
One piece: The rise of Ryuen

Gojo_xz · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Mission with garp

The day started with a beautiful sunrise at the Marine headquarters. Garp and Ryuen were already out on the training ground, ready to start their training session. Ryuen was eager to learn more and become stronger, while Garp was determined to push him to his limits.

Garp started with some warm-up exercises to loosen up Ryuen's muscles. They did some stretching, jogging, and push-ups. Garp then demonstrated some basic fighting moves to Ryuen, and asked him to practice them. Ryuen followed Garp's instructions and tried his best to perform the moves correctly.

After the basic moves, Garp moved on to some more advanced techniques. He taught Ryuen some powerful punches and kicks, and showed him how to block and dodge attacks. Garp was a strict teacher and pushed Ryuen hard. He corrected Ryuen's mistakes and pushed him to train harder, even when Ryuen was tired.

As they trained, Garp also shared some stories from his past experiences. He told Ryuen about the times he had battled pirates and how he had trained Luffy when he was young. Garp emphasized the importance of always staying alert and being ready for any situation.

Ryuen listened carefully to Garp's stories, trying to learn from his experiences. He also felt grateful to have such a skilled and experienced mentor like Garp. Ryuen knew that he had a lot to learn, but he was determined to become as strong as Garp one day.

As their training session continued, Garp gradually increased the intensity of their exercises. He had Ryuen do more repetitions and added more weight to his exercises. Garp also introduced some new techniques to Ryuen and challenged him to master them.

At times, Garp would spar with Ryuen, to test his skills and see how much he had improved. Ryuen was always eager to fight with Garp, as he knew it was a chance to learn from one of the best fighters in the world. Even though Garp was much stronger, Ryuen never gave up and always tried his best to fight back.

After hours of training, Garp finally called an end to their session. Ryuen was exhausted, but he felt stronger than ever before. He knew that he had a long way to go, but he was confident that with Garp's guidance, he could become a great Marine one day.

Garp patted Ryuen on the back and said, "You did well today. But remember, you can always do better. The journey to becoming a great Marine is a long one, but with hard work and dedication, you can achieve anything."

Ryuen smiled and replied, "Thank you, Garp-san. I will never forget the lessons you have taught me today. I will keep working hard and do my best to become a great Marine like you."

Garp laughed and said, "You better! Maybe one day you'll even surpass me! Hahaha!"

Ryuen smiled and they walked back to the Marine headquarters together. As they reached the entrance, Garp turned to Ryuen and said, "Let's go get some food. I'm starving!"

Ryuen nodded eagerly and they headed to the mess hall. They sat down and started to eat their meal, chatting about their training session and other topics.

As they finished their meal, Garp said, "Ryuen, I have something important to tell you."

Ryuen looked at Garp with a curious expression, wondering what was on his mind.

"I want you to come with me on a mission," Garp continued. "It's a high-risk operation, but I believe that you are ready for it. It will be a chance for you to gain some practical experience and put your training into action."

Ryuen's perspective, "I would be honored to join you on the mission, Garp-san. Thank you for believing in me and giving me this opportunity."

Garp smiled, "Good to hear. I'll give you the details later, but for now, let's just focus on finishing our meal."

Ryuen nodded and they continued to eat in silence for a few moments. However, the peaceful atmosphere was interrupted by a loud commotion outside.

Garp quickly stood up and said, "Stay here, Ryuen. I'll go see what's going on."

Ryuen nodded and watched as Garp rushed outside. He could hear the sounds of shouting and the clash of swords.

Suddenly, a group of pirates burst into the mess hall, brandishing their weapons. Ryuen quickly stood up and grabbed his bone sword, ready to defend himself.

The pirates laughed at Ryuen, mocking him for being a young Marine. However, Ryuen didn't back down. He stood his ground and prepared to fight.

The pirates charged at Ryuen, but he was ready for them. He blocked their attacks with his bone sword and quickly counterattacked, cutting through their weapons and limbs.

The fight was intense, but Ryuen's training with Garp had prepared him well. He was able to hold his own against the pirates and eventually, they were forced to retreat.

Garp returned to the mess hall, a concerned expression on his face. He saw Ryuen covered in cuts and bruises, but still standing strong.

"Are you okay, Ryuen?" Garp asked.

Ryuen nodded, "Yes, I'm fine. Thanks to your training, Garp-san."

Garp smiled, "Good job, Ryuen. You handled yourself well. I'm proud of you."

Ryuen felt a sense of pride and accomplishment. He knew that he still had much to learn, but he was glad that his training had paid off.

As they left the mess hall, Garp turned to Ryuen and said, "You know, Ryuen, you remind me of Luffy when he was your age. He had that same determination and fighting spirit. Maybe one day, you'll become as great a Marine as he is a pirate."

Garp and ryuen went for the mission,

Excitement and nervousness bubbled inside Ryuen as he followed Garp to the mission briefing room. Garp filled Ryuen in on the details of the mission, which was to intercept a group of pirates who had been terrorizing a nearby island.

Ryuen listened intently, taking mental notes of the objectives, potential threats, and strategies. Garp also gave him some advice on how to stay calm and focused during high-pressure situations.

"We'll be leaving in an hour. Make sure you have all your gear ready and stay alert," Garp said as he handed Ryuen a mission packet.

Ryuen nodded and quickly made his way to his quarters to gather his weapons and supplies. He took a moment to meditate and center himself, focusing on his breathing and calming his nerves.

As Ryuen made his way to the ship, he saw Garp already on board, shouting orders to the crew. Ryuen took his place among the other Marines, feeling a mix of excitement and fear. He reminded himself of Garp's words to stay focused and alert, and he felt a sense of determination wash over him.

The ship sailed for several hours until they reached the island where the pirates were reported to be hiding. Garp led the way as they disembarked and began to search for the pirates.

Ryuen kept a sharp eye out, scanning the area for any sign of the pirates. Suddenly, he heard a commotion coming from a nearby village. Ryuen and Garp rushed over to find a group of pirates attacking the villagers.

Without hesitation, Ryuen drew his sword and charged towards the pirates. He was determined to protect the innocent villagers and prove himself as a capable Marine. The fight was intense, but Ryuen used his training and skills to hold his own against the pirates.

Garp also joined the fight, taking down several pirates with his powerful punches and kicks. The villagers were grateful for their help, and Ryuen felt a sense of pride in serving and protecting the people.

After a long and grueling battle, the Marines emerged victorious. The pirates were defeated and captured, and the villagers were safe once again. Ryuen felt a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, knowing that he had made a difference.

As they made their way back to the ship, Garp patted Ryuen on the back and said, "Well done, Ryuen. You showed great courage and determination today. You're well on your way to becoming a great Marine."