
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

329- Reunion (2)

When Freya saw the figure of Ethan with the mask on, memories began to flow into her head.

A smile appeared on her face, but tears began to form in her eyes. Her heart was beating rapidly with excitement at seeing Ethan, but she quickly wiped away the tears and forced herself to calm down.

"Ethan, why are you posing as Emily's father?" Lucy looked at Ethan puzzled.

"I'm Emily's father, you idiot." A smile appeared on Ethan's face and he hugged Lucy tightly, "I really miss you."

Ethan continued hugging her and Sora without saying anything else.

For them, Ethan was only absent from them for moments, but for him, years have passed, so it is natural that he misses them very much.

After some time he left Lucy and went to hug the girls one by one.

When Ethan hugs Sanju she starts groping his butt while a perverted look appears on her face. Ethan simply laughed and didn't say anything about Sanju's behavior.

The last girl he hugged was Makino and she was the one who asked, "Ethan what happened to you?"

The girls gathered around Ethan.

"I really have a lot to tell you all about. But in short, I was sent back to the past." Ethan begins to tell them about how the rainbow mist sent him 50 years in the past.

"Are you serious?" Alvida couldn't believe what she heard.

"Yes, I am." Ethan almost said this in the manner of Mohammed Avdol from the anime Jojo, but changed his mind at the last minute.

"This explains why the masked man always appears to help us when we need help." A soft smile appeared on Robin's face.

The girls were feeling warm in their hearts. Because Ethan never forgot them and took care of them constantly.

"Also, this also explains why you are taller than before and more handsome than before." Nojiko patted Ethan on the back because she couldn't reach his shoulder.

Everyone was curious about what Ethan had done in the past and how he still looked so young even though fifty years had passed. But before they ask him questions, they notice that something is wrong with Lucy.

A frown appeared on Lucy's face as she said seriously to Ethan. "There is something I don't understand."

"What is?" Ethan and the rest of the girls wondered.

"If Emily was your daughter, who would the older sister be? Emily or Sora?"

"Ethan's first child is Sora, but because Ethan went back in time 50 years and had a second child, this means that Emily was born many years before Sora."

"Who is the big sister?" Smoke started rising from Lucy's head the more she thought about it.

It was really confusing.

All the girls looked at each other in confusion and couldn't answer.

"Don't overcomplicate it. Sora is my first daughter, so she will be the big sister." Even though Emily is years older than Sora now, the fact that Sora is Ethan's first daughter does not change.

'But I wonder if Emily will accept the fact that she is the little sister.'

While everyone was deciding who the big sister was, Sora's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Sora has a sister? Sora is excited to see her as soon as possible."

Sora began asking her father to quickly introduce her to her sister.

Ethan picked up his daughter and kissed her on the cheek, "I didn't bring her with me, but we'll meet her on the next island."

Sora wanted to meet her sister now, but since she was not here, she had no choice but to wait.

"Then let's hurry to the next island." Sora's enthusiasm did not seem to be extinguished, and she kept saying,, 'Sora's sister~ on the next island~' in a sweet, singing manner.

"How many children do you have? No, or rather, how many wives have you had over the past fifty years?" Nami frowned as she looked at Ethan.

"It is clear that he has accumulated hundreds of wives." If Zora knew about Pokemon she would say that Ethan goes to different islands just to catch women like he catches Pokemon. "He only thinks about his dick and he can't stand the fact that he has to live without using it for decades."

"This is the Ethan we know and accept, so we don't care even if he's had hundreds of women over the past 50 years." Makino smiled sweetly, "All that matters is that he didn't forget us and came back to us even after he got other women."

'I don't really have hundreds of wives, but I do have an entire island of women.' Sweat appeared on Ethan's forehead but he didn't say it since Makino solved the problem for him. 'They will definitely know in the future but I will leave it to myself in the future.'

"Marines!" Croco warned everyone.

They saw the marines that suddenly appear. There's an old man with a thick lips, and there is a woman with light purple hair, also three old man behind them.

Croco almost attacked them, but Ethan stopped her.

"Y-you, perhaps you're.." Henzo pointed at the Marines with his fingers, his eyes trembling.

"Hmm? Did you know them old man?" Ann asked.

But before anyone could answer, the Vice Admiral spoke. "Sensei, it has been a long time."

Vice Admiral is an older man with messy blond hair, thick lips, and wears black sunglasses. He has fairly honed muscles and has bandages wrapped around his arms. He wears a black tank-top under a Marine's coat and also wears long gray pants and green boots.

The Marines were delighted to see Ethan, especially the woman with the light purple hair.

"Sensei?" The girls were amazed.

Some of the girls begin to believe that Ethan has taken in some of the students after he went to the past.

After Sora noticed their faces more, she began to recognize them. "Wait a minute sora can recognize them, that thick lips and cocky face, also that purple hair. You must be Lapanui and Isoka."

Now the crew members who didn't recognize Lapanui and Isoka in the first place felt even more confused. But the crew members who entered the rainbow mist immediately understood what Sora said.

"Sensei, we are sorry." Lapanui bowed to Ethan as if he had done something wrong and felt ashamed of him, "Although you taught us, none of me could reach the level of Admiral's strength."

"Don't worry about that." Ethan was expecting this because they had no talent from the start and he hadn't taught them for a long time.

Ethan looked at the Lapanui's Coat of Justice and then looked at the others. "Hmm, but it looks like you're the only one who became a vice admiral."

"No, we're all vice admirals. The reason we don't wear uniforms is because we took leave and boarded the Lapanui marine ship in order to come here." The woman who spoke was Isoka and she was looking at Ethan affectionately.

Although she was over sixty, she looked to be in her thirties and looked very beautiful.

Isoka walked up and hugged Ethan which made Ethan smile and hug her, "Vice Admiral hugging a pirate I wonder what people will think seeing this."

Isoka laughed while saying in a serious manner, "Sensei, I don't mind if people see me. I can leave the Marines for you."

"By the way, it seems Hana-san and the others are very angry with you." Isoka tells Ethan that the women Marines he has physical relations with are very angry because they find out that he is alive and has not visited them once while he goes to visit Tsuru.

●Note: Hana appears only once in chapter 245.

They were actually very happy at first when they found out he was alive, but they were disturbed by the fact that he never visited them.

"I have to apologize to them when I see them next time." Sweat appeared on Ethan's forehead, "But how did they find out?"

"When Hana-san went to visit Tsuru-san, she could smell your scent on Tsuru-san's body and all over the room." Isoka shyly spoke.

Isoka didn't say everything because it's embarrassing. Not only can Hana identify Ethan's scent on Tsuru's body, but she also finds traces of sex even though Tsuru cleaned up the place.

'How could she remember my scent after all these years? Did she eat dog dog fruit or something?' Ethan's eyelids twitched. What Ethan doesn't know is that Hana has been obsessed with his scent since their first encounter. She even keeps the towel she gave Ethan to wipe his sweat on their first meeting as if it were a treasure.

After talking to each other for a while, Lapanui and the others decide to get back to work and send Wetton to jail while Ethan and the girls begin their journey again.