
One piece: Unwilling Idle System User

Born into the Kingdom of Arabasta, Farid lived his life quietly like any normal kid until he got to understand that there was something different about him from the other people... A strange floating screen seemed to be always following him, and no one else but him could see it. As time passed, he discovered that this strange screen allowed him to grow in strength constantly without the need for him to do anything at all. However, while his enthusiasm for discovering such a magical thing lasted for a few years, it soon calmed down when the strength he gained became too much for the people around him and created several inconveniences in his everyday life. Because of this, he became unwilling to become any stronger and soon stopped caring about using the screen to grow in strength, deciding to live a calm life from that moment on. However, even after that, the screen didn't stop working. Several years later, due to his curiosity, Farid looked once again at the screen and checked his own status. However, what he saw there almost made his eyes pop out of their sockets. -Beep!- -Status points remaining: [20,536,932] ... Just how did it end like this? ° ° ° Author note: I'll mention a few things that will happen in the story so that the people who dislike such things are warned beforehand. Also, I don't own the cover, and I don't really know who drew it. The people from Pinterest never mention the original artist... 1°: Mc will join Luffy. Of course, this doesn't mean that he will be like a doll character that only adds a bit of his presence once in a while, not making the story change in the slightest. He is a free spirit who does whatever he wants, so he will be pretty much doing his own business while traveling along with them. 2°: Mc will "hide" his strength while traveling along with them... Though, more than "hiding", it could be better to call it "not increasing" his strength, as he will have the possibility of becoming op instantly whenever he wants thanks to his idle system that accumulated points over years but will choose to remain as he is unless the situation needs it. 3° Mc will gain strength pretty slowly in the beginning. It will be only after the main story begins that he will be completely op. That's pretty much it... Enjoy it, or don't, whatever your heart desires...

Anonyrius · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

Top [Part 2]



Bored, Vivi looked out of the window, seemingly lost in thought.

Bellow her hands, was a long and thick book that seemed to have the words "Geometry and Equations" written on its cover, if one were to estimate, it would be said that the book had at least 700 hundred pages.

Turning her eyes to look at the book, an annoyed expression appeared on her face, before it disappeared and Vivi opened the book to start reading it with an impassive expression.

It had been several days since the last time she had seen Farid. Because of her responsibilities as a princess, it was only a matter of time before she would need to stop playing so often with him and focus more on her studies, thus, a few months ago her meetings with Farid started getting more and more scarce as the number of studies she had to do started to increase as well.


However, even then she couldn't help but feel bored while doing it. The last few months she had spent capturing pirates were days filled with excitement and fun, and now, seeing how she had to spend her days like this was making her feel really bored.

Fortunately, she was not alone.

"What's wrong, Vivi-sama? Are you having problems with understanding something?"

Igaram, who was standing a few meters away from Vivi, raised an eyebrow and approached her while looking at the book in her hands.

Turning to look back at Igaram, Vivi sighed, before she looked back at the window and answered him.

"I'm okay, just a bit bored since It has been several days since I met Farid. I wonder how is the pirate-hunting going...?"

Seeing her dispirited expression, Igaram couldn't help but groan with a conflicted expression, before he looked at Vivi while sighing.

"Listen Vivi-sama, I'm not allowed to say this... but Pell has been considering recruiting him as a Royal guard recently..."

Hearing this, Vivi's eyes shot wide open, as she looked at Igaram with a shocked expression, before a smile appeared on her face.

"Is that true?!"

Rapidly, she stood up and hugged Igaram while laughing merrily. It seemed like for once in a while she was feeling really excited about something, making Igaram sigh with a worried tone.

"But remember Vivi-sama, you didn't hear that from my mouth"

"Hm!" Nodding her head, Vivi went back to her chair, before she started reading the book once again with a much more spirited expression than before.

'Farid... Such a strange kid. For him to be able to become a Royal guard at such a young age, really makes me wonder where he came from...'

Leaving the room now that Vivi seemed in the mood for studying, Igaram walked towards a certain room at a steady pace, before he finally arrived there and called out at the door.


When the door opened, the ghostly face of Pell emerged from inside and looked at Igaram with a surprised expression.

"It's you Igaram... Is there a problem?"

Entering the room while straightening his clothes, Igaram shook his head before he looked at Pell with an inquisitive expression.

"It's not a problem, I'm just curious. Where had that Farid kid come from? If he is strong enough to become a royal guard at his age, he must have a spectacular background"

Hearing his words, Pell smiled briefly before he turned back and walked towards the window, not allowing Igaram to see his face.

