
One Piece: The Slowest Man

Follow Cade, a normal person that's been thrown into the dangerous world of One Piece with nothing but his wits, memories, and a power that was seen by everyone as a joke! Will he be able to survive? Will he thrive and fulfil his dreams? Or will he simply fail? Who knows? Read to find out!

Wistful_Sam · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Ch 55 - Jacuzzi

[Back to Mc POV]

*Knock Knock*

I knock on the hard door to the expensive suite we rented for the night, immediately hearing the soft pitter patter through the door indicating someone is about to open the door.

And as the door opens, I see Carina stick her head out, looking at me with a bright smile, "Hey there Cade, guess your part was a bit harder, neh?" she playfully asks as she opens the door to let me in.

"Unfortunately, yes, I had to infiltrate 8 buildings before I could find the right one, and the last one wasn't even hard to accomplish, in fact it was the easiest." I tiredly say.

As I turn around, I look at Carina and immediately become riled up by her getup, it's a short white towel that is slightly damp and seems to barely cover her important bits.

"Heh, you like what you see, big boy? Well, you can come and join us in the jacuzzi if you'd like," she says as she poses slightly and then proceeds to walk towards where I know the hot tub is located.

'Did she just give me permission to bathe with her?' I question myself internally. It seems Carina is acting strange, she wouldn't normally let me see her too exposed, she does wear skimpy clothing most of the time when she sleeps but nothing of this caliber has ever happened.

'Oh well,' I simply shrug and walk behind her, removing my shirt and pants as I do, a hot steaming bath seems like a godsend right now anyways.

As I enter the room to the jacuzzi I am immediately greeted by hot steam in the air, and the joyous voices of Porche-chan and Carina who seem to be getting along well.

I walk forward and finally spot them sitting on separate sides, chatting happily; seeing this I smile and cannonball myself into the hot waters, making a large splash in the water.

"Eeh! Cade what was that for!" I immediately hear Carina complaining as I surface.

"Oops, sorry didn't se-" I try to joke before I'm suddenly interrupted by my body going weak and sinking into the water.

"Haha, Cade-kun did you forget you have a devil fruit? Ahaha" I can hear Porche-chan laugh from above the water.

"Hmph that's what he gets!" Carina also comments.

Thankfully they both quickly help me out of the water and help me sit down in between them.

"Haah, thanks girls I actually forgot about the sea curse for a moment since it hasn't happened to me once before." I replied thankfully.

"Eh? Seriously Cade? Why don't you take baths or what?" replies a perplexed Carina.

"Na, I prefer showers, and I haven't really gotten into a pool or the ocean either, until now of course," I reply while looking at her.

And when I do I gulp at the amazing sight, and apparently Porche-caught on because she teasingly asks, "Are you sure you didn't just do it to get close to two bathing beauties?" she says as she pushes up her breasts, making them stand out.

Seeing this I gulp again, she's currently wearing a tiny red micro bikini that would allow me to see everything if it wasn't for the hot cloudy water obstructing my view, I then turn towards Carina and see her wearing a different but just as skimpy bikini.

"… well, who wouldn't?" I seriously reply back without looking away from their enormous breasts.

"Pervert!" Carina says, covering her breasts from my sight, making Porche-chan laugh.

"*Cough*, all I meant is that you girls are naturally very beautiful! *ahem* anyways did you guys find what you were looking for" I quickly ask as I lower myself deeper into the water, trying to hide away my growing boner.

"Hihi, don't worry Cade-kun Carina found something, something you will like!" Porche-chan responds after giggling at my clear diversion.

"Hah… Yup, I did find something you will like, but don't get your hopes up, it isn't what you want," Carina says as she quickly gets over her embarrassment and reaches back to grab a small booklet, handing it to me.

I grab it and open it, and as I read a little, I gape slightly, "The Hasshoken? But…hmm it seems too weak right?" I ask as I skim through the booklet.

"You're right Cade, that was what I found today inside their boat, it's apparently for the foot soldiers to practice, meaning that it's incomplete and much weaker than the full version," Carina answers as she relaxes back into the water, a bit closer to me surprisingly.

I look a bit more before throwing it over to a chair not far away, "Well I guess it's something at least, not really worth looking into but it can at least provide us with some gold if we sell it on the black market."

"Exactly what I was thinking, but don't worry, at this very moment I have a few plants spying on Chinjao, so it's only a matter of time before we find where the real manual is being hidden," she replies while bouncing slightly in giddiness, making her big bazoonkas erotically slap against the water.

"…Beautiful! *cough* I mean I also found our scapegoat, so all that is now needed is time. Did you find anything of interest Porche-chan? "I, with effort, move my sight away from her swaying tits and direct my sight to Porche-chan who is currently playing with the water with her hands, like a child.

"Hmm… well not much but I did find out that according to the locals there is going to be a militaristic demonstration on the last day of the festival in order for the Happo navy to demonstrate their might," she says before playfully splashing me with water.

"Eh... that's good, we can implement our plan when most of the forces are busy and hopefully Chinjao will be there too." I say happily while splashing her back with more force, followed by immediately turning towards Carina and doing the same thing, starting a little water fight.

'Good, we have the time, the patsy, and hopefully we'll have the location soon enough as well. Everything is going smoothly.'

It's been 5 days and our time to act is a few hours away.

The festival has been going on for a week, and in this time, everything has been put into place, Carina has discovered the location of the original Hasshoken when Chinjao was training Sai in it, giving us the place where he keeps it; a place where Carina says she can easily access once there.

We are currently eating breakfast in a popular spot in order to enjoy our last meal before we have to get moving.

"So does everyone know the plan" I ask to make sure we all know what we need to do.

"Yup, it should be easy if nothing goes wrong," responds Porche-chan.

"…did you really just say that Porche-chan…?" I ask dejectedly.

"Hmm? What Cade? Do you really believe in that superstition stuff? That something will go wrong if any of us mention it?" Carina ridicules me.

"Of course! It's happened before, hasn't it? With the Cp agents and all that? I'm just saying that we should avoid doing it before a big job." I exasperatedly try to defend myself

"Alright alright, it's too late now, if something comes up, we'll deal with it like we did last time, now we should hurry and get to our positions." Porche-chan chimes in while putting on a dragon face mask, then standing up and proceeding to exit the establishment.

"Right!" we both say in response as we similarly wear dragon face masks and leave towards our tasks.