
One Piece: The Slowest Man

Follow Cade, a normal person that's been thrown into the dangerous world of One Piece with nothing but his wits, memories, and a power that was seen by everyone as a joke! Will he be able to survive? Will he thrive and fulfil his dreams? Or will he simply fail? Who knows? Read to find out!

Wistful_Sam · Anime & Comics
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60 Chs

Ch 19 - The Club

When we come back to our senses, we don't make a ruckus nor any obvious moves that could lead one to believe that we are actually here for the wanted singer.

We simply pick a table at the corner of the club and order what we think is best.

As we are doing this however, we don't take our eyes off of Carina, not only because of her charming presence and voice, but because we want to be able to react if any sudden situation arises.

Also, due to Porche-Chan's sexy attire some club goers begin to annoy me by repeatedly asking for her hand in dance, or simply for her to go hang out with them.

It was natural and not too offensive at first, since Porche-chan is a beautiful woman and I myself am covered in a hood and cape, but after some time it became so annoying that I just wanted to stand up and fire a meteor shot at them and obliterate every single one of them.

Thankfully Porche-chan noticed this and began to reject offers much more harshly, making the lively requests stop completely after some time.

Finally, after 30 long minutes of Carina performing continuously, she bows deeply to the crowd, revealing some of her deep cleavage, and walks off the stage towards the bar.

Many eager fans, including most men that requested Porche-chan, try to speak to her and get her attention but she simply reacts by smiling gently and continues to ignore their calls and pleas.

Yeah, almost every single person in here became a simp for her, and the only thing she needed to achieve this are her natural looks and to show a bit of skin.

As I see this, I laugh and find it quite funny, because in the One Piece world and possibly even in my previous world, beauties are always treated wonderfully and simped for anywhere they go.

This situation kind of reminds me of Hina and her two simps: that Fullbody fellow and that other unimportant guy.

Heh, they were always a great comedic relief in the show…I wonder if I'll be able to see how beautiful Hina-chan is in person now that I'm here…

Anyways back to the situation, it appears that Carina is heading towards a door that's guarded by a large bouncer which nods at her and closes the door behind her, blocking the ravenous crowd behind her.

As we see this we finally react and get out of our table in order to walk to the restrooms.

Intending for time to pass before we act.

And as we come back out a few minutes later it seems that no one noticed our departure from our previous location and now that it's been a few minutes the backdoor leading to Carina is also being ignored by the crowd as well, only in the mind of the bouncer.

That's exactly what we wanted to happen.

We then discreetly and naturally go towards the bar and as we are approaching it Porche-chan slowly reveals a small flower shuriken from her sleeve and proceeds to discreetly throw it at the furthest bottle on the drink cabinet.

This catches the attention of the people close by, but not of anyone else since loud music is now blaring in the background.

Yet most importantly is that it catches the attention of the bouncer, forcing him to turn his head towards the commotion, and just as that happens, I sneak as close to him as I comfortably can and fire off a slow-slow beam towards him.

When this happens Porche-chan, and I react quickly because we both know that the window of time before he can react to anything in the slow-slow beam is about 3-4 seconds.

That's when he will notice something is wrong, but he won't be able to understand what is happening, but if he sees us sneaking inside, he will know for sure that we are the culprits.

Therefore, we quickly sneak by him, open the door behind him and close it, leaving only a small gap in order to see the aftermath.

And just as we predicted, 30 seconds later, he speeds back up to normal time and looks confused as hell.

He shakes his head back and forth and looks all around him for what the hell happened to him, but unfortunately for him, doesn't find anything.

Finally, after some time, he just assumes that it must have been a figment of his imagination or something and goes back to guarding the door once again, acting like it never happened.

When we see this, we smile at our success and gently close the door.

And that's when we hear a sudden *click* and a voice behind our backs, "Don't move or you're dead".