
One Piece: The Defender of Justice

Atlas, a young man who was transmigrated into the One Piece world, witnessed the execution of the Pirate King in Logue Town. He decided to join the Marines and use his secret weapon: the twelve talismans from Jackie Chan Adventures. But he soon realizes that the world of pirates and marines is not as simple as he thought, and he has to face enemies and allies from both sides. Will he be able to survive in this chaotic world and reach his goal of becoming the STRONGEST? Disclaimer The first 50 or so chapter will have bad translation, so please just skim through it to get an idea of the background. The rest will be much better. Everything belongs to the original creator (And ODA). If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: Four evenings For mtl, you can go to mtlnation and search One Piece the Strongest Justice. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/CosmicKaminari Original name : 海贼:最强正文

CosmicKaminari · Anime & Comics
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357 Chs

49. The Defeated Dog Howls

At the G-8 Fortress Port, a Blue Marine single-person speedboat was quietly moored there.

This speedboat is the same as the one that Atlas drove from the headquarters before. They are both standard military speedboats. However, due to the transformation of the impact shell, the speedboat which supported Atlas when he came to the G-8 Fortress was destroyed.

The speedboat in front of him was obtained by Atlas from an old man in the maintenance team of the branch. It took Atlas several bottles of wine to successfully get the speedboat approved.

After a while, Atlas headed out of the fortress in the drunken morning light.


The sun penetrates the clouds and shines evenly on the blue sea.

After several hours of sailing, the huge G-8 Fortress was already out of reach, and it was surrounded by nothingness, giving people a sense of confusion.

"Well, we should be able to meet the Ekrum Pirates if we follow the route."

Atlas carefully compared the information in his mind to pass the boring time on the sea voyage.

Near the sea area of ​​G-8 Fortress.

A battle-damaged and dilapidated pirate ship was swaying on the vast sea, with a few bandaged pirates sitting sparsely on the wide deck. Many of them seemed to be pale due to excessive blood loss.

A mast covered with scars leaned against a bald man with a cold expression, but his face looked much rosier, as if the previous injury had almost healed.

"Ekrum! Where are our next plans?"

Next to the bald man was a pirate who looked very sick. He seemed to be recovering from a serious illness, but his words did not show the same fear as others towards the bald man.

"Let's go back to South Blue to recruit the men we lost, and then consider the next step..."

Ekrum slowly told his plan to Vice Captain Wirtz, but Wirtz didn't notice the ruthlessness flashing in Ekrum's eyes...

"Captain Ekrum!"

At this moment, on the only intact watchtower on the ship, a pirate in charge of reconnaissance suddenly changed his face and quickly warned Ekrum: "Oh no, Marine is found at the three o'clock direction!"


Ekrum and Wirtz were also a little nervous. You must know that they have lost so many personnel and most of their main combat effectiveness has been lost. Although they have not completely lost their combat effectiveness, their ability to fight against the enemy will definitely be greatly reduced. Now they meet Marine...

The two people immediately looked at each other and asked loudly: "How many people are there on the other side!!"

They were ready for a last-ditch battle, and Ekrum's idea of ​​​​retirement became stronger. This sea was so cruel that he was tired.

"It seems to be..." The investigating pirate was a little unsure, "Just one Marine!"


The pirates on the pirate ship were angry. Although they lost a lot of people in New World, they were still among the best pirates in the park!

Just sending a Marine to chase them would be a bit despising them!

"Children! Get the boat over there!"

"Kill that guy!"

Ekrum opened his mouth cruelly, with a cruel look in his eyes, as if he wanted to vent his recent dissatisfaction on the incoming Marine.

At this time, Atlas also discovered the broken ship of the Ekrum Pirates, and immediately stood up from the speedboat.


There seemed to be invisible stairs in the air. Atlas slowly climbed up the stairs and looked down at the panicked pirates on the deck.

"Why panic! It's just Geppo!"

Ekrum shouted, as a pirate who has arrived in the New World, he will naturally not be intimidated by the mere Marine Rokishiki. At most, he will be wary of the young Marine in front of him.

Although monsters are everywhere in the New World, it is still relatively rare for Marines to use Geppo in the open sea. What's more, this guy only has the rank of captain, so he may be a monster secretly cultivated within Marine.

"Hey! That little Marine over there, I am Ekrum with a bounty of 200 million berries!"

Ekrum obviously flinched, hoping that his huge bounty would scare Atlas away, but he obviously misjudged the situation. The higher his bounty, the more excited Atlas became!

"I know, it's just a lost dog!"

As soon as he finished speaking, before Ekrum could get angry, Atlas had already touched Sandai Kitetsu on his waist...

Ittoryu Ryuusei-ken!

Countless huge slashes were directed towards the pirate ship below like falling meteors. The expressions of a large number of pirates were suddenly frozen in shock at the last moment. The originally broken pirate ship was directly cut into pieces by a large number of slashes. 

"Asshole! I am going to kill you!"

Looking at the pirate ship that had been reduced to pieces and the corpses that were constantly floating, Ekrum couldn't help but cursed angrily. Of course, he didn't feel sorry for these men.

They can be recruited at any time when they are gone, but their only remaining treasure completely sank to the bottom of the sea under Atlas's slash, and his dream of becoming a rich man was also shattered.

"Ekrum! Calm down!"

Wirtz, who survived on the side, tried to hold back the furious Ekrum. Now there were only two of them left in the huge pirate group, and now they didn't even have a place to stand, and most of their bodies were soaked in water. Fortunately, neither of them have fruit abilities.

Soon, the two found a relatively large wreckage and barely avoided the embarrassing situation of being soaked in the sea water.

And Atlas watched them struggle quietly in mid-air. Although hovering in the air with consumes a lot of physical strength, it is nothing compared to Atlas's bottomless physical fitness.

"Master Marine, can you let us go? I just want to retire and become a rich man."

Ekrum, who had calmed down, immediately began to beg for mercy after seeing Atlas's terrifying strength, but Atlas' keen haki still captured the murderous aura in this guy.

"Ha! The howl of a defeated dog!"

Atlas sneered and waved the Sandai Kitetsu in his hand again...

"Hey, hey, hey! I am willing to Impel down! I surrender!"

"Spare me! Please capture me and impel down!"

"Asshole Marine! I will never let you go even if I die!"

"What a bastard Marine..."

Atlas turned a deaf ear to Ekrum's pleas and insults, after all, who would argue with a dead man.

Ittoryu Mikazuki-giri!

The rich armament haki clung to Sandai Kitetsu, and a crescent-shaped slash came out from the sword.


Soon, a line of blood slowly appeared on the bodies of Ekrum and Wirtz. The huge slashing power continued unabated and slashed backwards. 

The sea breeze is gentle.

Their bodies were suddenly broken along the blood line. Their upper bodies were lying on the sea surface, and their lower bodies were sitting cross-legged on the wreckage.

From a distance, it looks like...

...a lost dog.


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