
One Piece: The Slowest Man

Follow Cade, a normal person that's been thrown into the dangerous world of One Piece with nothing but his wits, memories, and a power that was seen by everyone as a joke! Will he be able to survive? Will he thrive and fulfil his dreams? Or will he simply fail? Who knows? Read to find out!

Wistful_Sam · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Ch 46 - Dials

And just as I think it couldn't get worse… the black snake's ginormous head once again slowly turns to my direction…observing me…

"W-what" I stutter out as I'm once again the focus of the terrifying creature, not being able to vocalize anything.


And as it proclaims this, my mind seems to react and immediately shuts down, going into hibernation, making me lose all sense of reality and throwing me into the depths of my mind.

"Heugh" I gasp as I awaken by the sound of monstrous roars, combat, and the stench of burning flesh.

As I open my eyes, I register that I'm untouched and still in the same position I was previously in, standing and leaning against the back wall of the stalactite.

I immediately react and peek through the now clear opening, being witness to a strange and chaotic scene.

Flashes of bright blue laser fire relentlessly raining down on the humongous black snake, not allowing it to move even a muscle.

The huge snake that not long ago seemed to be so invincible, is at this very moment seemingly cooking and melting into the ground, appearing incredibly vulnerable.

Hundreds of its humongous scales are continuously falling off, shattering as they collide with the ground, its flesh chars, its intestines boil, its blood gushes out in gallons every single second that passes, forming a large pond of blood that seems to churn out millions of Blood snakes every second.

And the culprits for this heart-raising sight are actually something that I had completely forgotten about, the Dials on the roof!

It appears that every single one of the millions of Dials on the roof are at this very moment firing upon the black snake, torturing and cooking it to death.

Firing off continuous barrage of laser fire that seem mystical in nature, when a projectile collides with the snake, it produces blue chain-like patterns and then detonate into bright purple flames that are powerful enough to make me feel as if I was standing on the sun, even from so far away.

Feeling my skin burning slightly , I quickly back away deeper into the stalactite and hide in the shadows, waiting for whatever is happening to come to an end.

It's been a few minutes and I finally stopped hearing the powerful sounds of laser fire and the loud cries of the black snake.

This makes me take another quick peek outside and yes, what was once a ginormous creature seems to be no more than a beautiful obsidian floor once again.

Making it seem as if the things that occurred here hadn't really happened at all.

Seeing this my eyes light up, I immediately react and jump down, soon reaching the ground and shaving with all the strength I could muster towards the exit, intending on leaving this deathtrap without a second thought.

Yet that quickly changes when a stuttering voice comes from the yellow flower in my pocket, "C-c-cade what the h-heck just happened? D-did you find Porche? W-why the heck was I f-frozen in place and seemed to feel as if I was being stared at by a d-demon when I was trying to t-talk to you?"

This immediately catches my attention, as well as reminding me of the purpose of me coming here in the first place, Porche-chan!

"S-Shit! You're right, gotta find Porche-chan! Anyways I'll explain everything later, I'm a bit busy at the moment!" I exclaim loudly back to Carina as I look over my shoulder and see millions of snakes hot on my tail!

"SHIT!" I cursed loudly seeing this, I was again reckless and forgot about the presence of these little guys!

However, I don't panic, I have ways to counter these snakes, unlike the huge one.

Yet I don't confront them either, I simply run around and look for any obvious or hidden openings which may indicate another room or passageway.

And thankfully after a few minutes of doing this I finally find something. While paying close attention to the Blood snakes that continuously launch at me at Mach-1, I catch a glimpse of something strange.

Every single space in this cavern is covered in these little suckers, so when a good sized portion of it seems to be completely empty of any of them, it immediately stands out and catches my attention.

Seeing this I cover myself in Limitless and run over all the hostile snakes, reaching the area after a bit of a struggle; and once I do and look back, I find that as suspected, once Inside the area every single one of the previously bloodthirsty snakes seems to have forgotten about me and simply continue about their business.

"Cade! The snakes in the forest seem to have reverted to their previous behavior! What's happening down there?" Carina's startled voice from the flower.

"Hmm…Right! The Blood Snakes are migrating back up again! That must be why the rest of the snakes on the island reacted so violently at the time, it was the time for them to hunt for food without the looming danger that are the blood snakes." I reply back to Carina after a bit of thinking.

It makes sense, Blood Snakes are the Apex predators of this Island, as could be seen by the previous event where millions of the snakes controlled a humongous snake, skinning it and forcing it to do their bidding.

Yet as I think further, the wearier I become, if I saw correctly, when that giant sea king was being boiled alive by those strange, overpowered dials, its blood was pooling together and actually producing the Blood Snakes…meaning that the threat of the Black Sea King is still very much present.

Dammit! As soon as I find Porche-chan I'm leaving this island and never fucking looking back!

And as I'm exploring the area, I quickly come across a sign that points me to where I can find Porche-chan.

A single flower shuriken is seemingly wedged in-between two loose bricks on the wall, indicating a hidden entrance.

"Goddamn that redhead bitch, this is all her doing!" I immediately yell out in reaction to seeing this, this sight just frustrates and angers me to no end, capturing Porche-chan for who knows what? Leading me into the mouth of the literal beast, testing me the whole way here, it's all so infuriating!

Unluckily…I'm not strong enough yet to do anything about it, So I simply have to rescue Porche-chan…if she's still alive, something that I believe is still extremely possible, and get out of here.

Once I'm strong enough I'll look for that bitch and take my sweet revenge.

And as I pull out the shuriken from the crack, a small opening in the wall reveals itself, leading to a stairway that once again goes down.

"Haah! Let's just get this over with!" I tiredly mutter to myself as I see the passage.