
One Piece: The Demon of Fire

Our MC dies and is transmigrate in the world of One Piece, in the body of an old man with the appearance of Yamamoto from Bleach, and receives his template, the bad thing is that he appears at the time of the Ohara Incident surrounded by 10 marine ships about to destroy the island. How can he survive in the face of this catastrophe?

GodaSensei · Anime & Comics
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84 Chs

“Target: Celestial Dragon”

Boo Kong was writhing on the ground, his two sockets where his eyes used to be were dripping a large amount of blood.

Yamamoto began to walk slowly toward Boo Kong to deliver the final blow.

*It was quicker and easier than I thought* Yamamoto thought, happy that this fight had gone without any issues.

At first, knowing that he was facing a rear admiral and confirming his great strength and defense, he thought it would be a much closer fight, but because of Boo Kong's slowness, it was much easier than he thought.

It also played a role that he knew how to use the Spiritual Power, *It was a good idea to train the spiritual power* thought Yamamoto.

Hearing Yamamoto's footsteps, Boo Kong quickly stood up and endured the great pain he felt. If he continued to writhe in pain he would easily be killed like a chicken.

Yamamoto could see how the drops of blood from Boo Kong's eyes fell to the ground and dyed it red, *Not a pleasant sight* thought Yamamoto somewhat disgusted.

Not wanting to extend this marine's suffering any further he launched himself at full speed in a straight line straight towards him. Boo Kong could hear the footsteps and when he heard that he was very close to him he shouted, "Take this!"

Because of his blindness, his fist was very inaccurate and Yamamoto easily dodged it coming right next to him.

Concentrating a large amount of fire in his right hand Yamamoto launched a giant fist of fire straight at Boo Kong's face.


When the fist of fire impacted Boo Kong's face it created a huge explosion and his face was completely engulfed by fire.

Yamamoto could hear Boo Kong's howls of pain as the empty eye sockets were also engulfed by the fire. As he noticed that he was still resisting, he threw another fist of fire which again hit her face burning him even more.

[ DING You killed a marine rear admiral reward 2 skill points and 200 merit points! ]

Boo Kong fell to the ground dead with his face completely burned by fire and unrecognizable. The burns plus the empty sockets in his eyes made the corpse terrifying, *Why is it that whenever I kill someone their bodies end up in such horrible states?* thought Yamamoto, then completely ignored the corpse and paid attention to the system alert.

When he saw the message from the system his mood improved a lot. It seemed that killing a rear admiral with his current strength was worthy of a reward, *With this reward this trip is already a good thing* thought Yamamoto satisfied.

He had only traveled for about 3 days and already got 2 skill points, not taking into account the point he raised in his spiritual power and the points he raised in his devil fruit mastery.

With these merit points, he reached 800, although it was not much it was better than nothing.

As for the 2 skill points he gained, he opened the status sale immediately and spent them on raising his strength stat, reaching 20 strength points.

Upon reaching the floor of 20 points he felt a great change in his strength very different from when he raised the stat before, *This feeling is good* thought Yamamoto with a slight smile.

His progress reached 13%, *This is good, I can complete this mission in less than 3 months* thought Yamamoto looking at his new progress.

At the beginning when he had this emergency mission, he saw a bleak future as raising 1 point in any stat was not an easy thing, Even in his first week of training the only stat he managed to raise was his mastery in devil fruit.

This made him think that it would be very difficult to complete this mission and that he would be tight on time, putting at risk his system and above all his template. But thanks to the fact that he kept training without missing a day, he managed to reverse the situation and did not see the day when he would complete this mission very far away.

Yamamoto took out his pocket watch and noticed that 40 minutes had passed since he separated from Olvia and the others. At this time I was touring the city and fought Boo Kong, this fight didn't last too long.

Seeing that he still has time to try to start some side mission he started walking back to the city, but at one point he stopped and looked at the dead body, *I can't leave it here...* thought Yamamoto with some annoyance as he grabbed one leg of the Boo Kong and started dragging it towards the opposite direction of the city.

It's better to hide it, since if they find it they will call all the marines since it's a big deal that a counter admiral died and more so in the West Blue when they formed a net to find them.

Walking for about 10 minutes while dragging the body, I can see not far away a cave entrance quite hidden by vines. Seeing that this was a good spot, he left the body in the deepest part of the cave, then climbed out and arranged the vines to make them look more natural.

"That should be enough" whispered Yamamoto feeling somewhat strange as he had never in his past life hidden a dead body. He then began to walk at a faster pace toward the city in search of some mission or something that might give him skill points.

Arriving at one of the many entrances to the city, he entered and started wandering again without a fixed destination, *What should I look for...?* Yamamoto asked himself without much of a clue.

First, he thought that Boo Kong must not be alone and there must be more marines who came to the Kingdom of Ilisia with him, so it might be a good idea to hunt them down and see if there are any of the same rank as Boo Kong to get more skill and merit points.

This was a dangerous thing to do as at any time any of these marines if they discover their identities may tip off the others and it would become all the more complicated, however, he didn't want to leave yet and wanted to try to gain some more skill points.

*Wait and that...?* thought Yamamoto with a new idea in mind. With this idea, he changed his direction and started to head to a specific place.

He remembered what the man who tried to assault him told him, that a person with great status had arrived in the Kingdom of Ilisia and even the King went to welcome him. Most likely this person was a Celestial Dragon, as they occasionally come out of their bubbles and visit some islands.

With this in mind, Yamamoto had an idea, if he kills a Celestial Dragon would he get system points?

Although he didn't know for sure if this would get him points, there was no harm in trying.

Anyway, the World Government and the Marine wouldn't rest until they killed him and the Ohara archaeologists for knowing too much about the Void Century, so killing a Celestial Dragon wouldn't change the equation much.

Besides, he would be doing the world a favor by killing one of these people who treated others like ants and would piss off the World Government, something that made Yamamoto happy.