
One Piece: Vicecaptain

Jade is just and average 19 yr old guy who’s main hobby is to watch anime. He lives an average life of studying, working, going to the gym, socialising, etc One day he stumbles across an ad while watching anime through illegal websites. “Why won’t this dam thing close?” Getting frustrated he clicks the ad [Would you like to play One Piece: Survival?] [Yes] or [Yes I would love to] Watch Jade get isekaid into the world of one piece Stumbling across Luffy and becoming the vice-captain of the straw hat pirates! Witness Jade gain respect from the strawhats while gaining a name for himself and a bounty Notice - Luffy will still be the true captain of the strawhats but Jade will be pulling strings in the background to ensure the crew victory Creator notice - This is my first novel so far. Sorry if I mess something up I’ll try fix it as soon as I can Please leave some suggestions and I’ll gladly contribute them to the novel

SilentDeath · Action
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7 Chs

Fated encounter

"hey! get to work" the pirate shouts at jade in the corner of the boat as jade is rushing around cleaning the boat.

Its been 2 days since i have been technically enslaved by the Alvida pirates as the position of a crewmate didnt mean much. Once in a while they would give little rations of food like leftovers as a reward and rarely give a normal intact piece of food.

They treated me like shit shouting at me from every little mistake i do if im lucky enough i would be left alone by the pirates for a whole 2 hours before they come back to check on me which in another context just abuse me by kicking me or punching me occasionally creating multiple bruises to appear on my body

during my 2 days here i encountered one of the main side characters of the show Coby. Coby was a nice boy yet very cowardly doing anything Alvida ordered him to do. Coby was the main cabin boy before he arrived and got on board of this ship accidentally due to floating across sea in his fishing boat which later on resulted to him being captured by these pirates.

"you must do what the say or else you would get a taste of Alvidas metal mace which she is known for" Coby said with fear and frustration as it is clearly seen he hates being on this ship more than ever.

"come on we need to go back to our cell and rest up" they both begin to head towards the lower level of the ship. Every step creating a loud creak due to the ship not being one the best quality

In the cell Jade begins his routine of doing 100 pushups, 100 sit-ups and 100 crunches. He has gotten used to doing this in the morning and night during his 2 days on the ship. He can see a slight visible difference towards his older appearance as his muscles slightly showed more on his slender body.

Before he would probably only be bale to do 40 pushups at a time but now he could do 100 nonstop in just one go. The [5x training boost] would greatly contribute towards his progress catching up to the main power houses

Jade smirks " I can now say I can take a 3v1 from one of the normal pirates" Jade says to himself proud of his progress. This was not even getting close to Luffy or Zoros strength but it was progress nonetheless.

Jade proceeds to swing around his sword with just raw power with no skill behind it. 'I really need to master a weapon and get a good teacher to get skill as even if I am the strongest in the world a person would take me down with just pure skill'

"dont say that out loud or they will punish you! also stop swinging that around you will hurt yourself" Coby says even though he too was surprised from Jades weird routine giving him progress towards his physical looks. "you would not want them to decrease the amount of food we gain again do you?"

"relax mostly everyone is asleep right now they wont hear us, besides im only staying here until my captain arrives to free me already" Jade explained with a grin continuing his training progress grunting with each sit-up he does

"Captain?! Your part of another pirate crew?!" Coby said in surprise knowing his captain had to be pretty strong to single handedly take down the Alvida pirates by himself. Little did he know he was talking about the future king of the pirates

"nah, but he will arrive and ill be his first mate" Jade explained. If Coby is still on the ship that would mean luffy has not arrived yet to save him so all he had to do was wait and train up to at least be of some use to the crew

"why would you want to be a pirate? they are evil and the scum of the sea. become a marine instead thats my dream" Coby said trying to change Jades mind about becoming pirate

"All pirates aren't all bad you know, besides I mainly want be a pirate for the freedom" finishing his final sets of his training jade prepares to go to sleep

morning came along relatively quick and Coby and Jade woke up with a groan " come on lets get these morning chores over with" Coby said with a sigh. The sound of excited pirates can be heard on top of the ships deck. "I wonder whats going on up there"

Jade went up to see what the commotion was to see a barrel being surrounded by pirates arguing over who claims it. "Its mine! I saw it first" "I did the most work bringing it on board though!" "If it was not for me we would not have it in the first place!"

"QUIET DOWN" Alvida shouted from the captains quarters " JADE, KOBY PUT IT IN THE STORAGE" she demanded as both of them immediately get to work to carry the barrel to the storage.

The pirates all moan disappointed of the outcome of not gaining the potential barrel full of rum

Jade looked at the heavy barrel he was holding with Koby assisting him with joy ' finally! Luffy should be in this barrel marking the beginning of his journey'

Jade and Coby finally place the barrel in the food storage "phew, that barrel was extremely heavy" Coby groaned in exhaustion. "well at least we have a chance to get more food now" he looks towards jades way

"That barrel is our salvation you know" Jade preparing to grab multiple types of food to feed the upcoming lovable glutton thats about to appear on scene

"how can a random barrel that appeared out of nowhere be our way out of here?" Koby asked confused what Jade meant

All of a sudden the barrel burst open making pieces of the barrel to fling in several different ways almost hitting Jade and Coby

"MEATTTTTTTTTTT" A young looking man with a straw hat breaks open from the barrel shouting not caring about his surroundings which would have alerted most of the pirates on the ship

The boy had a scar underneath his left eye and black hair and black eyes. He had a wide grin giving of a very charming vibe

Coby jumps back in surprise holding a piece of the broken barrel in an act to defend himself while Jade stands there happy to see the dumbass

"That Coby, is my captain"

should koby join the crew??

im open to future strawhat suggestions

SilentDeathcreators' thoughts