
One piece: The path of destruction

EddieNeworld · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter three: 6 year timeskip

On a island called Hito Fuguto a teenager sits criss cross on a log as he is surrounded by animals 'It's finally time for me to leave' 'Status' *ding*


Name: Davonte D. Silver

Strength: 250 ~ Rear admiral

Speed: 220 ~ Rear admiral

Agility: 150 ~ Commodre

Durability: 160 ~ Rear admiral

Vitality: 190 ~ Commodre


Devil fruit: Mochi-Mochi no Mi- Progress: 98% : Novice———————————————————————

Conquers haki: Awakened- Progress: 60%: Beginner ———————————————————————

Armament haki: Awakened: -progress: 89%: novice


Observation haki: Awakened: - progress 75% : Novice ———————————————————————

Skills: Haki: Awakened- Level: Beginner/Novice- Increased physical stats- Ten times boost when learning things- Observe- Six marine styles: Only two styles bought: Soru-Geppo: Progress: 76%: Advance- Advanced regeneration-———————————————————————

[ A/N how levels of skill work



Slightly advance



Grandmaster] ———————————————————————



'It's time for me to leave so I can join rocks crew' "Everyone!" The teenager would shout as all the animals would wake up and the trees would start to sway "I have decided that I am going to leave today I have got my boat and resources!" All the animals would nod but would obviously be sad so would trees as they would turn a dull color " Davonte when you get older don't forget to let nii-San see that body of yours!" "Bye yo!" "Don't get lost child and make sure you don't die!" All the animals would line up on the shore as the teenager know as Davonte would get in a small boat yet enough to last him until the next island Davonte would push off the shore waving back at the animals and trees after he would get so far he wouldn't be able to see the island anymore he would say " Now… My adventure as the greatest pirate begins!" 'Sage map' *ding* a program of a map would appear in front of Davonte as he would map out where to go to 'Fugasku Nastou Would be where i could meet rocks it should take me three days to get there' *ding* *as soon as You arrive rocks will arrive shortly after no matter how long you take but the longer you take the less likely it would be for you to join his crew as he would gain more members if you were to go there now you have a 100% Chance of joining his crew!* 'But how?' *Ding* * the supreme being saw that you wanted to join rocks crew so he edited the world so you have a chance of joining his crew* 'Ok then to Fugasku Nastou it is' —————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Davonte would arrive at the island and he would have nothing much but a few clothes in his inventory as he just bought food water etc from the system he would host the boat on shore and would walk up Fugasku Nastou island shore he would walk into a bar and would get a few drinks when he suddenly felt strong conquers haki it was potent but Davonte withstood it and released his own obviously suprising the person with conquers haki as he would beat the person in there conquers battle Davonte would be able to tell that it was pure luck that he even Managed the beat that type of haki cause he could tell that person wasn't releasing there full haki no more like a small amount he would hear footsteps and a person around the same heigh as him 18 feet as Davonte stood at 14.5 "Hello" Davonte would say "GURARARA My captain has taken a interest in you would you like to join his crew" Davonte would immediately know who the blond locked male is " Is his name Rocks D xebec?" " GURARARA You've heard of us?" "Yes and No just heard some crew causing havoc and I would like to join that crew heard that the captains name was rocks d xebec so yea I'm in" Davonte would toss a few coins at the knocked out bar tender and would take a barrel of booze and would put it in his inventory as he would follow the tall blonde "NEWGATE DID YOU FIND THAT PERSON WITH THAT HAKI?!" Davonte would hear a deep raspy voice yell from off the decent sized ship "Yea captain! He's a kid though he said he was willing to join the crew Gurarara" "Xaxaxa" Davonte and Newgate would step on the ship and Davonte would see there people shakky kaido and his new captain Rocks D Xebec "Yo," he would give a short wave to kaido and shakky "Your my new captain right?" "Damn skippy brat!" "Oi new member fight me" The ogre would stand up to his full height of 13 feet same height as Davonte his club in hand and rest it on his shoulder Davonte would smirk and would pull out his naginata Shakky was about to say something about how to not fight now as there we're going to destroy the ship but Xebec put up a hand "Let's see how strong our new member is and see if he is worthy of being my crew member " rocks d xebec would enforce the ship with slight haki to make sure they didn't destroy the ship, Kaido would charge at Davonte and swing his club Davonte would counter with his naginata en-forcing it with armament haki kaido would be push back as he did not use any technique kaido would grunt and this time Davonte would charge as he skillfully swing his naginata as it would still be enforced with armament haki he would go for Kaidos head but the orge would block with his club Davonte would then turn his arm to mochi and slam his fist against Kaido face pushing kaido against the rail "What's your name gurarara" Davonte would hear a voice he would turn around and see Newgate Davonte would activate his observation haki just to make sure he wouldn't get sneaked attack by kaido "Davonte D Silver" he would then duck a swing by kaido while introducing himself to the rest of the crew and the crew introducing themselves to him including kaido as after a while Davonte would win after using his Devil fruit. As shakky would bandage Davonte and kaido up as after a hour Davonte would be fully healed and kaido would be awake as Davonte got wrapped up in bandages again after he tried to fight Newgate as after another hour Davonte would be healed and would fight kaido again after he beat kaido shakky would just give up on wrapping them in bandages and just let them heal on there own unless it's external or a fatal wound "Shakky where are we going?" Davonte would ask " To water seven we need a bigger boat this one can only fit us five for now" "Makes sense so how many days until we get there?" "About 4 I wonder how much our bounty will be after they found out we have three devil fruit users?" "Captain has a devil fruit?" "Yami-Yami-no mi he's currently looking for the death death no mi" "Two devil fruits is that even posssible?" "with captain anything is possible " "Y-" "Davonte fight me!" A orge would say Davonte would have a smirk and would grab his naginata from off the railing "Bring it orge!".—————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Cliffhanger cause I can :)