
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

293- The second daughter is born

Ethan grabbed Emma's hand, who was yelling. She is currently on a huge bed with her legs wide open as she did her best to give birth to her baby but the baby doesn't seem to want to get out.

Ethan sighed and advised his wife, "Honey why don't you use Seimei Kikan? That way you can give birth quickly."

Emma stopped yelling and looked at Ethan with a lukewarm look, "If I knew how to use that technique I wouldn't suffer like this."

"I forgot that I didn't teach you Rokushiki techniques or any other techniques." Ethan laughed lightly and then quickly taught her the technique.

Emma quickly used the technique to expel the baby from her body, Without this technique she would have struggled for hours to give birth her baby because the baby did not seem to want to leave her house and was stuck in it.

Ethan cleaned the baby's body and Emma using magic and then carried the baby using a clean towel and a happy smile appeared on his face as he looked at the cute face of his second daughter.

Emma looked at Ethan's happy smile which made her smile too. She hadn't seen him so happy in a long time.

Emma was waiting patiently for him to give her the baby, but even after waiting for a few minutes, Ethan didn't move an inch as he looked at his daughter happily, which made Emma frown. "Ethan, I want to carry my daughter too. Don't monopolize her."

"Wait a minute. Let me check on the baby first." Ethan scans his daughter's body using magic and fortunately there are no problems and the baby is in good health, which makes him sigh in relief and then hand the baby to Emma.

Emma held the baby tenderly and lovingly and kissed the baby's forehead, which made the baby open her eyes and look at her mother, then a cute smile appeared on her face, which made both Emma and Ethan smile happily.

Both Ethan's baby girl first and second baby were so cute since they were born that it made Ethan feel confused if it was thanks to his genes or if it was because they were in an anime world.

"Ethan-sama, I brought hot water." A nine-year-old girl walked in with a pot of hot water in her hand, but was amazed when she saw a baby in Emma's arms.

"Shakky leave the hot water and come here!" Ethan smiled happily and motioned to the little nine-year-old to approach him, "Come and take a look at my daughter."

Shakky quickly approached and looked at the baby and asked curiously, "Is this what a newborn looks like? She is so small and cute."

Ethan chuckled and patted her, "Shakky from now on you're going to be my daughter's friend so take good care of her from now on and play with her."

Shakky nodded with a big smile and then asked to hold the baby but Emma refused because she was worried that Shakky would hold the baby incorrectly and hurt the baby.

"Emma, ​​don't worry! Shakky is smart. Just teach her how to hold the baby the right way." Ethan tried to convince his wife.

After some thought, Emma nodded her head and handed her baby girl to Shakky and told her to hold the baby tenderly.

Shakky made a serious expression and carefully held the baby girl, and when she looked at the baby who was looking at her curiously, a big smile appeared on her face. "Ethan-sama she's looking at me."

Ethan wanted to tell her that the baby was still small and could not see clearly but before he could say anything the baby started crying.

Seeing the baby crying in her arms, Shakky became nervous and frightened even though she didn't do anything to the baby.

Ethan comforted Shakky upon seeing her eyes fill with tears, "It's not your fault, the baby is just hungry."

Ethan did not take the baby from Shakky's hands, but told her to give the baby to Emma to nurse her.

Shakky listened to Ethan and carefully gave Emma the baby.

Emma immediately showed her breast to breastfeed the baby and was not ashamed of it. After all, the people in the room are her husband and a group of women and there are no men other than her husband.

The baby stopped crying and began to breastfeed from her mother's breast.

"Ethan, did you pick a name for our baby, or should I?"

Ethan pinched his chin as he thought for a moment and then suggested, "What do you think about the name Emily?"

"It's a beautiful name." Emma smiled and looked at her daughter, "Sweetheart from today, your name is Emily."


After spending time with his wife and baby, Ethan returns to the Mercenary Guild headquarters with Shakky.

Ethan went straight to Zenny, who manages everything in the guild in his absence, "Zenny, tell the strongest swordsman in the world that I accept the challenge."

"Finally, I've been waiting for you to say this." Zenny sighed, feeling depressed that Ethan didn't accept the challenge straight away, "Your delay in accepting the challenge and rumors that you are ill have caused your reputation to erode."

"But if you crush this person while the world knows you are sick, your fame will increase exponentially, and it will bring many benefits to our guild." Zenny laughed strangely and drooled from his mouth as he thought about the profits they would get from hunting down one of the emperors.

"Do not think too much." Ethan slapped Zenny's backside and said seriously, "I'm not going to kill him or hand him over to the Marines, so we won't get any money."

"Why not? He ruined your reputation. It's okay to kill him or turn him over to the Marines." Zenny looked at Ethan in confusion and then a realization appeared on his face, "You hate the Marines and the World Government so you're not planning to bring down another Emperor."

"Think as you wish, I just don't want to kill him." Ethan didn't care about the marines he wouldn't kill that emperor just for Emma, ​​"Select where the competition is between us and then spread the word around the world and also gather some information about it."

Zenny nodded and then asked, "What do you think about choosing Mushroom Island as your battle site."

"It's an island full of pirates and there are no innocent people living there, so no matter how much damage your battle causes, no innocents will be affected."

"Good, now set the date for the fight a week from now on that island." Having said this, Ethan returned with Shakky to Amazon Lily.