
One Piece: The eldest saiyan brother.

What if, on a dark starry sky, a little baby with monkey's caracteristics fell from the sky, was found and took in by a legendary hero who unknowingly raised a small troublemaker in a world where pirates seek a legendary treasure ? Follow the leisure life of a strange and calm Saiyan who was adopted by Monkey D. Garp. He will find brothers, friends, love and eventually discover the truth about his origins. //////////// here my discord, for whatever reason... https://discord.gg/kt9rAVC My grammar is not that much so I will make mistakes for sure, do correct me. (If you want to know, english's not my first language) For all those who already know it. Welcome back. For all those who doesn't know it yet. Welcome, I must warn you that it's boring sometimes... Hope you enjoy it, If not then...well what a pity... but still hope you find something good... (I don't own anything apart from my OCs) The cover too isn't mine, but someone else's.

VastoHeaven · Anime & Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter 22: Greeting.

When they were making their way to the highest floor where the fleet admiral Sengoku's office was, Edam saw on the way how much his grandfather was respected. Everytime they would passed by some people, any of them would greeted Garp, even those who had the same rank as him would greet him respectfully. Although there were some who would berated him for leaving for an entire week giving them endless trouble.

Edam even saw his grandma Tsuru that he didn't see for a long time now. When he saw her he shouted " Grandma Tsuru, it's me Edam ! do you remember me ?" he asked while running to her.

She was a tall, thin, and elderly woman with gray hair tied in a bun.

She had like Garp the same attire made for vice-admiral but contrary to him she seems to have an aloof personality while he was always cheerfully annoying. She was accompanied by four girls in marine attire just like herself.

Arriving in front of them he first greeted the unfamiliar girls by saying " Hello !" and then turn to Tsuru.

"Oh ? it's you Edam, how are you ?" Seeing him Tsuru asked with a little but gentle smile on her face.

If the others were seeing this they would be quite stunned as the vice-admiral Tsuru wasn't someone who would smile often, so much that even the four girls were stunned because despite the fact that they were always with her, they too would rarely, if not never see her smile.

Yet here she was smiling to a boy they had never see before.

But they quickly got it as Edam was really an adorable child to those he appreciate.

"I'm fine and you grandma ?" He said smiling and giving her a hug.

"Oh, I'm fine my little monkey, have you come for a check up this time too ?" She said with an elderly smile on her face.

Garp who was at the side said " No he will-..."

However before he finished, Tsuru cut in saying " Quiet ! You're not the one I'm talking to..." while looking at him from the corner of the eyes.

"Haah... ?" Hearing this Garp decide to just kept quiet while Edam said "Grandma, I'll become a marine starting today !"

"Oh ? But aren't you a little too young Edam, you're just ten years old, no ?"

"Yes why ?" he nodded curiously.

"Didn't your grandpa told you that you could only become a marine at the age of fifteen years old ?" She said while glaring at Garp making the latter whistle while looking at the side.

"Listen well Edam, you will have to wait five years before you can officially become a navy soldier. You will also have to pass a test to see if you can become a marine."

"Oh, Ok , I'm looking forward to do this test." Edam said smiling.

"Here take this candy" Tsuru said mildly while taking out a candy out of her pocket and giving it to Edam.

"Thank you grandma." he thank her happily taking the candy.

"Tsuru-chan can I-..."

" No..."

Garp tried to asked for one but..the answer he got was incredibly cold in comparison to the tone she used a moment ago with Edam.

"Haah...anyway come Edam." Sighing Garp continued his way to Sengoku's office.

"Yes, see you later grandma !" He waved his hand while following Garp.

"See you later little monkey." She said gently smiling.

And then the grandpa-grandson duo reached the door with a sign saying " Do not disturb " and below the sign was the name Sengoku.

Seeing this Edam said "It seems that grandpa Sengoku is busy. Should we come later grandpa ?" and he asked.

"Doesn't matter." Garp then pushed open the door as if he was entering his own home and said "Oy Sengoku, I'm back !"

Inside the room was a tall, fair-skinned, and muscular man with a long, braided goatee and a mustache talking furiously to a Den Den Mushi when Garp barged in like a bandit.

To his side was a pet goat chewing some papers.

When he saw Garp, he looked at the Den Den Mushi, then at Garp, then the Den Den Mushi and then finally at Garp before smiling evily and said " Ah... You're finally here."

He said "I'll call back again." and then hang up while his evil smile was still there.

Seeing this smile even Garp felt something and tried to say " You know what, we will just come lat-..."

" You're not getting anywhere, I have already allowed you a whole week and it is now time to repay it."

"Haah...What do you want me to do ?" Garp sighed knowing that he had no other choice.

"Good I need you to go to Mary geoi-..." He said before stopping as he finally noticed Edam and exclaimed suddenly " Oh, you're here too, little monkey ?"

"Hello, grandpa Goku how are you ?" Edam greet back while smiling and lifting his hand.

"I'm fine, what are you doing here little monkey ?"

" Grandpa took me to become a marine !" Edam replied honestly.

"Hahh ? Oy Garp didn't you tell him that-..."

"Yeah, yeah...I know already, Tsuru-chan already told him so..." Garp said that with his pinky fingers in his ear.

"Anyway what were you going to say ?" Garp then asked as the conversation was interrupted by Sengoku.

"We will talk about this later, you and Edam just go settle your things to your home and then we will talk." Sengoku said that while Garp respond " Alright, let's go Edam, we're going home." he then made his way to the door.

"Okay, see you, grandpa Sen " he wave his hand to Sengoku while smiling a bit.

Seeing this Sengoku said "see you little monkey." he said while he thought. 'This kid still called me differently each time as always, he doesn't like my name or what ?'

While Sengoku thought that, the duo made their way to their home.