
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

16- foursome(+18)

Ethan looked at Nami and nodded and said, "Okay, you can keep your clothes."

Ethan turned and pushed Nami against the wall. He then spread her legs open to get closer to her, resulting in her skirt being pushed up. Ethan hold her head firmly and put his lips on hers.

Nami tried moving to the side, but Ethan didn't let her, seeing her lust rapidly rise. Ethan kissed and sucked her lips, branding it as his.

After Nami started getting turned on with her breathing becoming heavier, Ethan moved on to the next step.

Ethan went to grope one of Nami's breasts from her clothes and inserted his tongue into her mouth.

Ethan slowly lifted Nami's shirt, showing off her smooth skin and her black bra, which barely covered her breasts.

"W...Wait, don't take it off. You promised I could stay dressed."

Ethan moved on to lick and bite Nami on her ear while saying ,

"Don't worry I won't take off your shirt I'm just lifting it to show your breasts, can I do this?"

Not waiting for her reply, Ethan untied her bra and directly groped her big breasts, kneading it softly in his hand.

"Mmhhh" Nami gave out a small moan.. Then Ethan went down to suck and play with her nipples using his tongue, causing her to let out another moan. Nami pulled his head hard against her breasts to let him suck her nipples harder.

Her proactive actions made his dick excited again. Ethan laid her down the bed. Slowly, he kissed her downward all over her body and pulled down her stained panties.

Nami's naked pussy presented itself in front of him with her legs spread wide open. Nami looked especially attractive with her faintly blushing face and her sweaty hot body.

Ethan stared at her intently making her cover her face in embarrassment. He then got down and gave her wet hairless pussy a long lick.

"Aaaahh~!" Ethan opened her pussy lips and played her hole with his tongue while pinching her clit, causing another soft moan to leak from her mouth.

Nami's mind was already overwhelmed with lust. Saying, "Please don't tease me anymore."

Nami gulped as she stared at his long hard dick. She couldn't move her gaze, at the same time, her breathing quickening

Ethan gave her a smirk and Ethan teased her pussy with his dick, rubbing it all over her sensitive lips. Finally, Nami couldn't stop herself from saying, "Please put it in!"

Nami was even more impatient than him, feeling aroused all over her body. Ethan slowly shoved his dick inside her, feeling his dick tearing through her hymen into her soaked pussy that's coating his dick with her hot walls.

Nami then hugged him tightly while crying out in pain. Ethan went straight to kiss her lips, swirling his tongue with hers.

After a few moments, Ethan started thrusting his dick inside her with her still crying out in pain. Ethan couldn't stop moving. The pleasure he was feeling was so heavenly that he just kept on thrusting faster and harder.

Ethan heard watery sounds ringing out every time he thrust in. After repeatedly thrusting, Nami started to feel pleasure. Muffled moans began leaking out of her mouth. Slowly she stopped restraining herself, continuously letting out louder moans.

Nami wrapped her legs around his waist and started meeting his thrusts. Ethan kissed her all over her face, neck, and breasts while pinching her nipples and grabbing her ass.

After recovering from her orgasm, Alvida got up and looked at Ethan who he was on top Nami as he moved his dick inside her. Alvida began to approach Ethan and then raised his head.


Alvida's red lips fell on Ethan's lips. She closed her eyes and let her tongue inside. She felt some numbness as her tongue was connecting with his tongue like a druggy touch. Such a thing was the result of how his tongue moving skillfully.

Ethan opened his eyes widely feeling fluffy and numb at the same time. Alvida's lips were so soft, his tongue was sliding on her tongue and giving him some unique feeling that was turning him on. Tasting such a delicious mouth made Ethan's hands moved to the back of Alvida's head, he grabbed her closer and kissed with more passion.

Lucy seeing it all happen wasn't left out, she looked at Ethan and saw that his dick and mouth had already been taken by Nami and Alveda so she turned her eyes toward Ethan's nipples and thought 'When Ethan licks me there I feel happy, so if I lick them he might feel Happy too.' Moving closer, she began to stimulate Ethan by running her tongue over Ethan nipple.

