
One Piece: Vicecaptain

Jade is just and average 19 yr old guy who’s main hobby is to watch anime. He lives an average life of studying, working, going to the gym, socialising, etc One day he stumbles across an ad while watching anime through illegal websites. “Why won’t this dam thing close?” Getting frustrated he clicks the ad [Would you like to play One Piece: Survival?] [Yes] or [Yes I would love to] Watch Jade get isekaid into the world of one piece Stumbling across Luffy and becoming the vice-captain of the straw hat pirates! Witness Jade gain respect from the strawhats while gaining a name for himself and a bounty Notice - Luffy will still be the true captain of the strawhats but Jade will be pulling strings in the background to ensure the crew victory Creator notice - This is my first novel so far. Sorry if I mess something up I’ll try fix it as soon as I can Please leave some suggestions and I’ll gladly contribute them to the novel

SilentDeath · Action
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7 Chs

Settling In..

"alright captain, so whats the plan" Kuina asks as she wraps bandages around her injuries

"well, i wanna head towards the Grand Line where the adventure really begins!" Luffy says as he stuffs more meat into his mouth

The group was now on board their relatively small ship which was still by the shore of shells town

Coby was left on the island as he was planning to become a marine which followed the main story

Each individual Luffy, Jade, Zoro and Kuina have started to make themselves comfortable on the ship which by the looks of it they would be on it for a while

"Well before we head there we need a navigator and a cook first as the Grand Line is a place to take seriously, and we would be kinda dumb to head there without a navigator" Jade exclaims as he continues to do his daily improved training of pushups, Sit-ups, etc

"Yeah im glad the second in command is relatively intelligent to make up with this crews captain " Kuina sighs as zoro nods in a agreement

"hey! Im not that bad" Luffy pouts in the corner of the ship

Jade while doing his training looks over to the two sword users "Can you guys teach me the basics?" he asks while displaying a pathetic attempt to swing his sword

Zoro walks over to Jade "You sure you got what it takes to train under me?" he says in a sinister tone "The sword is hard to master and you are struggling to even swing one-"

*bonk* Kuina smacks Zoro on the head with the hilt of her sword "give him a break, sorry about that zoro gets very competitive when it comes to swordsmanship. Ill be glad to teach you the basics" Kuina says with a reassuring smile as zoro groans in pain

"Thank you" Jade was now glad he now has proper teacher

Kuina proceeds to tutor jade and started with improving his posture and style. "Just swing the sword 1000 times in this posture, if i see you mess up the posture ill make u restart"

1000 may be a lot but its not that bad jade thought before Kuina put some weights on the sword hilt

"now start" Jade immediately regrets this decision as he can clearly feel the massive weight change

he couldn't even make it past 100 before dropping the sword as his arms begin to tremble in pain

"failed, try again" Kuina observes jade with her arms crossed

he continues to do this process for another 4 hours till the sun could no longer be seen, He failed up to 20 times and the maximum he could do was at least 450 sword swings before dropping the sword again

The sky soon becomes more darker as he continues this process for another 2 hours or so

"Im gonna head to sleep now, dont overwork yourself" Kuina yawns and heads to sleep while zoro and luffy was already fast asleep on deck

"I wont dont worry, Goodnight" Jade responds with a smile

Jade hasn't had a good look at Kuina yet but looking closer she was a beauty. She has silky very dark short blue hair with a slender yet physically built figure which contrasts well together, She had black eyes and has a very attractive seductive smile which in the eyes of males was very dangerous.

She smiles back at jade "Goodnight" she heads off on the mast of the ship and dozes off

Jade continues with his training he was given 'time to train' He grins

while training he looks over on the ship and sees his crew sleeping very peacefully. He loves this new life he was given, it makes Jade feel more free than usual. If he was ever gonna risk or sacrifice his life for anything it would be for this crew specifically

while training he couldn't help himself admire the view of the night sky, the stars were shining ever so bright while occasionally a flying star would come by

The atmosphere on the ship was so peaceful and tranquil it made jade feel more safe and calm. Earth couldn't come close to creating this type of atmosphere and sky view.

"your still up training huh?" Jade turns around to see who this person was

Zoro could be seen also admiring the view while drinking a bottle of what he assumed alcohol. he continued looking off into the distance

"want some?" Zoro offers jade a bottle

"yeah sure" Jade takes the bottle and proceeds to drink it.

Jade was never the drinking type. He would only drink on special occasions and drinking and getting drunk often leaded to bad life decisions but fuck it anyways, he has so much freedom right now it wouldn't really matter

"So whats your reason for becoming a pirate" zoro continues to admire the view

"Do i really need a reason?" Jade also continues to drink

"Everybody has a reason, my reason is to encounter whatever the world throws at me while I take the title of the strongest swordsman" Zoro explains noticing that jade now has slightly visible muscles now due to his relentless training

"Well then my reason would be to feel the freedom that i never really had"

"freedom is good, but it can change a person" Zoro responds, He notices jade continuing with his training. "Sorry about Kuina by the way, she may overwork you a bit but she is a very good teacher. Just trust the process"

"I think i need to overwork myself anyways to keep up with you guys" Jade admits with a unnerving smile "its fine, she is great"

"she is a good person, she is my rival after all. Anyways im going to head off now, dont overwork yourself. Night" Zoro proceeds to sleep with his back against the railing of the ship

"dont worry i wont" Jade responds thinking of how similar the two was

The night continued while Jade still continued the process of swinging his sword for his training.

Morning came quickly afterwards as the sounds of seagulls could be heard in the distance

Luffy, zoro and kuina proceed to wake up

*yawn* "Good morning" Luffy says having the most energy out of the two

"Anybody seen where Jade is?" Kuina notices jade not near them

The sound of grunts and groaning could be heard on the far side of the ship

concerned the three head over to the location of the noise

Jade could be seen drenched in sweat still swinging his sword. "1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000!" Jade says out loud before dropping to the floor

"you dummy! i said dont work yourself too hard." Zoro and Kuina say in unison but still admire Jades consistency

"shishishishi- Jade is awsome" Luffy laughs proud of his crewmate

"Jade?" Kuina walks over to jade concerned as jade hasn't said anything at all

He was seen on the floor unconscious and resting

"This dumbass" Kuina sighs, she grabs a blanket and carefully covers jade with it to keep him warm

"um guys, i think were here" Luffy says looking off into the distance

A island could be seen in the distance