
One piece: The path of destruction

EddieNeworld · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter Four: Stronger Haki!

"Bring it orge!" Kaido would launch at Davonte slamming his large Mace down Davonte would counter by bringing his naginata up with insane strength and speed rivaling a rear admiral - captain with armament haki and kaido would counter with super human strength and his own armament haki They would both laugh as they clashed both the monsters would grunt But would still be laughing as Davonte and Kaido would be at a stalemate soon they would be launched back not far though as they would laugh even louder as Davonte would jump up and slam his naginata down this time kaido bringing his up still both with super human strength and naturally good armament haki but this time davonte would launch kaido back as each clash the boat would rock more violently and each of there haki got better and better with each clash *Ding* * Armament Haki has reached slightly advance * This time davonte would over power kaido with this clash and would launch him back but kaido Haki would also get stronger with Each clash But davonte's haki mastery would be going up slower but he wouldn't know until later.


Im sorry 😔 ive been hella busy with school but im out now and im back short chapter but ill update more ]