
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

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364 Chs

333- To Sky Island

Sometime later Robin finished putting the pieces and she discovered many things. Sora can't believe she know so many things like the man's age when he died, year of his death, and even the cause of his death, from just examining the skull.

When Robin pulled out some of the books she had, she found information about the ship. There is even a picture of that ship, the picture is very similar to that ship, even the flag. It's a cruise ship and the passengers are adventurers. it has been missing for 208 years, Robin is right and makes Sora have stars in her eyes. "You can find out all that just by looking at bones?"

"Dead people may not speak, but they do hold information. if the ship was for an exploration party. it should still hold various records and evidence." Robin simply smiled as she closed the book in her hand.

"Yeah... but the ship sank in the sea..." The crew then look at the ship and it's already sinking.

Of course Lucy and Chopper who were still there drowned, but luckily Sora clone also there so she can help.

It was strange to see a girl so young who could hold an adult woman and a pet at the same time while swimming.

When they come back, Sora clone actually bring something that surprised every one of them. It is a map of what they assumed to be the Sky Island, Skypiea.

"Yosh, let's go to the Sky Island." Lucy who was jumping excitedly noticed two Sora jumping excitedly next to her.

"Nani?! There's another one from Sora." Lucy began to think that she was dreaming or hallucinating because she drank so much sea water that her body became like a balloon.

The two Sora looked at each other and wanted to test their mother.

One of them came forward and hugged Lucy's leg. "Mommy, I'm the real Sora. The other must be a pirate masquerading as me."

"No, Mommy, Sora is the real Sora." The other Sora referred to herself.

Hearing Sora's way of speaking, Lucy guessed who was real and who was fake so she pointed at Sora on her leg and said, "You're the fake one! Sora won't say I or me. She says Sora."

A smile appears on Sora's face who is holding on to her leg as the other Sora disappears, "Sora is the real one!"

"Nani?! Did you fool me!" The crew starts laughing at the interaction between the daughter and the mother and the surprised expression on Lucy's face.

At this point Clara nudged Nami, "Nami, it's a turtle."

"Turtle?" Nami looked at her confused.

"Yes, that's a turtle!" Clara pointed at something behind Nami

Nami look back and she see a massive turtle that look like a small island. Even the seakings and giants are smaller than this turtle. "KYAAAAA~"

Lucy and girls also finally realize the turtle due to Nami's screaming and surprised. "Whoa!! What the hell is that?"

Sora's eyes became stars, "Sora wants this turtle."

Immediately afterwards Laboon appears behind the turtle. The turtle looked back and its face turned pale. Laboon's size was very large and only its eye was the size of this turtle.

But then something strange happen, the sky got dark even tough it's still day time.

Everyone, Crew members, Laboon, and the turtle saw 5 humanoid shadow with wings on their back, towering up to the sky. The one in the middle even raise his spear and looks like he's about to strike at them. They all have a pale face, even the strongest and fearless crew members like Croco, Lucy and Zora turn pale.

"Monsters!!!" They immediately row the ship at opposite direction with all their strength.

Only Ethan watches them and laughs. The expressions they showed were priceless, especially Croco. 'Freya, did you take pictures of them?'

[Yes, I did.]

'Good, that will be a good memory.'

After a while, they finally escaped and felt relieved.

Kaya: "No way..."

Nojiko: "Yeah... I don't ever wanna see them again."

Makino: "Oh my god, the Grand Line is just one mystery after another!"

Kuina: "We saw a huge galleon fall from the sky."

Nami: "The needle of the Log Pose is now pointing to the sky."

Mikita: "Then, we saw a huge turtle that ate the whole galleon."

Sora: "And Sora wanted that turtle."

Robin: "The night came..."


Zora: "Yeah, those quys scared even me."

Chopper: "The Grand Line is scary!"

Carmen: "What about Laboon?"

Freya: "I got Laboon into the ship with the giant turtle."

Sora became very happy and went to look at the fish tank.

Nami frowned as she looked at Ethan. "Also, why were you laughing and not doing anything?"

"Because what you saw was not real." Ethan chuckled, "It's just a shadow of the humans on Sky Island. seeing you afraid of just a shadow was very funny"

"Anyway, it's time to go to Sky Island."

Freya approached Ethan and asked, "Ethan, do you want me to float the ship to Sky Island?"

"No, there's a quicker, funnier way to get there." For some reason, when Ethan said that, it made Nami feel that this method would not be safe and might be very dangerous.

While Lucy was excited and wanted to choose the most interesting method.

"Ethan, isn't it safer to go slow and easy by floating in the sky?" Although she did not know the other way, she tried to convince Ethan to use the safest and most comfortable method.

"Nami, both captains have made up their minds, so you have to surrender." Ann and Nojiko pat Nami on the shoulder in consolation.

They sail as instructed by Ethan and after several hours reach the area where the Knock Up Stream is taking place. "We arrived."

"We arrived? But there is nothing here." The crew members looked around and the sky was clear and the sea was normal.

"It's not the time yet but I can speed it up." Ethan smiled and moments later the sky became cloudy. It was as if night had fallen and then a massive whirlpool appeared under the ship.

Nami panicked. "Ethan, what have you done?"

"I just accelerated the appearance of the Knock Up Stream." Then Ethan explained to her what the Knock Up Stream is, which made her panic more and began asking him to stop what he was doing and use the other way to go to Sky Island.

"No, let's continue, this way looks more fun." But Lucy become happier instead, make Nami more despaired.

Sometime later, they arrive at the center of whirlpool, but it is very calm there. There is no current or wave at all.

"Ethan, did you stop it?" Nami is happy, but her smile disappears when he hears Ethan say, "It's the calm before the storm."

Sometime later, the sea water start to move up. It's still slow but it become faster and faster.

Suddenly the water below them shot up very fast and their ship follow the water.

The crew go up very fast following the water, but sometime later, their ship start to leave the water.

Ethan smiled and didn't offer any help or advice because he knew Nami was a good navigator and would figure out a way to make the ship follow the stream up.

Nami: "That's right, this is a sea too. Everyone open the sail! We will use the wind to push the ship up."

They all start to open the sail, but the ship still leaving the water. Then the ship leave the water completely, but it didn't fall, instead, it follow the stream up.

"We fly, Shishishi." Lucy started laughing as she sat on the figurehead.

Ethan sits next to Lucy while his daughter sits on his lap with a happy expression as she exclaims, "WEEEE~"