
One piece the old age of pirates

A one piece Send fiction that take place during the Void Century

kirbypendragon · Urban
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2 Chs

chapter 2

As King Arthur takes his final breath, his loyal knights gather around him, their hearts heavy with grief. They honor their fallen king with a moment of silence, paying their respects to the man who led them with wisdom and valor.

But their sorrow quickly transforms into determination. They know they must fulfill their promise to protect King Arthur's daughters, even if it means facing insurmountable odds. With a renewed sense of purpose, they set off towards the battlefield, where the Knights of the Apocalypse await.

A fierce battle ensues as the Knights of the Round Table clash with the Knights of the Apocalypse. The clash of swords and the cries of warriors echo through the air as both sides fight for their respective causes. The odds seem stacked against the Knights of the Round Table, but their unwavering loyalty and skill keep them in the fight.

However, their struggle does not go unnoticed. The Four Knights of the Apocalypse, formidable foes known for their ruthless tactics, close in on the battle, seeking to eliminate any opposition to their cause. Sensing the danger, the Knights of the Round Table quickly realize that their presence is not in the best interest of the princesses.

In a moment of selflessness, the knights turn to the princesses and urge them to flee. They reveal the location of a medium-sized boat that will take them to safety. The older knights emphasize the urgency of the situation, imploring the princesses to leave immediately.

However, the second daughter, filled with determination and a desire to help, hesitates. She insists on staying and fighting alongside the knights. But the knights, united in their decision, firmly tell her that her safety is paramount and that leaving is the only option.

Just as the princesses are about to leave, the oldest knight steps out of the formation and takes charge. He gently guides the second daughter towards the boat, protecting her from any potential harm. The knights of the Apocalypse try to stop them, but the knights of the Round Table stand in their way, engaging them in a fierce battle.

As the princesses make their way to the boat, they realize that time is running out. The oldest knight reaches into a medium-sized bag and pulls out two peculiar fruits. One fruit is all white, resembling the moon, while the other fruit is covered in eyes and is red in color. He explains that these are devil fruits, given to them by King Arthur to be given to the princesses when the time was right.

With a heavy heart, the oldest knight hands the fruit to the princesses, explaining that the time has come for them to inherit their powers. He assures them that they will find the strength within themselves to wield the fruits' abilities wisely and protect the kingdom in their father's absence.

The princesses, filled with a mix of apprehension and determination, accept the devil fruits. They understand the weight of their responsibility and vow to honor their father's legacy.

As the boat sets sail, the princesses watch as the battle between the knights unfolds. They see the bravery and Wonder how their new life will Turn out We then pan over to a Brown skin White hair Beastly eyes Boy