
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

294- Battle news and go to watch

"What? Did Arthur accept Egginhard's challenge?" In the tavern, a swordsman grabbed the newspaper and stood up with a flushed face. "Will the strongest swordsman in the world get the title of the strongest man in the world as well?"

"Aha! This is a feast for all swordsmen!" In the small dojo, the swordsman who hadn't stepped out of dojo for many years retrieved his weapon.

The battlefield looked worn and messy from the various powerful slashes that it had cut through it.

"What are you talking about? The duel between Egginhard and Arthur?" The swordsman, who was halfway through a fierce battle with his enemy, suddenly left the field and grabbed the edge of a man who was muttering in a low voice and shouted a question.

'Idiot he loosened his defense.' The enemy smiled and swung his blade towards the swordsman.

"I don't have time to play with you!" The swordsman evaded the attack easily and swung his sword very quickly and then put it back in its sheath

As for the enemy? His chest was cut and he fell to the ground. It is not known whether he was dead or unconscious.

"Come on, is this news true, if not, be careful I cut you to death ah!" Suddenly targeted by the swordsmen, the pirate somewhat limp, snot and tears smeared a face, said, "Absolutely, absolutely true, the newspaper said, he ... their agreement on the battlefield in the mushroom island!"

"Mushroom Island?" The swordsman smiled but his smile disappeared after a moment, "I wonder if Arthur uses the sword as well or is he using a devil fruit?"

The information about Ethan was unknown and they didn't know much about his battles but only knew that he had defeated the Flame Pirates and earned the title of the strongest man in the world. "I hope Arthur is a swordsman too."


New World, Sparkle Island.

"The duel between Arthur and Egginhard? Fuffuffuffu, Wasn't Arthur seriously ill, why did he accept the duel now?" A very tall 17ft man started laughing lightly and then asked a man standing next to him, but this man is only half his height.

"I don't know, but it is possible that he was cured, otherwise he would not accept this duel." The blue-haired man answered seriously.

"He cured? Fuffuffuffu, I don't think so. Because according to what I heard he has an incurable disease." The man started laughing again.

The blue-haired man's expression did not change. "Kaiser-sama, what are you going to do now?"

"We will definitely go watch." A wry smile appeared on Kaiser's face, "I want to see for myself how strong the person who has been called the strongest man in the world is even if he is ill."

The blue-haired man's expression moved slightly, "Kaiser-sama, you are one of the Five Emperors, wouldn't your going cause some turmoil?"

"It's now Yonko, not the Five Emperors." After the Flame Pirates were destroyed, there are only four emperors on this sea and no one is worthy of being a fifth emperor." Anyway, I guess I'm not the only one who's going to go watch but the rest of the Yonkou are too."

"I'm really impressed!" The blue-haired man said seriously, causing Kaiser to look at him curiously, "I didn't expect Kaiser-sama to be this smart."



New World, Tobu Island.

A beautiful woman with very long blond hair is sitting on a man's lap and caressing his chest with her finger, "Wouldn't the Marines and the World Government try to stop the Yonko from meeting in one place?"

"If all four emperors came out at the same time, do you think the Marines or the World Government could stop us?" The man spoke in a sarcastic tone, "Even if the marines try to stop us, I must go to that mushroom island to watch the battle and find an opportunity to kill Arthur."

This person is also one of the Four Emperors and he is going to find an opportunity to kill Ethan but not only him but all the Emperors think the same.


New world, at sea on a pirate ship.

"Are you really going to kill Arthur?" There was an old person drinking wine with a red face as he looked at his captain.

The captain is a man in his fifties with purple hair standing on the bow of the ship with two swords crossed on his back. "Although he is infected with an incurable disease, but it is better to kill him early before someone creates a cure for this kind of disease."

All the emperors believed that Ethan had an incurable disease because the Mercenaries Guild did not deny the matter after the news spread, and when the Marines went to verify the matter personally, the Mercenaries Guild confirmed the authenticity of this news.

But although it is a disease for which there is no cure, this does not mean that there will be no cure for it after a year or two, so it is better to kill Ethan now, according to the opinion of these emperors.

"Jehhehehehehe, are the Four Emperors going to get together on a sick man in order to kill him? What a funny thing." The drunken old man laughed out loud as he took a sip of the wine in his hand.

The purple-haired man did not care about the old man and his expression did not change as he said, "We are pirates. Do you expect us to have a fair fight? That is nonsense."

"Jehhehehehehe, So you don't care about the honor of being one of the Four Emperors."

"Let honor go to hell!!"


After a week.

An island in the new world.

This island was called Mushroom Island because its forests consist of mushrooms the size of trees.

The port of Mushroom Island was full of ships a few days ago, and these ships remained without leaving, and the pirate ships are still sailing to this island constantly, and because there are no places in the port for their ships to dock, they began to dock the ships anywhere on the outskirts of the island.

Inside the island, the pirates didn't care about the mushroom sight around them and all they care about now is to wait for the main event and see the fight between the strongest man in the world and the strongest swordsman in the world.

There were many famous pirates and famous swordsmen, whether they were pirates, bounty hunters, affiliated with various small organizations or independent people.

"Did I see it right? Isn't that Jack the scythe of death who is said to have been dead for many years?"

"Over here too, the Great Pirate Devil Eye Journo who retired twenty years ago!"

"It's exciting that the greats who once traversed the Grand Line are appearing in piles!"

The field, which used to be cold and lonely, was now as noisy as boiling water, and the appearance of every big name that it could name made these pirates shout with excitement.