
One Piece: Vicecaptain

Jade is just and average 19 yr old guy who’s main hobby is to watch anime. He lives an average life of studying, working, going to the gym, socialising, etc One day he stumbles across an ad while watching anime through illegal websites. “Why won’t this dam thing close?” Getting frustrated he clicks the ad [Would you like to play One Piece: Survival?] [Yes] or [Yes I would love to] Watch Jade get isekaid into the world of one piece Stumbling across Luffy and becoming the vice-captain of the straw hat pirates! Witness Jade gain respect from the strawhats while gaining a name for himself and a bounty Notice - Luffy will still be the true captain of the strawhats but Jade will be pulling strings in the background to ensure the crew victory Creator notice - This is my first novel so far. Sorry if I mess something up I’ll try fix it as soon as I can Please leave some suggestions and I’ll gladly contribute them to the novel

SilentDeath · Action
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7 Chs

Nothing but water..

Jades head spun due to the bright flash of light that assaulted him through the screen. This feeling lasted for who knows how long and he began to question 'why me?'

[Welcome Player]

Jade slowly regained his vision back and looked around his surroundings. He found himself slowly drifting in the middle of a deep dark blue like ocean in a dinghy. The sun creating strong heatwaves making jade sweat nervously. The dinghy he was on was nowhere near land so that broke down his hope a little

All he could see was nothing but ocean and would occasionally hear the sound of seagulls in the distance following the noise of waves clashing with each other

'i better not be in the one piece world right now..' jade trying to wrap himself around the whole scenario of his. He begins to try to calm down and think clearly

'lets see what i have to work with..' he proceeds to look around on the dinghy to find a pair of paddles, a small starting kit of food and an old looking rusted sword.

[calculating players strengths..] [Difficulty outclasses player]

'well no shit, I swear i saw it say i was in 'insane' mode or whatever and it changing the plot of the story?'

jade always thought of what it would be like to be in the one piece world, and needless to say that it would be utter hell. Jades basic understanding of one piece was that if u were not one the main characters or a character relevant enough towards the story you would either be brutally murdered off screen or just be cast aside to live a normal life if u were lucky enough.

An example of this was Robyns home island Ohara being destroyed by a buster call which if u didnt know was a marine call to obliterate the enemy forces with countless of ships and navy admirals. The mere thought of this made Jade shudder with fear knowing how cruel One Piece was.

[Due to player being shit..] [Generating player starting kit]

'okay that hurt..' jade admitted to being not that good but that was just mean

[Random Devil Fruit] or [5x training speed increased]

Jade thought to himself for a second and immediately chose [5x training speed] the reason towards this was Devil Fruits weren't the main power system he found most useful but Haki was. Haki needed a cruel amount of training to master and with the training speed increased he would hopefully catch up to the main powerhouses such as Luffy sooner.

choosing his option his body jolted in pain causing him to groan. He could feel something changed within his body yet nothing changed with his physical appearance at all.

Haki was a way to increase defense or attack and other variants of Haki to sense your surroundings dodging incoming attacks or forcing your will on others causing them to shudder in fear or may cause them to fall unconscious.

This wasn't even mentioning the six powers like the CP9, sword skills like Zoros, or a fighting style such as Sanjis. So he was pretty happy with his decision. As Jade was contemplating how to survive in the One piece world he notices a ship in the distance.

He looks at the jolly roger and sees a skull facing left with a heart in the middle of it. "Alvida pirates?!" surprised at this sudden encounter due to this meaning he was around the start of the show!

The boat had a very pink image with a goose for its figurehead. Many pirates could be seen walking around the boat either messing around or manning the boat

'Luffy will arrive there soon or already has, i need to meet him' without a second thought he starts to paddle towards the ship with all his strength panting with each row he does

'fuck.. this is harder than it looks..' he complains as he is just about to meet with the ship. 'i really need to train as soon as possible'


"oh? Capture him men!" a huge hardly feminine figure says on board of the ship

'well shit..' he didnt think this through enough.. He tried to find a way out but to his luck its either the pirates or sinking who knows how deep the ocean is

multiple men start to surround Jade showing there swords towards his face. Jade immediately puts his hands up "i wish to join your crew!"

an awkward silence came along

multiple pirates begin to laugh hysterically at his demand "you dont even look strong enough to lift a feather" a pirate in the crowd says with a smug look "CAPTAIN have a look at this"

A huge burly woman starts to stare him down. "why do u think you are good enough to join my crew?" she continues to death stare jade down

"ill do anything! ill be a cabin boy if u want i have always been your fan!" Jade pleaded as he knew he would not survive by himself out in the ocean so he decided to try the best he can to climb aboard. Besides he only needs to stay here until Luffy arrived.

Alvida smirks "tell me who is the most beautiful of them all" expecting a response pirates around her getting slightly uncomfortable asking this

"Oh you are the most gorgeous thing in the East blue!" Jade says trying to hide his disgust of the woman. Alvida had a very round figure needless to say that she was huge and was vey very fat. She held a massive mace which was even bigger than him which in the story she was called 'iron mace' Alvida

"Correct, i am the most fairest of them all" "Come on board, i like you" she says with a laugh

"men bring him on board" multiple pirates begin to drop down ropes so he can climb aboard

Jade smiles nervously 'well this is my life now..'

Let me know of unique devil fruit ideas to potentially give to the mc or future straw hats..

SilentDeathcreators' thoughts