
One piece: The rise of Ryuen

Gojo_xz · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Ryuen woke up early, just before sunrise, and prepared for his training session. He had decided to go to the dense forest outside the Marine headquarters, where he could train alone and hone his skills without any distractions.

As he made his way through the forest, Ryuen could feel the cool morning air on his face. He breathed deeply, filling his lungs with fresh air, and felt invigorated. He reached a clearing in the forest and set his bone sword down, ready to begin his training.

Ryuen started with some basic stretches, warming up his muscles for the intense training session ahead. He then picked up his bone sword and began slicing through the air, practicing his swings and stabs. The sword made a sharp, hissing sound as it sliced through the air.

Next, Ryuen moved on to punching and kicking the huge hills in the clearing. He aimed his punches and kicks with precision, feeling the power of his strikes as they landed on the hills. He repeated the drills several times, until he felt satisfied with his performance.

Ryuen then turned his attention to the big stones scattered throughout the clearing. He slicked through them with his bone sword, practicing his footwork and agility. He moved swiftly and gracefully, avoiding the stones with ease and precision.

As the morning sun rose higher in the sky, Ryuen decided to take his training to the next level. He started running through the whole forest, pushing his body to the limit. He ran at full speed, dodging trees and jumping over obstacles. He felt his heart beating faster, the adrenaline pumping through his veins, as he pushed himself harder and harder.

After several hours of running, Ryuen felt exhausted but exhilarated. He knew that he had to push himself even harder if he wanted to become a great Marine. He decided to do 15,000 pushups, a grueling exercise that would test his strength and endurance.

Ryuen got down on the ground and started the pushups, counting each one out loud. He gritted his teeth and pushed himself harder and harder, his arms shaking with the effort. He counted up to 10,000 pushups, then took a short break to catch his breath.

Feeling refreshed, Ryuen got back down on the ground and continued with his pushups. He counted out loud again, pushing himself past his limits. He felt his muscles burning with pain, but he refused to give up. He finally reached 15,000 pushups, collapsing on the ground in exhaustion.

After his push-ups, Ryuen took a moment to catch his breath and recover. He looked around at the dense forest, feeling a sense of calm and focus wash over him. He knew that this was his chance to hone his skills and become the best Marine he could be.

Ryuen then resumed his training, practicing his punches and kicks on the massive boulders and rock formations scattered throughout the forest. He unleashed his full power, striking with incredible force and speed.

As he trained, Ryuen thought back to his time with Garp. He remembered his mentor's words of wisdom and encouragement, and he knew that Garp would be proud of his progress. He felt a sense of gratitude and respect for Garp, knowing that he had helped him become the warrior he was today.

Ryuen then decided to take his training to the next level. He challenged himself to run the entire perimeter of the forest, a distance of nearly 20 miles. He set off at a brisk pace, his bone sword at his side, ready for any danger that might arise.

As he ran, Ryuen encountered a series of obstacles, including steep hills, raging streams, and deep ravines. But he used his training and skills to overcome each one, never losing his focus or determination.

Finally, after hours of running and fighting, Ryuen emerged from the forest, exhausted but triumphant. He knew that his training had paid off, and that he was now stronger and more prepared than ever before.

Ryuen took a moment to catch his breath and look back at the dense forest behind him. He knew that his training was far from over, but he also knew that he had made significant progress. He felt a sense of pride and satisfaction, knowing that he was one step closer to his goal of becoming a great Marine.

As he walked back to the Marine headquarters, Ryuen knew that he would continue to train and hone his skills every day. He would never give up, never stop striving for excellence, and always remember the lessons he had learned along the way.

The Next Day,

Ryuen woke up early in the morning on the deserted island where he had been training alone for weeks. He had a long day of training ahead of him, but he was determined to push himself even harder than before. He started his day with a hundred push-ups, followed by a hundred sit-ups, and a hundred squats. This was his usual warm-up routine, but he planned on taking his training to the next level that day.

After his warm-up, Ryuen picked up his bone sword and headed towards the dense forest. He had been practicing his sword skills for weeks now, and he felt that he had made significant progress. However, he knew that there was still a long way to go. As he reached the forest, he started slicing through the trees with his sword, honing his reflexes and accuracy.

Ryuen then went to the hills and started punching and kicking them. The hills were huge, but he didn't back down. He continued to punch and kick until his knuckles and feet were numb. Ryuen knew that this was the only way to become stronger, and he wouldn't stop until he achieved his goal.

Next, Ryuen headed towards the river, where he planned to catch some fish for his meal. He had crafted a bone sphere, which he used to catch the fish. After catching a few fish, Ryuen started a fire and cooked them. The fish looked delicious, and he savored every bite. He knew that he needed the protein to keep his energy levels up for his training.

After his meal, Ryuen took a short rest and then started training again. This time he went to the rocky terrain and started slicking through the big stones, testing his balance and agility. He kept training for hours until the sun started to set. He then decided to take a break from his training and head to the Navy headquarters.

As he reached the headquarters, he saw Garp there, talking to some other marines. Garp noticed Ryuen and walked towards him.

"Ryuen, good to see you," Garp said, patting him on the back. "How's your training going?"

Ryuen replied, "It's going great, Garp-san. I have been pushing myself harder than ever before. I feel that I am making progress."

Garp smiled and said, "That's great to hear. Remember, the key to becoming a strong Marine is hard work and dedication. Keep training hard, and you will achieve your goal."

Ryuen nodded and said, "Thank you, Garp-san. I won't give up."

Garp then asked Ryuen about his training regimen and listened intently as Ryuen shared his daily routine. Garp was impressed by Ryuen's determination and dedication, and he knew that Ryuen had the potential to become a great Marine one day.

After their conversation, Ryuen said goodbye to Garp and headed back to the island. He felt reinvigorated by their talk, and he was even more determined to continue his training.