
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

334- Skypeia

The ship keep moving upward at fast speed. After sometime, they pass through cloud and the water from the top of knock up stream spray on them. The ship swaying and shaking strongly and they all need to hold on the ship to avoid getting thrown.

Sometime later, it all finally end, the ship has became stable.

"That was so fun, hehehe." Sora laughed, "I want to try this again."

Nami who heard this almost cried, 'Once in my life is enough, I don't want to experience this again.'

They all stand up and look around, all they see is white, white clouds. Their ship also stay floated on the cloud.

Nami: "This cloud work like sea, that's why the ship didn't fall."

"It's white and so beautiful." Sora really likes this place.

They keep moving until they stumble upon a cloud that obstructing their way. Lucy try to punch it and make it dispersed, but her punch bounced instead. Lucy jump on top of the cloud and it bounced her like a trampoline. Soon, Sora, Chopper and Hailey also joim her and they have fun.

Locy: "Look! I'm on it! I'm not sinking! It's all fluffy, like cotton!"

Sora: "What is this?! What is this?! It's too fun!"

Lucy lay on the clouds with a big smile. "This feels great! It's warm and makes me wanna sleep right here! It's even better than a freshly-aired futon!"

"Lucy, stop playing around and find a way to sail the ship." Nami spoke seriously.

"Why are you so serious?" Ethan patted her on the shoulder, "We're not in a hurry. You can go play with them."

"But...KYAAAAA~" Ethan didn't listen and threw her towards the bouncy clouds.

The girls started to go play one by one, as requested by Ethan.

'I pity them. They don't know anything.' Freya looked at the girls who were having fun. Ethan wants them to have a little fun before entering the Hell mode of training.

"Why are you standing here?" Croco was the only one who didn't go to play, so Ethan began urging her to join the girls. "Join them, too."

"Hmm… I don't want to." Croco is a serious person by nature, so she doesn't like doing these things.

"Don't worry, you'll have a good time." Ethan hugged her from behind and jumped into the clouds. Croco couldn't resist and for some reason couldn't turn into sand.

Ethan left her after they reached the clouds, but as soon as this happened, she tried to return to the ship as quickly as possible.

Ethan smiled and moved more quickly, grabbing her easily, wrapping one of his arms around her waist, and placing his other hand on her boobs, squeezing them. "Don't fight back, you can't escape."

Her face turned red and she couldn't say a word, then Ethan let go and turned to run away and grabbed her and this went on for a while.

Because of that, they stay away from the crew.

After a while Croco lay on the clouds with Ethan on top of her. "I told you, you would have a good time."

She was breathing hard and sweat covered her body and her face was red. "You know I didn't have a good time because of the bouncy clouds."

"So you admit I make you have a good time." Ethan laughed, causing her to turn her head to the side so as not to look him in the eyes.

He puts a hand on her boobs, then lowers his body and kisses her neck. "You look so hot now."

After some fun time, the two return to the ship while Croco covers her neck with a scarf.

All the girls looked at the scarf and then smiled at her as if they knew what Ethan had done to her that made her so embarrassed. 'Damn Ethan, he didn't need to leave a mark on my neck.'

Sanju was looking at her with envy as she spent some special time with Ethan.

They continued sailing until they came to a gate.

Clara: "What's this now? 'Heaven's Gate'?!"

Nami: "That's unlucky! It sounds like we're on our way to die!"

Zora smiled while patting Nami's shoulder. "Y'know, maybe we already are dead."

Sanju grabbed her chin and stood next to Nami. "Ah! That would explain this weird world.."

"Eep! We're dead?!" Chopper became very scared.

"Heaven, huh? This is gonna be great! I finally get to go there!" Lucy shared the joke and said it while she making a dumb expression.

Nami's face turned pale. "Get real! Your jokes aren't funny!"

"Look! There's someone coming out." They look at the one that coming out. It's an old woman and she suddenly take some picture of them.

But when she was going to take a picture of Ethan she stopped. She was about to bow to Ethan but Ethan spoke, "We're heading to Skypeia. Get the giant lobsters to pick us up."

"As you command." The old woman bent, then suddenly a pair of big claws grab Black Pearl Freya and it is a giant Lobster. The Lobster bring them moving upward using the waterfall clouds that actually a spiral cloud road on top of that waterfall like cloud.

"Weee~" Sora and Lucy raised their hands in the air having a good time while Ethan grabbed them so they didn't fall.

After they left, the old woman made a call to tell Gan fall that Ethan had arrived on the island.

Sometime later they arrived and the Lobster jump down to it's original place again. They look around and see some plants grow on the clouds and make it look like a beach. Lucy immediately jump down and the crew panicked if she will get drowned, but she can standing just fine. The anchor also just got in to the clouds below them like it's sand.

Robin mentions the sign Skypiea which they see and Nami indicates that it is the same name on the map which Sora had returned from a destroyed ship previously.

They decide to have some fun on the beach and explore it. They comment on the fluffy cloud, the fluffy cushion, the fruit - Conasshu, the flower, etc. Just while exploring, they hear the sound of a musical instrument.

They look to the source and see a girl there playing something like harp.

"Heso!" The girl greeted them, but they did not understand what she meant.


"You must be blue sea people, heso mean hello and used by people here. My name is Conis." Conis spoke to them kindly.

"In any case, How did you enter Skypeia? Humans from the Blue Sea are not allowed to enter Skypeia." She advised them to leave Skypeia as soon as possible before the army appeared to drive them out. At least they will leave without injuries.

"What do you mean? We entered through Heaven's Gate and the old woman over there let us in." Nami frowned, doubting what Conis was saying.

Before Conis could say anything else, they heard something from the sea. It's an old man riding a small boat that can move fast. But he looks really bad using it and can't stop, so he crashed on a tree.

"Are you okay?" The man got up and asked the crew and Conis.

The crew: "We should be the one asking."

Conis ran to the man and helped him stand up, "Dad, these are people from the blue sea we have to convince them to leave."

The man looked at the crew members, then his eyes fell on Ethan, so his face was covered with sweat, and he panicked and prostrated on the ground quickly. "I'm sorry, My daughter has never seen you, so she doesn't recognize you."

Conis was shocked by her father's behavior.

After that, she realized that her father would only prostrate to one person, so she quickly lowered her head and apologized as well.

All the girls look at Ethan suspiciously. "Ethan, what have you done to them?"

Seeing the girls looking at him this way he sighed, 'Damn those two are acting like I'm a tyrant or something.'

At this moment, everyone saw several people flying towards them.

In the foreground is a middle aged man riding a pink bird with polka dots all over its body.

Behind the man was a large group of dark-skinned women with black wings and white hair. these women wear armor of gold and fly together in an orderly and beautiful manner.