
One Piece: The Slowest Man

Follow Cade, a normal person that's been thrown into the dangerous world of One Piece with nothing but his wits, memories, and a power that was seen by everyone as a joke! Will he be able to survive? Will he thrive and fulfil his dreams? Or will he simply fail? Who knows? Read to find out!

Wistful_Sam · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Ch 20 - Carina

And that's when we hear a sudden *click* and a voice behind our backs, "Don't move or you're dead".

As we hear this we frown because we didn't hear any footsteps, and that indicates that this is either a very competent individual or that we must still need a lot of work in perceiving our surroundings and going by the fact that I recognize the voice, I would say that it's both.

Just as the voice is continuing to speak, probably going to tell us to turn around and put our hands up or something, I fire off a slow-slow beam from my back.

I quickly turn around, and just as I predicted, I see a startled looking Carina frozen in time holding a handgun towards my head.

I quickly move towards her and snatch the gun away from her before she can pull the trigger and ruin all of our hard work.

The gun doesn't budge far from her person (I still can't manipulate things when they are hit by the slow effects, the gun also weighs a literal ton under its effects), but now that I am much stronger I can simply brute force it.

With the gun in my hands, and Carina just blankly staring into space we just wait there in silence for 30 seconds until the effects run out and Carina is finally able to react to what happened.

She quickly stumbles back and yelps as she trips over her feet and lands on her round ass.

I quickly point the gun at her and state, "Don't scream, you see this gun in my hand right… anyways we are not here to hurt you, we are here to ask you something."

As I say this Carina looks terrified at first but when she comprehends the second part, she seems very puzzled and unsure of what to do… so she just fidgets there, but thankfully doesn't scream.

After a bit she shakily replies, "Umm, if you are here to proposition me don't you think its best without the gun? He heh."

When I hear this a wryly smile and state, "promise me that if I put this gun down you won't scream, and we have a deal, because honestly I don't need this gun in order to silence you, as you've clearly seen."

She hesitates for a moment and then quickly nods, "I promise."

With that I lower down my hand, and holster the gun on my waist, and as Carina sees me do this she quietly sighs and then asks, "what are you doing here and what are you here to ask me?"

Seeing that she's back in control of herself I quickly offer her a hand to stand up, which she takes, and stands back onto her feet.

Being so up close to her I notice that she is actually a pretty small woman, about 5.6 ft if I were to guess but this just adds to her womanly charm.

I quickly inspect her further and I like what I'm seeing.

She has a beautiful face with lustrous purple hair, shining blue eyes with large G-cup sized breasts, a slim waist, and a rocking ass to finish off the package.

Seeing that I'm closely inspecting her with obvious lust, she flirtatiously smiles and coyly asks, "Like what you see, big boy?"

After hearing this I quickly reply, "Yes," which stuns her for a bit, but I continue "But I'm not here for that right now, I'm here for you!"

She reacts to that, "Huh!?"

Seeing this I quickly elaborate, "*cough* I mean that I have a proposition for you that can earn us a pretty penny if we collaborate."

Hearing this she makes an understanding face and says while walking down the small hallway into a living room full of expensive furnishings, "Well why didn't you say so, c'mon come this way, we'll talk in a more comfortable place."

She then sits down on a comfortable looking chair, pulls the coffee table towards her, pours three drinks, hands one to each of us, and then relaxes back onto her chair with a leg above the other and an elbow on her knee, making her look extremely sexy, and asks "Well? What is it that you wanted to ask little ol' me?"