
One piece the old age of pirates

A one piece Send fiction that take place during the Void Century

kirbypendragon · Urban
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2 Chs

character 1 Jealously and deceit

On a dark moonlit night, screams and blazing buildings are rising as people are running a havoc, in the middle of chaos a man with light brown hair accompanied by a woman with purple-pinkish hair. The duo are in the middle of chaos, bounded on the ground, kneeled upon a man with hair dark as night, and with scarlet red devilish eyes --- pointing her chest towards the silhouette of the man. The woman yells.

"Lancelot. Stop this!"

The man gave off a sinister smile/chuckle. "Guinevere. Look how far you've have fallen, you were once the most beautiful lady in the land and now you're just a quivering ant that is under my shoe whom I can squash at any given moment." "Now you and your husband family are at the bending mercy of my sword"

Guinevere husband shouts "Stop this madness Lancelot, this is between me and you. Not! My family. Let them go, keep me instead."

Falling to his knees in historical laughter, Lancelot tells the man "As smart as you are, you couldn't more stupid, you really think that all of this is just about you? You think that I am doing this because of you? This all began with the you, you became arrogant the moment you grabbed that sword from that dirt ball of a rock. You've become unhinged, so as the most loyal knight this kingdom has. I have decided to bring you and your family to justice."

" "Most loyal" --- what a load of bull. You've been jealous of me ever since I pulled the sword from the stone, going out of your way to start stuff with me and my family. Never would I have thought that you would have went as far as betray our kingdom at our most vulnerable point by colluding with enemies."

Lancelot begins to speak, but is stopped by an abrupt thought.

"Now that I'm thinking...what's the names of those two brats you have again?"

The man makes way to his feet, facing Lancelot

"Leave my children out of this they are too young and innocent to understand!"

"Let my wife and children go, and keep me a prisoner"

Lancelot begins to chuckle

"Do you truly believe I'm a so foolish that I'll let the sinners of your bloodline go after all that I did to your family?"

"If I were to let your two little ants go, whose to say they won't come back to avenge the deaths of their parents"

Circling around the man, Lancelot face deepens

"If I let two ants stand against me, then they all will stand against me"


"KIDS WHO ARE DECENDENTS OF A SINNER. As sorry as I am, and I truly am but because of their father they must meet their demise."

"Afraid not my king, I keep your wife alive. For my entertainment of course."

"Goodbye my king"

Pulling out his sword, Lancelot takes a lunge towards the king with his sword aimed at his chest.

Just as the sword was about to penetrate King Author's chest, Guinevere takes her start towards the two men and get in between the blade and the king's chest. With Lancelot swift movement, her neck was hit, causing fatal injury. "NOOOO!" As Author held his wife's flail body, what was a devilish grin quickly dropped into a shocked dismay face. The red eyed knight has now lost his blazing rage.

Holding his dear quinever in his arms looking into her eyes that exuded willingness to the peace that has now settled over her. She looks up to her husband with smiling eyes.

"Don't worry my king, we will soon meet again." At a lost of words, Author's eyes began to take the look of shattered glass. Author makes a glance at Lancelot that had enough force to burn a thousand suns. Lancelot is shaken out of his confusion, and is now back into his sinister glare. Once more he is taken aback with memories of Guinevere and their time together, snapping out of the trance he begans he direct his way to Author. "This is all of your fault, none of this would've happened if you never had grabbed that sword from that dirt rock"

" She would've been MINE"

"Instead? Instead she got with a guy like you whom she would've NEVER given a second look to." In the admist of striking down his former king with his sword, Author skillfully monuvere the shackles in a way that when the sword made contact, he was broken free. Preceding to pick up his sword, he kicks Lancelot in the stomach, launching Lancelot a couple of steps back. Lancelot falls to his knees, puking.

"Why- why couldn't it have been me to have pulled the sword? Why you? You had everthing, fame, looks, and then after pulling the sword it was like a the spot light was just on you only." "I should've pulled the sword, I deserved it! I made my way up! Not someone like you who had everything given to them!. Not only that, you married and impregnat the most fairest lady in the land! "

"Lancelot, never would I have thought that you had so much hatred and jealously in you. I truly believe that you were happy for Guinevere and I. Had I known this? You would've been cut down a long time ago!" "Look around Lancelot look around! Don't you see what you've done to you homeland and to your peopel!!?"

My people? THEY WERE NEVER MY 'PEOPLE' . If they were they would not have allowed me to eat from trash. So? You, your family, and your people will perish. Just like Guinevere!" "LANCELOOTTT!!" "AUTHHOOR!!" The two charges towards one another. The moment the two swords comes into contact, the world begins to cry. In the midst of a dark gloomy sky two knights who were once brothers comes into clashing blows with the sound of the mighty Zeus's lighting bolt. The two warriors knows each other like the back of their hand, makes this battle almost equal. A battle of this magnitude, it is unable to determine how long this battle will last. It was then, a sudden voice accompanied with light brown hair approached the two.

"Father! Uncle Lance what are you doing"

"Amelia? What are you doing,

you're supposed to be in hiding. And where is your sister Aadirha?"

"She's okay, she's still in the hiding spot. I came to check on you and mommy." In the same breathe the child looks over to see her mother laid unmovingly on the stoned ground. She runs to her mother calling her mother's name. Repeatedly shaking her to awake, tears starts to pour as she notice that her mother is long gone. The distraught father screams out in madness.

"You'll pay! I'll make you PAYY"

"Ha! Don't worry, you'll meet her soon" each landing hits into one another, with nothing but pure rage what started off as a few blows goes to over 300. Lancelot now has an upper hand in the fight, landing power kicks that launched the king back. Lancelot dashes toward his niece, "sorry nicey, I need you to die for me" running towards Lancelot "No! Lancelot don't do this!, she's just a child" In the admist of a swing towards his niece, Lancelot takes a turn and dashes towards Author. Being caught off guard, the King has been pierced in the chest, spitting out blood. After stabbing Author in the chest, he grins. "Author you fool, I knew that if you and I would've fought without any disruptions, we would've gone on for a while. The moment I saw your daughter I knew that victory was mine, you love you family so much to point that you are willing to sacrifice your safety, which is your weakness. That is why you died to me on this day