
One Piece:The Rise of Wei

Cao Ken, a descendant of Cao Cao, finds his life boring with his cousin Xiahou Dan. The only thing exciting for them is the anime One Piece and Tales of the Wei Kingdom. One night, Ken saw a shooting star and wished he can become the new ruler of the Wei Empire. When he woke up, he and Dan were on an island with no life and a giant ship with the Wei Flag. It was then that they decide to rebuild the Wei Kingdom and bring peace to this new world of theirs, and restore their clans.

Bizzare_Joe · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Ruin Exploration

Ken and Dan entered the ruin and saw a colony of fire torches attached to the walls. Ken grabs one and holds it in his right hand.

Ken: "Let's bring this with us if we come across a room without torches."

Dan: "Good Idea, Ken. Will be sure to find something in this ruin too."

With the torch in hand, they continue walking farther into the ruin. As they walk, Ken notices paintings on the walls, showing what appears to be people worshiping an egg. It confuses him why people worship an egg of all things.

They kept walking and noticed the room getting darker, meaning no light was ahead. They reach the dark place and see two entrances next to each other.

Dan: "2 entrances. Which one should we take?"

Ken put his left hand on his face and started to think; after a few minutes, he took out a coin.

Ken: "Will let fate decide, head we go right, tails we go left."

He hands the torch to Dan, flips the coin in the air, and it comes down. He then slaps the cash on his left hand and holds it; he then lifts it, and it shows heads.

Ken: "It's decided, we go right; you hold on to the torch now."

Dan: "You got it."

They both started walking to the correct entrance and saw some unlit torches. Dan used the torch to light them up so they could see the hallway. As they continued walking, they noticed the hallway was still long.

Dan: "Man, this hall is going on forever. You think we will reach the end about now, but no, it is still a long way."

Ken: "No kidding, whatever is here must be essential."

They both heard a click and looked down to see Dan step on a floor that went down. They heard a noise in the back and saw a giant boulder coming down.

Ken: "RUN!!!"

They both started running, and the boulder kept getting closer to them. They then saw an exit with a light; when they reached it, a bridge was broken in half.

Ken: "JUMP!!!"

They both jumped and reached the other side while the bould went down. After all that running, they both were breathing heavily.

Dan: "I am so sorry for doing that."

Ken: "It's not your fault. That is the first time we've jumped like that; let's be careful from now on."

Dan: "Agree."

They both started walking again and came across a large metal door. It was very tall but did not look like it was locked. Ken examines the door to see if there are any more traps.

Ken: "This door looks safe; we should be able to open it."

Dan: "Well, let's see what's inside then."

They both push the door, and it opens up. When they looked inside, they became shocked at what they saw. It was a room full of gold, jewels, and gems for the eye could see. Dan started to smile at this.

Dan: "Woo... Look at all this amazing treasure."

He then started to run straight and look around.

Ken: "Dan, wait!"

Ken started to follow but lost him and started to look for him. He then finds a small gold statue of a phoenix.

Ken: "A phoenix, huh? It makes me think of the Wei Empire."


Ken heard Dan's loud voice and went straight to it. He finally found him with his back turned.

Ken: "There you are, Dan, now what is the... problem!?"

Ken was shocked by what he saw in front of Dan. He then walked next to him and looked at the object before him.

They see a large stone square with what appears to be ancient writing on it. They know what it is; they know it very well; after all, it appears in their favorite manga.

Dan: "It's a Poneglyph; the same was in the One Piece Series!"

Ken: "But, if this is a true Poneglyph, that would mean we are in the world of One Piece."

They could not believe it; they were in their favorite anime/manga of all time.

Ken: "This would explain why there is no wind; we must be in the Calm Belt!"

Dan: I thought that Amazon Lily is the only island in the Calm Belt!"

Ken: "There could have been another island in the Calm Belt, but now we face a problem; since we're here, how are we going to get off this island with no weather!?"

They both started to sweat; with no way off the island, they wouldn't be able to survive for long. Dan began to look around a bit and saw something that confused him.

Dan: "Am I seeing things, or is there a giant egg over there?"

Ken: "?"

Ken looks in Dan's direction and sees the Egg he sees.

As Dan said, the egg is enormous — as big as a house. It also had blue stripes all around it.

They both walk up to the Egg and examine it.

Dan: "Man, this egg is large; I know we are in One Piece, but even I could not handle seeing this."

Ken: "I hear you; seeing something like this in One Piece is not unusual."

Ken then touches it, and it starts to glow. He let go of it, but it continued to shine and started to crack.

Dan: "Eh, Ken, what did you do!?"

Ken: I don't know!"

It got brighter, and they both covered their faces. The Egg hatched, and a bright light filled the entire room.