
One Piece: The eldest saiyan brother.

What if, on a dark starry sky, a little baby with monkey's caracteristics fell from the sky, was found and took in by a legendary hero who unknowingly raised a small troublemaker in a world where pirates seek a legendary treasure ? Follow the leisure life of a strange and calm Saiyan who was adopted by Monkey D. Garp. He will find brothers, friends, love and eventually discover the truth about his origins. //////////// here my discord, for whatever reason... https://discord.gg/kt9rAVC My grammar is not that much so I will make mistakes for sure, do correct me. (If you want to know, english's not my first language) For all those who already know it. Welcome back. For all those who doesn't know it yet. Welcome, I must warn you that it's boring sometimes... Hope you enjoy it, If not then...well what a pity... but still hope you find something good... (I don't own anything apart from my OCs) The cover too isn't mine, but someone else's.

VastoHeaven · Anime & Comics
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163 Chs

Chapter 21: Arrival.

Two days later in the afternoon, a boy could be seen reading a book peacefully on the figure head of a ship. The figure head was somewhat funny as the figure head was shaped like a dog head with a bone in it's mouth.

If the others marines from the headquarters were seeing this, their eyes would literally pop out of their sockets as sitting on the figure head was the same as sitting on the commander's head of the said ship.

Without talking about the fact that the commander in question was a living legend who was feared throughout all seas in this world, no one would dare to do that as it was the same as courting death.

That's why, no soldier were ever seen standing or sitting on the figure head apart from the commander himself, as it is a sign of great disrespect and even mutiny to say the least.

But here was a boy sitting on the figure head reading a book and eating some fruits.

However the strangest thing was that none of the soldier passing by and seeing the boy were saying anything. There was more like respect and appreciation when they looked at the boy, after all if there was someone in this world who could sat on the dog's head without inquiring the wrath of the Demon of the seas, it could only be him and his brothers.

The respect they felt toward him was of course because he was the grandson of their vice-admiral while the appreciation they felt was because the boy was relatively easy to talked to, several soldiers were often seen talking and laughing with him.

The boy was of course, Edam who was reading a book that Garp had hand it to him as he was bored to death during since the day of departure so he asked Garp if he had any book or whatnot for him to read and it just happened that Garp did have a book for him to read.

Edam did asked Garp to train him but the latter said that the ship wasn't ready for that.

' I just asked you to train me not to kill me gramps...' That was the thought that passed throught his head at that moment.

And so he had been reading this book since yesterday as it was really interesting. He was completely absorbed by the book and didn't budge from the dog's head since he got it.

'Rokushiki huh... ?' Edam thought as he was rather interested about the subject.

"It's a martial superhuman fighting style used by people who work for the government. It allow a human to overcome the limit of his body. However it require years of training if not a whole life to use this martial art."

"Rokushiki is divided in six technique namely : Soru, Geppo, Kami-e, Shigan, Rankyaku and Tekkai. Obviously each technique have it's own speciality, Soru, Geppo and Kami-e are movements techniques, Tekkai is for defense while Shigan and Rankyaku are offensive techniques."

"This book is really cool, I now have the theory but I still lacked training. It's decided I'll train in it when we arrived." He thought excitedly a little impatient to start training.

'Oh, we're almost there it seems.' He thought as he lifted his head to look at the far away Marineford shaped like a crescent moon-shaped island that is composed completely of bricks and steel, with cannons on the edges with about a fifty battleship encircling the island ready to make a misery of whoever would dare to mess around.

Edam could already see it even though it was only a dot for the others, as his eyes could see further away than any normal humans. Everytime that he would focus on one of his senses, his eyes would glow faintly to a strange vivid but pale yellow color as his pupil would shrink like a beast eye.

"Edam we're almost there, the vice admiral said that you should go prepare your suitcase." A rather young soldier suddenly called out Edam by his name.

"Oh thanks for the trouble by the way do you know if the kitchen is open by chance ?" Edam asked with a forced smile while rubbing his stomach.

Hearing this, the soldier nearly fell down on the ground but still said " You ate no too long ago did you not... ? Anyway you should just go to the kitchen, the head chef will open for sure when he will see you."

" Haha, I don't want to trouble him if he just finished his service so..." Edam said rubbing the back of his head.

"Just go, you will maybe have luck on your side"

"Ok thanks, see you later..." He thank him while hurriedly making his way to the kitchen.

After having swept the food, he return to his room and slept for about ten minutes before he heard the annoying sound of someone knocking on his door.


"Edam we have arrived at destination, the vice-admiral said to come quickly." The same soldier from before said.

Making his way to the desk, he was greeted by the impressive landscape of Marineford.

"Oh, it's still as impressive as before..." Edam while getting off the ship with Garp beside him.

"So grandpa, what now ?" he asked looking at Garp at his side.

"I have some business with Sengoku, just come with me, we will say hi to him together" He replied with his usual and sometimes annoying smile on his face.

" Alright." Edam replied.

And then the duo made their way into the huge building in front.