Then he moved one hand toward Alvida's breasts and started massaging it and playing with the nipple.


Alvida started to moan in Ethan's mouth because of the pleasure that came from her breasts and nipples.

His other hand went to Lucy and put his hand on her pussy, he let some fingers rubbing the wall, and his thumb on her clit.


Feeling her pussy rubbed, Lucy felt a high sense of pleasure invade her whole body, she let a loud scream and moaned, soon, some liquids started to drip on Ethan's hand.

After a few minutes, Ethan felt close to cumming, so he started thrusting deeper inside Nami hitting the door to her womb while enjoying her tight walls coiling around his dick.

Soon, Ethan heard Nami moan loudly and felt her walls repeatedly contract, making it even tighter. At the same time, he exploded, emptying his load straight inside her womb.

After he finished Nami it was Alvida's turn, then Lucy, and he kept doing it for hours.

Ethan lay on the bed, Lucy on his right side hugging his arm, Alvida on his left side hugging his left arm while Nami was right above him.

All of them feel exhausted, and catch their breath. Then he heard Nami say, "That was amazing!"

After saying this, Nami fell asleep from exhaustion, Lucy kissed Ethan's cheek as an expression of her love for him, and when Alvida saw this, she imitated her and kissed Ethan on the cheek, then they both fell asleep too.


•400 Points for fucking Lucy!

•200 Points for cumming Lucy pussy!

•400 Points for fucking Nami!

•400 Points for taking Nami virginity!

•200 Points for cumming Nami pussy!

•400 Points for fucking Alvida!

•400 Points for taking Alvida virginity!

•200 Points for cumming Alvida pussy!

You've earned a total of 2,600 Points!]

[Additional bonus for foursome: point ×3]

[You've earned a total of 7,800 Points!]


Mission:Have sex with Alvida! (completed)

You've earned of 1,000 Points!]


Mission:Have sex with Nami! (completed)

You've earned of 5 000 Points!]

[Since you have earned a total of 13,800 points, you have leveled up! There will be more stuff now available in the store!]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]




[Reached level 17, gained 50 stats points]

[All stats have been increased by 5 points]

'I didn't expect this from her' Ethan looked at Nami who was sleeping on top of him, Ethan didn't expect him to have sex with Nami so quickly. He expected to have sex with Alveda because she had already shown her desire for it.

But the fact that Nami and Alvida were watching him from outside the room while he was having sex with Lucy really shocked him at the time, and the fact that Nami started masturbating while watching him have sex with Alveda and Lucy shocked him even more, 'What's going on here? Nami shouldn't be so easy, if it was that easy, she would have lost her virginity a long time ago.'

[Well that is because any female who rides on this ship will have her lust for you increased, it is the ship of lust after all, but this will differ from one female to another, the weak-willed female will be affected at the same moment she sets foot on the ship, and the female of medium will She will not be easily affected, but she will be touched by lust when she sees your naked body, and a strong-willed female will be affected when she sees you naked but not to the extent that she has sex with you directly]

'Why didn't you tell me this from the start' thought Ethan while furrowing his brows.

[You never asked me about it, so I didn't tell you]

'But I remember telling you to tell me all the functions that the ship and the system can do. What else are you hiding from me?' Ethan thought in annoyance.

After being silent for a while, the system spoke again.

[Also Nami was at her weakest, because she was tired of sailing the sea alone and tired of stealing for someone she hated, and also mistakenly thought that you were a rich young man because you owned this ship of great design, and thought of making you fall in love with her to give her money for save her village, and she also wants to feel some peace]

Ethan looked at Nami sleeping on his chest and there was determination in his eyes as he thought 'I'm definitely going to take you out of your suffering, since you became my woman'

'Also, system, were you just trying to change the topic of discussion and try to avoid my previous question, are you really hiding some functions of the system from me?'

[Dear host, I do not hide anything from you]