
One piece: The rise of Ryuen

Gojo_xz · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

Garp's grandson

After the intense battle with Garp, Ryuen was left bruised and battered. But he knew that he had a lot to learn, and that he needed to train harder to become stronger. Garp had seen potential in Ryuen, and had decided to take him under his wing.

The next day, Garp and Ryuen began their training. Garp had created a special training program for Ryuen, and it was going to be intense. Ryuen had never trained like this before, and he was excited to see how far he could push himself.

The first part of the training was focused on physical endurance. Garp made Ryuen run laps around the island they were on, with weights tied to his legs. Ryuen struggled at first, but he refused to give up. He knew that he needed to push through the pain if he wanted to become stronger.

After several hours of running, Garp took Ryuen to a nearby beach where they began practicing hand-to-hand combat. Garp was a master of hand-to-hand combat, and Ryuen knew that he had a lot to learn from him. Garp taught Ryuen various techniques, including how to throw punches and kicks with precision, how to dodge attacks, and how to grapple opponents.

Ryuen was a quick learner, but Garp was a tough teacher. He pushed Ryuen to his limits, and even went as far as to hit him to keep him on his toes. Ryuen knew that Garp's tough love was necessary if he wanted to become stronger, and he didn't complain.

After several hours of intense training, Garp and Ryuen took a break to eat lunch. Garp had cooked a huge piece of meat that he had caught earlier that day, and Ryuen was excited to eat it. They sat by the beach, watching the waves as they ate.

They both hungrily dug into the meat, savoring each bite.

Ryuen took a deep breath and asked, "Garp, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, go ahead," Garp replied between bites.

"I was wondering, why did you choose to train me?" Ryuen asked. "I mean, there are plenty of other capable Marines out there."

Garp paused for a moment, looking thoughtful. "Well, it's simple, really," he finally said. "I saw potential in you, Ryuen. You have a strength and determination that I haven't seen in many others."

Ryuen looked surprised at Garp's words. "Really? You think so?"

Garp nodded. "Absolutely. And I think that with the right training and guidance, you can become an incredible Marine. You just need to keep pushing yourself and never give up."

Ryuen smiled, feeling a sense of pride and determination welling up inside him. "I won't let you down, Garp. I'll work hard and become the best Marine I can be."

Garp grinned at Ryuen's words. "That's the spirit! And remember, no matter how tough things get, I'll always be here to support you."

Ryuen felt grateful for Garp's encouragement and support. "Thank you, vice admiral Garp. I really appreciate it."

They continued to eat in comfortable silence, both lost in their own thoughts.

After lunch, Garp and Ryuen resumed their training. They spent the next few hours working on strength training, with Garp teaching Ryuen how to lift weights properly. Ryuen struggled at first, but he soon found his rhythm.

As the sun began to set, Garp and Ryuen finished their training for the day. Ryuen was exhausted, but he felt a sense of accomplishment. He knew that he had pushed himself to his limits, and that he had become stronger as a result.

As they walked back to their base, Garp patted Ryuen on the back, telling him that he had done well. Ryuen smiled, knowing that he had gained the respect of one of the greatest marines out there.

The next few weeks were filled with intense training sessions with Garp. Ryuen was pushed to his limits, but he never gave up. He knew that he was becoming stronger with each passing day, and that he was one step closer to achieving his goals.

The next day, as Garp and Ryuen were finishing their breakfast, Garp suddenly brought up a topic that caught Ryuen's attention.

"Have I ever told you about my grandson Luffy?" Garp asked Ryuen.

"No, you haven't," Ryuen replied, intrigued.

"He's a pirate now, you know," Garp continued, taking another bite of his meat.

Ryuen was surprised. "A pirate? But I thought you wanted him to be a marine like you?"

"I did," Garp said, "but he's his own person. He wants to be free and explore the world on his own terms. I respect that."

Ryuen pondered for a moment. "But as a marine, isn't it our duty to capture pirates and bring them to justice?"

Garp nodded. "Yes, it is. But Luffy is different. He's not like other pirates. He has his own code of honor and he only fights for what he believes is right. He's not a bad person, just a bit...eccentric."

Ryuen was fascinated by Garp's description of his grandson. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of person Luffy was and what kind of adventures he had been on.

Garp noticed the look on Ryuen's face and chuckled. "You're curious about him, aren't you?"

Ryuen nodded. "Yes, I am. Do you think I'll ever get to meet him?"

Garp shrugged. "Who knows? Maybe someday you ,Who knows, maybe you'll even fight him someday. He's quite the troublemaker, that grandson of mine."

Ryuen raised an eyebrow in surprise. "You think I'll fight your own grandson, Garp-san?" he asked.

Garp leaned back in his chair, still chuckling. "Well, you never know what the future holds. Luffy's ambition is to become the Pirate King, and who knows what kind of trouble he'll get into along the way. And as a Marine, it's your duty to stop any pirates who pose a threat to innocent people."

Ryuen nodded thoughtfully. "I understand, Garp-san. But it would be strange to fight your own family member."

Garp waved a dismissive hand. "Nah, it's all in good fun. Luffy's a tough kid, and he can handle himself. Plus, it's not like I've shown him any special treatment just because he's my grandson. He's a pirate, and pirates are our enemies. It's that simple."

Ryuen couldn't help but smile at Garp's carefree attitude. Despite his gruff exterior, Garp was a kind-hearted person at heart, and his love for the Marines was only matched by his love for his family.

They finished their meal in comfortable silence, each lost in their own thoughts. Ryuen couldn't help but wonder what kind of person Luffy was like. Maybe one day they would cross paths, and he would find out for himself.