
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

112- Loguetown

It didn't take long to reach the island, and with Nami giving sailing instructions and Freya controlling the ship, they anchored the ship a mile or so from the actual city to prevent it from being found by the Marines there.

In fact, doing this is useless because the ship is too big and its shape will attract attention, but Ethan, Ann and Balloon will cast a joint magic to hide the ship.

"Nojiko, can you stay in the ship? Even if magic will hide the ship, I'm really worried about the gold and treasures." Nami looked at Nojiko begging.

"Okay, I'll stay in the ship." Nojiko smiles at her sister who loves money so much.

"I'll stay on the ship too." Makino smiled, she would feel pity if Nojiko was left alone on the ship.

"There's no need for you to stay on the ship, did you forget that I'm the ship spirit here?" Freya can do a better job of protecting the ship than the rest of the girls.

After some discussion, Freya was chosen to remain on the ship.

Since they had chosen the one who would stay on the ship, Ethan looked at Nami, "Take some gold and treasures, we'll convert them into banknotes, there must be a bank in this city."

Nami nodded in agreement and went to get some gold from inside the ship.

After that everyone got out of the ship and headed for the city, but they were not one group, Ethan divided them into several groups.

Makino and Sanju are going to buy food and water supplies.

Nami, Nojiko, Ann and Kaya will go to a bank to exchange gold into banknotes.

As for Lucy and Alvida, they went together to the city center to see the execution platform on which the Pirate King was executed.

As for Zora and Kuina, they'll go buy some stuff to help Kuina make swords.

As for Ethan, he's going to town with Sora to buy some clothes for her and him.


"Captain Smoker, we have seen the SHD Pirate ship, but it disappeared as soon as it approached the island." A marine soldier rushed in and informed Smoker.

"Are you an idiot, how could a ship that big disappear?" The Marine standing behind Smoker looked at the Marine who had spoken earlier.

"No, it's possible. In this world there are many unique abilities that can do that." Smoker stood up from the brown sofa he was sitting on, his expression quite serious.

Then smoker came out of his room and looked at the assembled marines and then spoke seriously. "The SHD pirate ship has been sighted near this island, but their ship has disappeared from view."

"There is a possibility that one of their crew members has the ability to conceal the ship, but if they were heading here they must have anchored it near the city. Go and find it !!!" Smoker shouted his orders to the marines, and most of them went to carry out his orders while the rest waited for other orders from him.

"The rest of you should know what pirates look like from wanted posters, so look for them in the city and once you find them don't fight them. They are too strong and you won't be able to defeat them, so you have to inform me directly and I'll go there."

"As you command, Captain Smoker." The Marines saluted Smoker and then dispersed across town in search of Ethan and the girls.

"Where is Tashigi?" Smoker asked the Marine behind him.

"She went to the sword shop she usually goes to."


An hour after everyone had left, Freya who stayed on the ship was bored, although she was still attached to Ethan and could see what he was seeing.

"Should I go to the city too. After all, even if someone tried to steal the ship, I would be the first to know about it. Also, the ship is hidden by magic and no one will be able to find it." Freya jumped off the deck and started walking into town with a gentle smile on her face.

At the same time several girls looked at Freya who was walking towards town, one of them spoke, "Let's go tell Big Sister, if we can steal this beautiful ship we can sell it to a nobleman at a high price."

"Or it could become our ship." Another girl laughed softly.

All the girls looked at the sea or, more specifically, the area in which the invisible ship was.

Freya who was walking towards the city heard everything and raised the corner of her mouth to form a wry smile, "Their big sister would be a good member of the harem."

Freya kept walking towards the city and did not return to stop the girls from stealing the ship.


Ethan walked the streets while holding Sora in his arms, Sora looking around curiously at all the people around her.

Although her actual age is 21 days, she looks as if she is seven months old.

The people on the street looked at Ethan in shock because he was very tall and incredibly handsome.

Every female who saw Ethan their eyes turned red hearts.

"He's so handsome~" Red hearts started flying everywhere and the women looked at Ethan with love.

"Look, he just looked at me, do you think he's interested in me?" A girl cried while pointing to Ethan who looked in her direction, and began to imagine herself in his arms, becoming his lover, and having some handsome children with him.

"Stupid, he looked at me, not at you." There was another girl standing next to her.

"Stop fighting, he's obviously looking at me." The middle-aged woman smiled while showing off her large chest.

"Aren't you already married? Go to your husband, old woman." The two girls looked at the middle-aged woman with annoyance, but they have to admit that her breasts are really big and always attract the attention of men.

While the girls and the woman quarrelled, Ethan had already walked away.

In fact, Ethan wasn't looking at these girls or that middle-aged woman, he was just looking around to find a clothing store.

After searching for a while, Ethan finally found a clothing store, so he entered.

The middle-aged man looked at Ethan's height in astonishment because Ethan was about two and a half meters tall, and even Ethan had to bend a little to enter the door of the store.

"I'm sorry sir, but our store does not have clothes of your size." The store owner bowed to Ethan while apologizing.

"It's okay, I'll buy clothes for my baby girl." Hearing Ethan's words, the shopkeeper raised his head and saw Ethan's baby girl for the first time, he hadn't noticed her presence before because Ethan's height and handsomeness attracted his full attention.

"Sure, sir, there are many baby clothes we have." The owner of the store quickly ran into the store and began to take out a lot of clothes that were suitable for baby from the age of seven months.

Ethan starts flipping through the clothes with one hand while using his other arm to hold Sora.

"Sora, what do you think of these clothes?" Ethan pulled out a beautiful pink dress.

"Aoo~ Aa~" Sora started swinging her hands toward the clothes as if she liked it.

Ethan smiled and went to the place to change clothes and started changing clothes for his daughter. After he finished, Ethan stood in front of the mirror and made Sora watch herself.

"Ah~Ah~ haha." Sora let out a sweet laugh and smile when she saw herself in the mirror.

'My little angel looks so adorable when she laughs.' Ethan felt a strange feeling in his heart but he is sure that this is the happiness you get when you have a cute baby girl.

After that, Ethan made Sora wear many different clothes, and all clothes were great on Sora even the simple ones.

Ethan noticed a very strangely shaped baby clothes and thought of having Sora wear it, "Sora, what do you think of these clothes?"

"Na~ Na~" Sora's face showed a cute frown and it seemed that she didn't like the clothes.

"Let me see it on you first. Maybe it will look great on you after you wear it." Despite Ethan's insistence, Sora didn't seem convinced by the clothes.

Eventually Sora opened her mouth and a flame of fire erupted from her mouth and burned the clothes she did not like.

Then Sora started laughing sweetly as she clapped her hand, "haha~"

Ethan opened his mouth wide in utter shock, "What the hell happened now?"