"He doesn't have anything like that. Furthermore, he is an orphan, just that incredibly strong and talented... If I have to be honest, he seems like fallen from the sky... He just appeared one day and became friends with Vivi-sama, just like that"

"Really so? I guess that it's true then that awesome people can come from anywhere" Massaging his chin after hearing Pell's words, Igaram nodded wisely before he looked back at Pell and spoke once again, this time though with a much more serious expression than before.

"Then, is he really going to become a Royal guard?"

After hearing the question, Pell turned around and sighed loudly while still looking from the corner of his eyes at the window, seemingly conflicted about something.

"Yeah, although he is strong, he still lacks in several departments and his technique is greatly lacking. Though that was only during the last time that I saw him, which was a few months ago, so I don't know if he has improved something in that regard by now. However, it has only been a few months, and even if he has improved, I bet that it hasn't been that much. So I'm hoping that here we will be able to nurture properly his talent and make him a great royal guard"

"Hmm... if he is as great as you say, then Arabasta will have a great protector in the future" Nodding his head with a smile on his face, Igaram walked towards the side of Pell and laughed lightly while looking at the horizon through the window, just like Pell.

"Indeed, Arabasta has a great future ahead" Smiling as well, Pell closed his eyes, and laughed just like Igaram, imagining what great future would await Arabasta.

He really looked forward to it.





|At Farid's "secret" base...|


"What's this? Who found out that I was hiding in here?"

Sitting on a dirty and broken sofa that seemed to have been taken out of a dumpster, Farid looked at a letter in his hands with stupefied eyes.

Its contents were mostly about a certain new organization of bounty hunters inviting him to join them, however, what astounded him more was the fact that the letter had been delivered directly in the front of the door of the abandoned building that he had bought to make into his secret base.

Looking at the sender, Farid narrowed his eyes as he muttered in a low voice the name of the organization with a hint of curiosity in his tone.

"Baroque Works... It seems like they are aware of the location of my secret base... Was I tracked without me noticing? That's strange, I didn't hear anyone following me around while I was strolling around hunting for pirates, and my hearing is pretty damn good nowadays..."

Reading the contents of the letter a little bit more, Farid scoffed, before he threw the letter away and stretched his limbs with a tired expression.

"How can I just join a nameless organization when I'm gonna become the strongest man in the world? Moreover, to work under some random guy?"

Shaking his head in disappointment, Farid suddenly looked at the door, before a serious expression appeared on his face and he began massaging his chin as if pondering about something.

'Let's hope they don't know about my real identity... Otherwise, they might end up being like those strange religious people that always knock at our door waiting for us to answer them... Just that they will try to recruit me for their organization instead of converting me to their religion... Probably...'



Opening the exit, Farid left the building, before he began strolling around the city with an impassive expression on his face.

"I still have some time left before sister Elena wakes up from her nap and goes to my room... I guess I can still patrol a little bit since I'm at it..."

Cracking his knuckles, Farid smiled mischievously, before he took a running stance and looked ahead with an excited expression on his face.

"Though, let's make it more efficient"


Kicking the ground fiercely, Farid's figure became a blur moving across the streets of Alubarna, as his eyes moved vertiginously through every and each corner of the city to look for any crime.




In a nearby alleyway to where Farid was currently, an enormous man was harassing a very beautiful girl around sixteen years old. She had long auburn hair, and her eyes shone like pearls while reflecting the sun's rays.

Suddenly, as the man's lustful gaze descended to the girl's lower body, his hands involuntarily started approaching her, making the girl widen her eyes in fear.

Screaming inside her mind, tears rolled down her eyes as she gazed at the man approach her.

'Someone... Hel-'


However, before she was even able to finish her thoughts, a black blur struck the head of the man, before he fell to the ground completely unconscious, and left the woman completely dumbfounded.

When she looked at her side, she saw the figure of the famous Midget Bounty Hunter, making her smile widely in delight.

Brushing her hair to look more appealing, the girl smiled amiably before she bowed her head slightly at the bounty hunter.

"Thank you, without you here, I don't know what would have happened to me...!"

Hearing her words, the bounty hunter nodded briefly before he turned around to leave. However, suddenly the girl grabbed his mantle and stopped him.

"U-umm... If it is not a problem... Would you let me know your name?"

Confused by the words of the girl, the bounty hunter's eyes from under the mask looked directly at her eyes before he suddenly let out a sigh and grabbed his mask seemingly about to take it off.


However, before anything happened, the bounty hunter made a farewell gesture, and disappeared completely, leaving the girl alone next to the unconscious body of the man that had assaulted her before.


