
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

185- Laboon vs Pirate

If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to



It has been about tow days since the crew left the Drum Kingdom.

Lucy was currently sitting on the figurehead of The Black Pearl Freya with Chopper and Sora sitting next to her staring at the horizon.

The rest of Ethan's crew were all at different parts of the ship doing their own thing.

Nami, Nojiko, Ann and Hailey were sitting on lawn chairs at the rear deck enjoying the nice weather they were in after their training.

Zora, Kuina, Alvida and Clara were on the main deck playing cards, Balloon was up in the crow's nest looking out.

Makino, Carmen and Sanju were in the kitchen preparing lunch.

Kaya was in her room studying the medical books and notes that Kureha gave her.

Mikita and Desire were fishing, and Vivi, Karoo and Tiger were sitting on the bow looking out at the sea with Lucy, Sora and Chopper.

Laboon and Ethan weren't on the ship right now, they both went to hunt the Sea Kings.

After they left the Drum Kingdom the entire crew partied all night celebrating their new crewmate.

"Wow, Sora." Chopper said in an astonished voice. "The sea seems to go on forever!" she said as she brought her hand up above her eyes as she looked out into the horizon.

"Yeah, the sea is pretty big," Sora said while lying on her stomach and supporting her head with both hands as she looked out into the horizon. "But it's so boring, the view never changes."

Lucy picked Sora up and made her sit on her lap, "But the view is nice, and if you're bored we can play some games to pass the time until we get to the next island."

After a while Lucy and the girls saw many black dots appearing in the sky, those black dots started to quickly approach and their shape became clear.

A giant black dragon was flying in the sky while many sea kings around it, the dragon used magic to make them float around it.

When the dragon reached the ship, it shrunk in size and turned into a human.

This man is 263cm tall and has a slim and muscular body. He has fair skin that women would envy for having such skin without cosmetics. He has short black hair, thin and sharp eyebrows, and beautiful gray eyes like a shining gem. He is so handsome that all the women and girls who look at him will fall in love with him.

Ethan wears a white shirt and a black jacket, with jeans and black boots.

At the same time, all the Sea Kings disappeared and reappeared inside the aquarium on the ship but their size became very small, and each of them was about 5~10 cm long.

"Ethan, if you want to raise sea kings, you have to create an integrated ecological system in the aquarium." Freya appeared out of nowhere and sat on Ethan's shoulder.

"For example, if there are no large fish, sharks will die of starvation, and if there are no small fish, large fish will die of starvation, and if there are no algae and seaweeds, small fish will die of starvation."

Ethan raised an eyebrow and looked at Freya on his shoulder, "I already know, and that's why I've given such tasks to Laboon."

After a while, Laboon appeared and returned to the aquarium and opened her mouth, and many very small fish and large fish and some sea kings came out.

[Ethan, how about you buy something from the system to help you? Instead of doing all that hard work.]

Hearing this, Ethan looked at the aquarium and saw that although he had captured fifty sea kings and many large and small fish, she could not fill the aquarium even by 0.01%.

Ethan sighed and admitted that it would be hard work, "Show me, what I need."

"Okay~" Freya said happily, and the system window appeared in front of Ethan.

■[fishing range

Every marine creature within a kilometer of the ship will be moved into the aquarium. You can turn off and on fishing mode whenever you want. (Note: You can increase the range later by using points)


■[Aquarium stats

The system will have the ability to do the practice or collecting and analyzing data in large quantities, and it will show you the number of organisms present in the aquarium, their types and shapes, and through it you can also choose what kind of sea creatures you want to take out of the aquarium to be your food.


'buy both.'

[As you order!]

After the purchase, Ethan went to Mikata and Desire and told them to stop fishing and go do something they liked, since the rest of the day would be a break from training.

Hearing this, Mikata and Desire looked at each other and then smiled because they were thinking the same, then the two grabbed Ethan and took him to the captain's cabin and made sure the door was locked.


An hour later, Ethan and the two girls got out of the captain's cabin because it was time for lunch.

After lunch, everyone dispersed and started doing what they liked again.

But at this moment many huge ships appeared in front of the Black Pearl Freya, and this was noticed by Balloon.

*chirp* *chirp*

*enemies* *enemies*

All the crew members walked out and looked at the pirate fleet in front of them.

Vivi became worried upon seeing this, "That's bad, we have to change the course of the ship."

The only one who agreed with Vivi's decision was Nami while the rest of the crew was indifferent.

"There are nearly fifty ships." Ethan looked at this indifferently, then spoke to Laboon. "Laboon, go and attack them from under the sea."

Hearing Ethan's orders, Laboon disappeared from the basin and appeared in the depths of the sea and began to move towards the pirate fleet.

And when she was close to the fleet she showed herself and then without any delay she used the front of her head to butt the ships

Within moments, Laboon destroyed a pirate fleet of fifty ships.

[Devil Fruit user (lizard lizard Fruit: crocodile) has been killed, You got the fruit.]

[Devil Fruit user (hoop hoop Fruit) has been killed, You got the fruit.]

After completing her mission, Laboon returned to the aquarium.

'hoop hoop Fruit?'

[It's a Paramecia fruit that can be used to make a circular band of metal, wood, or similar material.]

'This means that a user of this Devil Fruit can create circular band from any metal.'

[Not all metals but most of them, and the person using this devil fruit has to touch the metal at least once in order to make a circular band.]

'Now this is a very useful fruit.'