
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

186- Characters from the movies

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After one day.

In one of the training rooms, there were many machines moving at an incredible speed while occasionally shooting towards someone in the middle of the room.

The blue-haired girl carried two pistols and started to avoid the bullets with the least amount of movement, then using the pistols in her hand, she shot the machines that move at an amazing speed and was able to hit them with high accuracy.

Nojiko wiped the sweat on her forehead while catching her breath, as she had been fighting for an hour against the training machines.

These machines were placed in the training room after the last update of the system and the ship.

There are many of them and of different types that help girls develop their skills.

Nojiko looked to the right and saw Ann practicing ice magic with Balloon.

Then she looked to the left and saw Carmine practicing with Nami in the use of Soru.

Then she looked at Ethan who was sitting cross-legged in the corner alone while closing his eyes but there were many electric sparks coming out of his body while emitting a powerful aura.

Then he stood and walked towards a rectangular metal two meters high and one meter wide. Ethan put both hands at his waist in a karate-like stance. He took a deep breath and then punched the metal rectangle and destroyed it into small pieces, but Ethan's facial expressions showed that he was not satisfied as if he had failed to achieve something.

Ethan tried to devise a technique that would enable him to concentrate his attack power in one area, and that area would be the only one that would receive damage.

For example, when Ethan punched the metal a while ago, the damage was distributed to the entire metal and was destroyed, but Ethan tries to destroy the area he punched without affecting the rest of the metal.

He tries to multiply the damage by concentrating it in one area rather than being distributed.

From a physical point of view this is not entirely possible, but it does not matter after all in this world there are things that physics on earth can never explain.

After a while the metal that was destroyed returned to its previous form as if everything that happened before was just a dream, and the same goes for the machines Nojiko destroyed. This is one of the advantages of the training room.

When Ethan was about to return to his training, the system gave him a mission.

[New mission available]

[mission:Fuck Honey Queen!

objective: Fuck her so much that she loses consciousness.


[mission:Defeat the Trump Pirates!

objective: Choose six girls to participate in the fight. If the number of participants in the fighting is more than six, this will be considered a failure in the mission.


'Honey Queen? But she's part of the East Blue Pirates.' Ethan was baffled because he was sure that the movie was set in East Blue.

[Ethan, don't rely on the events of the movies and the anime because there are a lot of different things, and there are even some characters who are stronger than they were in the original series.]

'Yeah yeah, the important thing is that since I received this mission does this mean that they are close to here.' Ethan put on his shirt, which he used to take off when he trained.

[You're right, and if Balloon had been in the crow's nest instead of Ann's training, she would have told you that enemies were approaching.]

"Girls there is a pirate ship approaching." Freya entered the room with a gentle smile as if to believe the pizza had arrived.

"Freya, have everyone gather on the deck." After that, Ethan walked out of the training room and looked at the many ships slowly approaching them.

After that, everyone gathered and looked at Ethan, waiting for his orders.

Ethan looked at them with a slight smile, "The day before I gave the order to Laboon to destroy the pirate fleet but this time I won't."

"Freya, show information about the enemy crew to the girls." The girls looked at each other and did not understand why Ethan is doing all this, after all Laboon can destroy the enemy and there is no need for them to interfere.

What they don't know is that Ethan wants to complete the mission, and if Laboon is allowed to participate, Honey Queen may be killed.

Freya stood with six wanted posters and distributed them to the girls.




< 21,600,000 Belly >


"Bear king, captain of the Trump Pirates." Ethan didn't notice that the reward was 10M more than the original series after all he doesn't remember these enemies he only remembers Honey Queen and he doesn't even know the Bounty on her head.




< 15,000,000 Belly >


"Eldoraggo, a former pirate captain and someone who loves gold more than Nami loves money." And as usual, Ethan didn't notice that this guy was from another movie because he didn't remember him.




< 9,900,000 Belly >





< 7,800,000 Belly >





< 6,000,000 Belly >





< 3,200,000 Belly >


When Lucy, Zora, Kuina, and Sanju look at the wanted posters, they lose interest in fighting them.

At first, because Ethan assembled them, they thought they would fight powerful opponents, but it seems that they were completely wrong.

"I want six girls to volunteer to fight these pirates." Ethan looked at the girls and noticed that no one wanted to fight, well Lucy said she would fight them all alone but that was rejected by Ethan.

Ethan waited a while and didn't see any girls volunteering so he chose them himself. "Since none of you volunteer, I will choose, Carmen, Nami, Nojiko, Clara, Hayley, and Kaya, but Kaya will be prevented from using her Devil Fruit."

Ethan chose the weakest of the crew but he didn't say so. Kaya can't be considered weak because of her devil fruit but if she doesn't use her Devil Fruit abilities, she will be just as strong as Nami.

Carmen stepped forward with a serious face, "If I don't fight, what's the point of all the training I've been doing?"

"Well said." Clara clapped and then walked forward with Hailey.

Nojiko reloads her pistol while looking at the enemy ship, "I wonder if opponents like them are useful for improving my skills, but it's good to fight every now and then."

"Why me, Ann can fight for me." Obviously, Nami doesn't want to fight but it was Ethan who forced her to.

Upon seeing that her sister did not want to fight, Ann wanted to volunteer to be her surrogate but Ethan refused, while he says she lost her chance when she didn't come forward when participation was optional.

"It's fine for me to use something other than illusion, and I also want to try the Haki and Rokushiki I learned." Kaya has never tried fighting before so she is excited.