Completely confused, the girl looked around, before she turned to the sky and yelled loudly.

"Savior, please remember me, my name is-"




Leaving unimportant characters aside, Farid continued running around the city at an incredible speed while saving people left and right.

Pirates harassing ordinary people?

Throwing a bullet-like rock at them was enough to take them down for good.

"Hahaha, I, the great Unim Portant, captain of the famous Unim Portant Pirates, claim this bar for me and only me from today o-"


Strange pirates yelling their name loudly?

A slap on the head and that was it.

"Aaaaah, you damn marines! You might have captured all my companions, but I will take you all down with me to hell!"


A strange kamikaze pirate with a bomb tied to his waist, trying to bombard the marine headquarters?

Slamming his head to the ground was enough.

Problem after problem, danger after danger, there was nothing that Farid couldn't solve.

For just one hour, the people of Alubarna were able to see how each and every problem in the city started being solved at an outrageous speed by the famous midget bounty hunter.

While it all happened, the voice was passed quickly, as the pirates roaming across the city soon started fearing his presence, hiding like rats and making their best to look like normal civilians in hopes of not getting caught.

However, their nervous look couldn't escape from Farid's occasionally perceptive gaze.

Even the marines were astounded at what was happening... In just one hour, far more pirates than they had ever caught in a week started appearing on their doorsteps, completely beat up and bruised in several places.

This continued to happen for a while until Farid's fatigue finally started accumulating and he slowed down a lot more compared to his previous performance.

He continued running across the city for a while more, but in the end, his stamina still reached his limit, and after a while, he finally stopped running.

His stamina might have been inhuman, however, after running approximately 20 times across all of Alubarna without rest and always at full speed, it was bound to happen.

Stopping to catch a breath, Farid entered an alleyway and leaned his back against the wall before sitting on the ground while letting out a profound sigh.


"That should be enough for today I guess... Or maybe for two or three days more..."

Lifting the crab mask covering his face, Farid soon felt a refreshing breeze pass through his face, as he soon breathed the clean air of the city with a calm expression, before he proceeded to clean the sweat on his forehead without minding the surroundings anymore.

"It has been a while since I have actually sweated... It feels kind of strange now"

Looking at his own sweaty clothes, a small smile appeared on his face, as if reminiscing the past.

Suddenly, however, the sounds of someone walking in his direction reached his ears and made him put once again the crab mask in a hurry.




The steps continued approaching more and more his current location, echoing amidst the silence of the surroundings similar to the disturbing and steady sound of a clock ticking, as Farid's eyes narrowed looking in the direction where those sounds were coming from, seemingly finding something wrong with these stepping sounds.

'Just... where have I heard that kind of walking?'






From one moment to another, the steps came to an alt, revealing no one at the end of the alleyway like Farid had expected.

Whoever the person making those sounds was, it didn't look like he planned to enter the alleyway as Farid had thought in a beginning. However, this instead of reassuring him, unnerved him to no end.

And he was correct to feel that way, as soon, without warning, an extremely powerful and fast bullet of a black liquid passed by his size and destroyed instantly the wall behind him.

The shot was actually aiming directly at his head, however, thanks to his gut feeling and his enhanced reacting abilities, he had managed to dodge it on time before being hit with such a dangerous attack.

He probably would die in just one hit, as his body was incredibly sturdy, however, he was sure that it would still cause him a lot of damage.

"Hoh~ You dodged it? That's really unexpected"

Suddenly, from the end of the alleyway appeared a very familiar figure. Looking at it, Farid couldn't help but widen his eyes in surprise, before his eyebrows deeply furrowed in anger while looking at the figure in front of him.

The dangerous pirate that Farid had once failed to defeat, and the first Devil fruit user that he had ever faced... Osamu of the untouchable body.

"You are... Obama!"

"It's Osamu, you stupid brat!"


-To be continued-


(A/N: What a hectic week... Sorry for the wait, but the university didn't let me rest in the slightest during the past week. Moreover, I also have to do a presentation tomorrow as well, so it isn't like my suffering has stopped for now...


Every day, death turns into a more plausible option.

I'm Just kidding... Probably...

Jk, yes I am. I'm simply too damn epic to kill myself. Though, if a day where I'm too epic for this world arrives, then I guess I can say goodbye to this world, though that will be probably when I become a billionaire old grandpa who owns several planets across the universe.

Either way, I hope you liked the chapter. Now I'm going to sleep since it's 1:45 AM here, and I don't want to make sleeping at 3:00 AM a habit.

Stupid university...)