
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

115- Tashigi (2)

Ethan grabbed Tashigi's hand, pulled her into a hug and kissed her again.

Tashigi didn't get out of the shock of the first kiss and the second kiss came right after that.

Tashigi started to resist and she never stopped until Ethan got away from her, yelling at him, "Why are you doing this? It was my first kiss."

Tashigi looked at Ethan's face, but she couldn't distinguish his features because of her bad eyesight. 'Damn, I can't even see the face of the one who took my first kiss.'

"I'm done walking with you bye bye." Tashigi turned and wanted to get away, but her forehead hit the wall.

Ethan grabbed Tashigi before she fell to the ground, then said gently and anxiously that he was really worried she was hurt. "Are you okay?"

"If only I had my glasses." Tashigi sighed deeply, but upon hearing Ethan's gentle and anxious tone of voice for some reason, her heartbeat started to increase.

Ethan kissed her forehead and then picked her up, "I saw a store selling glasses near here. If you want glasses, I'll buy you one."

"I can walk you don't need to carry me that way." Tashigi's face turned red because Ethan carried her like a Princess.

"If I let you down, you will keep stumbling and falling, and I don't want to see you get hurt." Ethan didn't let her down, but he moved quickly as he carried her and because the streets were crowded, Ethan jumped up into one of the houses and started jumping from one house to another very quickly.

Strange feelings began to form inside Tashigi's heart as Ethan carry her like this as he jumped from house to house, her face turned red and her heartbeat started to increase. It was the first time a man carried her and she really liked it.

Tashigi rested her head on Ethan's chest as her heartbeat gradually became calmer and she began to hear Ethan's heartbeat rhythmically. At this moment, she felt a calm and peace she had never felt in her life, and she hoped that Ethan would never let her down and continue carrying her like this.

"Even if he's not a good-looking person and even if he's not handsome, if he treats me like that from time to time maybe he and I can be together."

Ethan jumped off a rooftop into the street and stood in front of the glasses store, "We're here."

Ethan lowered Tashigi to the ground, Tashigi wanted to say that she wanted to be carried more, but she was embarrassed and didn't say that .

As soon as they entered the store, the store owner recognized Tashigi, "Did you break your glasses again? Sigh* Wait a few minutes, I'll get you another pair of glasses."

The store owner looked at Ethan and saw that he was wearing a completely black mask, which made the store owner curious about his identity.

But he didn't ask and went to get Tashigi's glasses

Before entering the store, Ethan puts on a mask because he doesn't want Tashigi to get into trouble if she's seen with a pirate.

"Thank you!!" Tashigi said gratefully to the store owner.

When the shopkeeper went to make the glasses, Ethan grabbed Tashigi by the waist and leaned in to whisper in her ear, "Let's sit down until he comes."

Tashigi nodded, making Ethan smile, there was only one chair in this store for customers.

Ethan sat on the chair and pulled Tashigi to make her sit on his lap, then whispered in her ear, "There's no other chair so you can use my lap to sit."

"If there is no other chair, I can stand." Tashigi's face turned completely red and then she tried to take his hand off her waist but to her shock she couldn't remove Ethan's hand even though she used all her strength.

Ethan looked around and then used Kenbunshoku Haki when he noticed that no one was watching he removed his mask and then grabbed Tashigi more tightly and kissed her.

Tashigi tried to resist but couldn't keep Ethan away from her no matter how hard she tried, causing her to be shocked by Ethan's physical strength.

Gradually her resistance started to lessen and after a few moments she no longer showed any resistance to Ethan's kiss, but instead wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him as well.

"Aaah~" Ethan put his hand on her buttocks and then massaged her which made Tashigi feel shocked and opened her mouth to moan from the good feeling she was getting.

"Mmm~" Ethan took the opportunity and stuck his tongue in her mouth, Tashigi started moaning in Ethan's mouth because of the happiness she was getting from the kiss and Ethan's hand rubbing her butt skillfully.

When he realized that she was no longer resisting his actions, Ethan moved his other hand from her waist and placed it on her breasts and began to gently massage them.


After a few minutes, Ethan stopped kissing her and removed his hands from her buttocks and breasts.

Tashigi breathed deeply and then rested her head on Ethan's chest, "Do I really know you? I don't remember meeting someone like you in my life."

Ethan hugged her tighter, then said in a low voice, "Today is the first time we meet. But you really look like one of my girlfriends, so I thought you were her."

"Then why would you do this to me if you already had a girlfriend." There was some sadness in Tashigi's voice, which wasn't the answer she wanted to hear, but she was thankful that Ethan didn't lie to her.

"I don't think my girlfriends would mind you becoming my girlfriend too." Ethan smiled and then gently kissed her lips, he didn't use his tongue and didn't move his hands on her body it's just a simple and sweet kiss

After a while, Ethan broke the kiss and looked into Tashigi's eyes but at this moment he noticed something so he whispered quickly in her ear, "The owner of this store will be back in a moment."

Ethan has been using Kenbunshoku Haki to keep a close eye on his surroundings since he started kissing Tashigi, so he quickly discovers the store owner is back.

Tashigi jumped out of Ethan's lap while trying to quickly tidy up her clothes, which became messy due to the movement of Ethan's hands all over her body.

The store owner came down from the second floor and looked at Ethan, who had put his black mask back on. Then he looked at Tashigi, who had a smile on her face because she was able to get her clothes in order in time.

The store owner didn't notice anything strange and gave Tashigi the glasses.

Ethan walked over to the store owner and paid for the glasses he had bought for Tashigi, and then the two walked out of the store and started walking the streets.

Walking down the street, Tashigi put on glasses and looked at Ethan, seeing that he was wearing a black mask, "How long have you been wearing a mask?"

'Does he look bad so he doesn't want me to see him? Does he think I will refuse to be his girlfriend when I see his face?' If Ethan had heard Tashigi's inner thoughts, he would have slapped his forehead by now

"Do you want to know what I look like? Let's rent a hotel room and finish what we started, haha." Ethan laughed lightly.

Tashigi's face turned red, but she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, let's rent a hotel room."

Ethan was shocked, he only said it as a joke but he didn't expect her to agree so quickly, then after the shock disappeared the corner of Ethan's mouth rose into a smile "There is a hotel in front of us let's go to it and rent a room."

Tashigi walked beside Ethan with her face completely red as she thought, 'I'm going to the hotel just to see his real face, I'll go right out after that.'