
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

17- The shells town

Author: I changed the amount of points Ethan earned in the previous chapter you can check this out.



For some reason Ethan couldn't believe what the system said 'Anyway, show my status'



•Name: Ethan Brown

•Level: 17(24,800/25,000 EXP)

•Strength: 46




•Stats Points: 84



'Add 20 points for Strength, 12 for Agility, and 9 for Stamina and Vitality.'

Ethan felt an energy flowing within him, making him feel relaxed and relaxed and he felt stronger than before.

'System, show me the store'




Current Points: 19,100


[Basic dick enlargement - Active skill - When activated your dick will increase to a length of 14 inch Or more when erect.


[Basic body strengthening - passive skill -This skill will make your become become stronger, faster when you train.

Points:5,000] [Purchased]

[Child Making Mode - Active skill -Can be switched ON/OFF for birth control.

Points:1,000] [Purchased]

[Massage Hands - Active skill - It can reduce fatigue and when you massage or touch a female will become more lustful for you and when you upgrade the skill to a heavenly massage you can remove all kinds of fatigue and impurities from the body

Points:5,000] [New]

[swordmanship-Points:8,000] [New]






fish-One kilo Points:10

Meat-One kilo Points:10

Water-5 liters Points:1

Dishes- Points:1

glass- Points:1

Aphrodisiac - drinks that will make a girl horny for 1 hour. Points:200

devil fruit: You can make a devil fruit Points:10,000

[Lottery Spin] 100 Points



'System, buy a devil fruit' Ethan thought, he really wanted a devil fruit even though he could be stronger without it, after all he has a system and he can increase his stats so he will be stronger just by having sex with women.

[What kind of devil fruit do you want?]

"I want a mythical zoan devil fruit: a western dragon model that can control all kinds of elements (water, earth, fire, wind, ice, storms, time, space...etc)" Ethan chose the devil fruit with excitement.

[Choice confirmed


Ryu Ryu no Mi, Model: Dragon God

Devil Fruit Abilities:

1-control all kinds of elements.

2-understanding animals

3-breath under water.


[Are you sure you want to get this Devil Fruit? Yes/No]

"Of course yes," Ethan said excitedly.

[Purchased Successfully]

After the system said this nothing happened even after some minutes passed, so Ethan lost his patience 'System where is the devil fruit'

[You already own it]

'Do I already own it? But I don't see it anywhere.' Ethan is puzzled.

[The goddess of beauty and love, she doesn't want you to eat something that tastes like shit so the devil fruit will be introduced directly into your body, and you don't need to eat it]

When he heard that he had a Devil Fruit ability, Ethan got excited and wanted to turn into a dragon, but he stopped his excitement when he remembered that he was surrounded by girls while they were sleeping so he decided to use it later, so he closed his eyes and decided to sleep now.


Two hours later, Ethan woke up to the sound of the system, which made him sigh.

[The ship has arrived at Shells Town]

Ethan woke up the girls and made them get dressed.

As soon as Lucy woke up, she yelled "I'm hungry!"

When Ethan heard Lucy's words, he remembered telling Nami to make the food, so he looked at her questioningly.

"I made the food, and I came to tell you this, and you know what happened next, the food must be cold now." Nami felt ashamed when she remembered what had happened earlier, she couldn't believe she had lost herself in lust.

"No problem, if the food is cold we can heat it up." Ethan patted Nami's head.

Nami looked at Ethan and kept thinking for a moment and then extended her hand towards him saying "100,000,000 Berry"

"100,000,000 Berry?" Asked Ethan, because he didn't understand what Nami wanted him to say, then he remembered that in the anime in the Alabasta arc, Nami showed her body to the crew and the King of Alabasta and then asked everyone who saw her to give her 100,000 Berry.'No way she wouldn't say that right?'

Nami said while pointing to herself. "You took the virginity of such a beautiful girl, do you think you would do all this for nothing, so I want you to give me 100,000,000 Berry for taking my virginity"

Ethan was annoyed by Nami's statement, so he pulled her to him, put his hand into her pussy, and inserted two fingers, causing her to gasp with surprise and orgasm, and put his mouth close to her ear as he spoke slowly, "Can you say that again?"

"You can do whatever you want but you have to give me 100,000,000 Berry," Nami said as she moaned at Ethan's fingers plowing her pussy.

Ethan looked into Nami's eyes and knew she wouldn't change her mind and would keep asking him to give her money forever and she wouldn't give it up.

"Why do you need so much money?" Ethan took his hand away from Nami and looked at her seriously.

"It's none of your business, it's a personal thing," Nami said as she avoided Ethan's eyes, feeling that Ethan's gaze could penetrate her mind and see what she was hiding.

'Did he see the tattoo. He woke us up and said we got me to Shells Town as I remember there's a naval base there, did he bring us there to hand me over to the navy' Nami got scared as soon as I thought about this.

Ethan noticed Nami's fear as soon as it appeared on her face so he think she remembered bad events about her village and Orling, so he put his hand close to Nami and stroked Nami's cheek, and said gently, "Why are you scared? Tell me what scares you, and I'll destroy it completely."

When Nami heard Ethan's voice who spoke to her sweetly, her fear eased and she thought with relief, 'I was wrong, he didn't detect anything.'

"I'm going to warm up the food." Nami jumped up and quickly ran out of the room and headed to the kitchen, because she didn't want to continue this conversation.

'System, if Nami tries to leave the ship tell me' Ethan spoke to the system when Nami came out of the room.

[As you command, host]

"Lucy and Alvida get dressed, before I lose control of myself and pounce on you," said Ethan as he watched Lucy and Alvida's naked bodies.

Alvida smiled then got out of bed and started getting dressed, when Alvida got dressed she moved her hips with seduction which made Ethan's penis erect but he suppressed his lust because if it starts it won't finish until after hours.

Ethan closed his eyes and then started getting dressed, after that the three of them went to the kitchen and Nami had already warmed up the food, so they started eating straight away.

After they finished eating, the four of them got off the ship and entered shells town.

The shells town was bustling with the people who were selling and buying new stuff. Alvida was looking around curiously to find something to buy for herself. They were not many items for a woman there after all. Alveda bought clothes that fit her current size.

While the girls were buying clothes, Ethan overheard a conversation going on among some civilians that Morgan, the captain of the navy at shells town headquarters, had been murdered by two bounty hunters three days earlier, with a bounty placed on their heads.

Ethan was shocked when he heard this because this was a completely different event from the original story, and he was curious about the bounty hunters who killed Morgan. Although he guessed it was Zoro.

Ethan approached the civilians who were talking about Morgan's killing, and asked them with a gentle smile, "Sorry for interrupting your conversation. I heard what you just said and I'm really curious about who killed Morgan, so can you tell me who killed him?"

"How can you not know this? This news is scattered all over the East Blue. Go and read some newspapers and then you will know who killed him." One of the civilians looked at Ethan and then said while pointing at the newspaper he was holding in his hand as if he was saying buy the newspaper from me and you will know what you want.