
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

114- Tashigi

After Nami, Nojiko, Ann and Kaya converted the gold into banknotes, they went to buy some clothes and then on their way back to the ship they saw a bar, so Nojiko suggested that they rest a bit and eat some food and drink some alcohol or juice.

Walking inside the gloomy place the girls could count at least two dozen figures around the various tables all hooded and cloaked to hide their identities

"This place is suspicious and scary. What do you think about us going to another place?" Nami shivered in fear and suggested that they leave, she feels that something bad is going to happen and that this group will cause problems for them.

"Nami, you shouldn't be afraid, we are strong now." Nojiko smiled while calming Nami.


As Sanju and Makino were walking, they heard a voice calling behind them. "Sanju, Sanju."

Sanju turned her face back to see the person calling her, when the person noticed Sanju stopping, a smile appeared on the person's face, "Sanju, finally we met after ten years."

"I've been looking for you for ten years." Carmen looked at Sanju as if she was seeing her biggest competitor ever.

Carmen is a tall woman with fiery pink hair and large pink eyes. She is dressed in a dark red flamenco dress with white frills, a green sash that she uses as a belt with a large red rose on her hip, and hot pink shoes. She wears a gold headband and a silver-emerald necklace that match her diamond-shaped emerald earrings.

Sanju looked at Carmen with concentration and tried to remember her, but she couldn't. "Who are you?"

Carmen shouted out to two of her followers and ordered them to explain.

After the two revealed that a bunch of famous cooks were defeated by Carmen, she confirmed that she was the number one cook in the East Blue.

She then revealed that she had challenged many cooks and felt that there was no one else worthy of being her rival anymore until she came across a column about the Baratie after defeating a rival cook.

The defeated cook had told her that chef Sanju of Baratie was the number one cook and that she was no match for her.

As such, she then decided to seek her out, which she claimed to have been for ten years; however, two of her followers then revealed that it was actually ten days.

Carmen then angrily whacked the two with her frying pan for talking too much.

After hitting her followers, she looked at Sanju with a defiance "Sanju, I challenge you to the Cooking Championship at the marketplace, you have to come."

While she prepared to take her leave, she spun around very quickly which made it look like she was going to disappear into the air. However, she ended up in a dizzied state with her apprentices having to carry her off.

"She's a complete idiot." Sanju looks at Carmen who is being carried away by her followers.

"She's a funny girl," Makino laughed lightly and then asked Sanju, "are you going to participate in the Cooking Championship?"


As Ethan was walking in the streets holding Sora in his right arm, there were many civilians looking at him in astonishment and many girls and women looking at him with hearts in their eyes.

There was a girl who could resist the handsome look of Ethan, and she looked at him while thinking, "Have I seen him somewhere before?"

The Girl has dark brown eyes and wears her black hair between chin- and shoulder-length. She looks remarkably similar to kuina. She wears rectangular glasses with red frames.

She wears a yellow short-sleeved shirt and also wears blue jeans with black shoes.

Suddenly someone bumped into the girl and dropped her glasses on the ground, then a pedestrian accidentally stomped on her glasses and broke them.

"No!! my glasses!!" The girl grabbed her glasses and showed a sad face.

"I'm sorry young lady, I didn't mean it." The man bowed to Tashigi and apologized to her.

"It's okay, I can buy another later." Tashigi smiled at the man who apologized and then she started walking away.

Tashigi walked while she sighing dejectedly. "Those glasses are expensive, but I can't blame him for breaking them because he wasn't intentional."

She sighed again as she looked ahead and all she saw was blurred. "It's harder to walk without glasses."

Suddenly she bumped into a tall man while she was walking.

While she wanted to apologize, she heard the man speaking, and his tone was very sweet "Are you done with what you wanted to do? And where is Zora?"

'Does this person know me? And who is Zora? I feel like I've heard this name before.' Tashigi raised her head to see the man's features but she couldn't because everything she saw was blurry.

"I don't know where she is." Tashigi was embarrassed to say she didn't recognize him so she could only pretend she knew him.

"What? Did she get lost again?" Ethan looked at the person he thought was Kuina in shock, previously thinking if Zora was with Kuina, Zora's chances of getting lost would be less.

Tashigi was shocked upon hearing this and imagined Zora as a crying little girl because she got lost in the city.

"We have to find her quickly." Tashigi looked at Ethan seriously.

"There is no need to rush, we will find her in the end, and she is also an adult, strong girl who can take care of herself." Tashigi was shocked to learn that Zora was an adult.

"Anyway, where is your sword?" Ethan looked at Tashigi's hands and saw that she didn't have a sword, then he looked at her waist and didn't see her sword hanging there either.

Ethan and Tashigi walked in the streets while talking, after a while talking with Tashigi Ethan knew she was not Kuina but he didn't say anything about it and kept talking to Tashigi, 'So this is Tashigi she really looks a lot like Kuina.'

Ethan knew she was Tashigi and not Kuina because of the system mission that appeared before him.

[New mission available]

[mission:Have sex with Tashigi! Reward:5,000Points&EXP]

'Should I keep pretending I think it's Kuina and do that to her?' Ethan thought for a while and when they entered an alley with no one in it he decided to make his move.

Suddenly Ethan grabbed Tashigi's waist while they were talking and after a while he got bolder and pulled her into a hug.

Tashigi was surprised, but before she could say anything, Ethan kissed her, preventing her from speaking.

But even before he could do more with Tashigi, Ethan felt his right hand's temperature suddenly rise.

He looked at his right arm and found his daughter Sora opening her mouth and shooting flames on his arm while there is a frown on her face and her eyes are teary.

Ethan heard Freya's sarcastic voice in his mind.

[Ara~ Ara~ Your daughter is jealous, and She feels sad and angry because you ignored her and kept talking to Tashigi. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like you can get Tashigi right now.]

Ethan didn't care about Freya's taunting, but he sighed and pulled away from Tashigi and started trying to calm his daughter down.

Tashigi stood still, not out of shock yet, then raised her hand to her lips and muttered in shock, "Did he just kiss me?"

While Tashigi was still shocked, Freya appeared beside Ethan and took Sora in his arms and smiled at him, "I'll take care of Sora, you can finish what you started."

Ethan looks at Freya in shock while she disappears with Sora, he really wanted to ask her why she is here and what about the ship but she is already gone.