to the floor unconscious with a slight smile on her face

Luffy notices this and manages to stop his attack. Luffys body drops to the floor almost a second later

"Well, take care of us captain" Zoro looks at Luffy unconscious body while walking over to Kuina to pick her up

"LUFFY ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" Coby and Jade rush over to Luffy to take care of him

"dont worry, it will take a lot more than that to take my captain down" Jade says as he looks at Luffy with respect

"Hey whats your name. I need to at least know my future crewmates" Zoro looks towards jades direction

"The names Jade, and i may be weak now but i swear on anything in the world ill become stronger than even you or my captain someday" Jade responds

"Well, we will see about that" Zoro finds Jades declaration absurd but respects it nonetheless

Jade picks up Luffy and head towards their small boat to take a huge rest