
One Piece: The Ship of Lust

Ethan Brown is a 22-year-old who is a new hire in a company. He lost consciousness suddenly and for no reason after having sex with the owner of the company. (The person who owned the company was a beautiful middle-aged woman). When he regained consciousness, he found himself on a bed in a very elegant room, and in front of him was a very beautiful woman whose beauty cannot be described in words, sitting elegantly on a chair. "Hello," she said, "I am the goddess of lust, sex, love and beauty." Disclaimer – I do not own One piece. ____________ If you want to read up to 15 chapters ahead go to https://www.patreon.com/muhned1

muhned · Anime & Comics
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364 Chs

111- The crew arrives at Loguetown



• 50 Points for kissing and groping!

• 200 Points for Getting a blowjob!

• 200 Points for Cumming down her throat !

• 400 Points for Fucking her pussy!

• 200 Points for Cumming in her pussy!

• 1,000 Points for Taking her virginity!

You've earned a total of 2,050 Points!]


Mission:Have sex with Sanju! (completed)

You've earned of 10,000 Points!]

[Additional bonus for completing the mission without relying on any skill : point ×3]

[You've earned a total of 30,000 Points!]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Level up]

[Reached level 87, gained 40 stats points]

[All stats have been increased by 4 points]



•Name: Ethan Brown

•Level: 87 (431,350/433,000 EXP)

•Strength: 352(+10%) = 387




•Status points you own: 537


•Points: 147,900

Ethan did it with Sanju for many hours from evening to midnight.

Ethan lies on the bed while Sanju sleeps next to him and she hugs him by the arm.

At first he came to Sanju's room only to ask her to make some food for him, but he didn't expect to fuck her until midnight.

He is currently feeling very hungry and really wants to eat, so he gently removes Sanju's hand from him and goes out to find food in the kitchen, luckily he finds some food and starts filling his stomach and it is likely that Makino made this food.

After he was full, he went back to Sanju's room and slept next to her.


The next day in the morning.

Ethan woke up feeling something wet between his legs, he opened his eyes and looked down and saw Sanju licking his dick and saw her eyes turning into hearts.

"Ethan, let's do it again I want you inside of me." Sanju noticed that Ethan woke up so she looked at him with happiness and lust, she wanted him so badly.

"Fine, as you wish." Ethan smiled and grabbed Sanju and gently made her sit down, but he heard a grunt of pain as if she was in pain when she sat down.

Ethan frowned, his excitement completely gone. Sanju is clearly in pain because yesterday he didn't make his dick smaller, but she's still trying to get it all in. "Sanju, you're in pain, I won't do this to you until you are healed."

"I'm totally fine, I can do it again." Sanju started begging him as her eyes turned into teary little puppy eyes.

When he saw this, he really wanted to push her onto the bed and pierce her with his penis, but he controlled his lust and stood and began to move away from the bed.

Ethan looked at Sanju and said, "If you can stand up, I'll think about doing it with you."

"its very easy." Sanju smiled and tried to stand up but she couldn't, every time she moved her leg she felt pain.

Sanju gritted her teeth and endured the pain, and with great difficulty she was able to stop and then smiled, "Look, it's very easy."

Ethan sighed, then gently picked up Sanju and started walking out of the room, heading to the medical room where Kaya is.


medical room.

"I'm really surprised, if Ethan's penis got into a normal woman, she would have died of pain and her vagina would be completely torn apart." After Kaya finished checking Sanju, she said in amazement.

"So is she okay?" Ethan said worriedly, feeling somewhat guilty about what happened to Sanju.

"She's fine, she just feels some pain and has trouble moving, if she uses some ointments she'll be fine tomorrow, but she'll be here for the rest of the day."

Ethan nodded in relief upon hearing this, but Kaya looked at him seriously, "You'd better not do this to another girl, not everyone with a strong physique like Sanju can stand it."

"It's not Ethan's fault, when he wanted to reduce the size of his dick I told him not to." Sanju couldn't stand it when she saw that Kaya was blaming Ethan, so she spoke out the truth directly.

"If I could go back in time, I would have done the same. Ethan's gorgeous big penis I want him to be inside me again." Sanju smiled as red hearts appeared in her eyes.

Upon hearing this, Kaya was completely speechless because she didn't expect Sanju to make that kind of facial expression while saying these words, and she always thought Sanju was a serious woman.

'Is she starting to get more perverted or was she like this from the start?' Ethan smiled bitterly when seeing Sanju's facial expressions.

Ethan came out of the medical room after making sure Sanju was fine and she would be able to move without problems soon, but he didn't want to make the same mistake again so he spoke to his system. 'Freya, is there a way to make my penis size automatically proportional to the woman I'm having sex with?'

Moments later, Freya's beautiful voice appeared within his mind.

[Yes, this skill exists. You can buy it from the System Store.]

'Show it to me'

■[Automatic penis size adjustment - passive skill - This is the skill that makes your dick always adjust to the perfect size for each girl so that when you insert your dick the skill activates automatically and fills the girl completely ensuring that they feel nothing but pleasure.




It was a few hours later.

When Ethan was playing with his daughter after his training, he heard balloon call out from above,

*chirp* *chirp*

*There is land in front of us*

Ethan's gray eyes flashed, he smirked before he took Sora in his arms and then exited the captain's cabin, "finally" he muttered and made his way up to the deck.

Everyone was gathered at the front now looking out at the island in the distance, Ethan came up behind them to see the silhouette on the horizon.

"So that's the island of the beginning and the end," he commented and a smirk, "our last stop before we head to the grand line"

Nami nodded, "yep, we'll have to make sure to get everything we need here before we set off"

Kaya said cautiously, "We'll have to do so discreetly, I heard that the marine captain on this island is a logia type devil fruit user, captain Smoker. They call him the (white hunter)"

"Where did you get this information from?" Zora looked at Kaya in confusion because she had never heard of this before.

"Ban Dedessinée told me this before we set sail." Kaya replied with a smile.

"M-maybe we should skip this island then, if he's really that tough then we should resupply elsewhere." Nami suggested while trembling in fear, that she knows what a logia fruit means.

Sanju shook her head "We can't do that, our supplies are already starting to run low, I don't think we'd have enough to manage the journey to another island."

Contrary to Kaya's expectations, Sanju quickly recovered within a few hours and she is now able to move.

"Even if we could do it, I don't want to run." Lucy voiced sternly, "Loguetown is our destination, it's where the last pirate king was born and died, I won't run just because some guy makes things a little hard, and I won't sneak around either"

"So what's the plan now?" Zora looked at Ethan.

"There is no plan. What we will do has not changed. We will go and gather the water, food and supplies we need. If the Marines cause us any problems, we will just crush them." A big smile appeared on Ethan's face, he was pretty sure Smoker had been defeated.

He is even sure that Lucy will be able to defeat Smoker as well. After all, they can use Busoshoku Haki.

Although Alvida can also use Busoshoku Haki, she is not skilled enough and will not be able to defeat Smoker.