
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

328- Reunion

"It was so dangerous, if we stay there any longer I don't know what will happen to us." Ethan sighed in relief upon seeing that they had finally left the rainbow mist.

The girls were jumping in joy and happiness to get out of that mysterious place.

Lapanui, Isoka, and the rest of the children looked at the island, and there was a glimpse of complexity in their eyes when they saw that the island was still inhabited by people after what happened fifty years ago.

But before the girls or the kids could say anything, the rainbow mist behind them started making explosions as it rushed quickly to swallow the ship again, but after a few moments the fog completely dissipated and the ship remained in place.

The girls were frightened, but when they saw that they were still outside and the island itself was before them, they sighed with relief.

While the girls were feeling comfortable, someone was worried.

Henzo looked around and couldn't find the children anywhere which made him start shouting their names, "Lapanui everyone, where did you go?"

The girls who were showing happiness stopped and looked around in confusion, and at this moment Zora asked, "Where did Ethan go?"

"Could it be that the rainbow mist swallowed them up and lost them through space-time? Or maybe the space-time storm cut them into little pieces." Robin said it in a way that made her look intimidating.

"Don't say such an ominous thing! It's too scary." Chopper looked at Robin with some blame while tears were almost flowing from her eyes from fear and anxiety.

"Sorry, I was just joking." Robin patted Chopper's head.

"Mom Robin, don't scare Sora's dear Chopper this way!" Sora made a cute expression as she blamed Robin and went to hug Chopper.

"Joking aside, where did Ethan go?" Kuina showed a worried expression. She always worries about Zora when she disappears but this is the first time she worries about Ethan.

Freya answered Kuina's question, "I can't feel Ethan anymore for a moment, but now I feel like he's on the island."

Lucy put her hands on her waist and laughed, "Shishishi, Maybe he was very hungry so he ran to the restaurant."

Sora looked at her mother while laughing, "Daddy doesn't do things like that. It would be more believable for Sora if Mommy did."

Lucy made a sad expression as she squatted down and placed her index finger on the floor and began to sweep the floor in a circular motion while saying in frustration, "Sora is mocking Mommy, Mommy is so sad."

Sora walked over to her mother, patted her on the head, and said gently, "Don't be sad, Sora was just joking."

While Sora is consoling her mother, the girls sail the ship to the island.

When they reached the beach the rest of the crew was waiting there.

Sanju was carrying a big bag on her back with all kinds of spices and ingredients that she bought from this island, "When we are going to set sail, the pesky marines have arrived on this island and they have captured Mayor Wetton for some reason."

"Although it has become easy for us to defeat them, dealing with them constantly is troublesome." Nami was in favor of the idea of ​​sailing as soon as possible.

"But Ethan's not here. We can't sail without him. Let me go find him." Zora volunteered to look for him herself and started running away but Kuina grabbed her by the collar to stop her from going because she would surely get lost.

"What do you do?" Zora looked at Kuina in annoyance.

"You are not allowed to leave the ship because you will be lost."

"Who's going to get lost? Me? I'm not going to get lost. I'm going to find Ethan and get him here as soon as possible." Zora tried to escape from Kuina's grasp.

Nami: "Do you know where we are originally?"

Zora: "We are on the east coast."

Nami: "No, we're in the exact opposite direction, we're on the West Coast."

"Hey girls, someone is approaching." Makino quickly alerts the girls.

A tall man appeared from the horizon wearing a mask that covered the upper half of his face.

The girls felt that this person was not simple, so they quickly prepared for the confrontation.

"I know this person!" Kuina's eyes sparkled and she looked at Zora, "He's the one who saved my life when I was a little girl."

"Yes, I remember him." Zora nodded, "I didn't expect him to enter the Grand Line. This explains his disappearance after you rescued him and not finding him even after we searched for him as bounty hunters."

Not only Kuina and Zora recognize this person, but half of the crew members have met him before as well.

"I know him too. I remember he worked with my dad once and he was the guy who accidentally found a Devil Fruit on a trip and gave it to my dad and then I ate that Devil Fruit." Kaya met him once but he was a good person and treated her kindly.

Desire also met him before. "He's the one who found Bari Bari no Mi and handed it over to me."

"I've met him many times in my life and he used to help me every time." When Robin was a little girl, he helped her escape several times from the Marines, and whenever she was hungry and could not find anything to eat, he appeared out of nowhere to give her food.

"I remember him too. He's the one who saved my life and Old Zeff's life when we were on a deserted island with no food." The cigarette fell from Sanju's mouth when she remembered this person, and she had met him twice in her life, but she did not mention that.

Everyone felt something strange. It was strange that almost all of them knew this person or had seen him at least once in their lives.

Lucy looked at the man for a moment, then remembered where she had seen him. "It's Emily's father."

"Emily's father?" Everyone looked at Lucy inquiringly.

"When I was little, I saw him visit Aunt Rouge once, and he had his daughter Emily with him." Then she started telling them how she became friends with Emily.

While they were talking, the man arrived near them, "Hi, long time no see!"

Everyone was about to welcome him, but Sora jumped towards him, so he picked her up.

Sora showed a big smile as she looked at his mask, "Daddy, why are you wearing a mask?"

Sora was the only one among all the girls who was able to recognize Ethan.

"Daddy?" All the crew members were confused.

Makino was worried and wanted to tell Sora to stay away from the man, but Ethan removed the mask and kissed his daughter's cheek, which made her laugh happily. Then he looked at the girls and said with a smile, "Yo, how are you?"

"Ethan?!!" Everyone was confused and did not understand this situation.