
One Piece: The Defender of Justice

Atlas, a young man who was transmigrated into the One Piece world, witnessed the execution of the Pirate King in Logue Town. He decided to join the Marines and use his secret weapon: the twelve talismans from Jackie Chan Adventures. But he soon realizes that the world of pirates and marines is not as simple as he thought, and he has to face enemies and allies from both sides. Will he be able to survive in this chaotic world and reach his goal of becoming the STRONGEST? Disclaimer The first 50 or so chapter will have bad translation, so please just skim through it to get an idea of the background. The rest will be much better. Everything belongs to the original creator (And ODA). If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: Four evenings For mtl, you can go to mtlnation and search One Piece the Strongest Justice. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/CosmicKaminari Original name : 海贼:最强正文

CosmicKaminari · Anime & Comics
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357 Chs

330. Destruction

The sky and earth lost their vibrant hues, and the sun and moon dimmed their light.

In the vast Calm Belt, only two figures remained amidst the emptiness. Debris soared, and a mighty force clashed with a terrifying impact.

The aftermath surged towards the sea below, creating waves hundreds of feet high. The entire ocean appeared sliced into countless pieces, intersecting in a chaotic pattern.

In the heart of the storm, a distinct fist mark emerged, followed by spiderweb-like cracks spreading across the hull.

The formidable ships and cannons, once relied upon by the World, were torn apart right before his eyes, unraveling from the inside...

Armament Haki... Internal Destruction!!!


As the colossal waves rolled back and crashed, the once majestic Groseade descended like dry stones. In the end, only a colossal skeleton remained.

Mere growth in size and speed proves inadequate against the dual onslaught of Conqueror's Haki and Armament Haki.



The sound of bones flipping echoed, and the arms, previously contorted in strange angles, swiftly returned to their normal state.

Atlas furrowed his brow and flexed his arms, restored to their original condition.

It appears that simultaneously using the Rabbit Talisman and the Ox Talisman remains too strenuous for the body. Fortunately, there's the Horse Talisman...


World hovered in mid-air, his bare upper body bearing cuts and dents. He clutched the unconscious Byojack, breathing heavily, his gaze particularly intense.

"Kid, you're good..."

These words nearly escaped his lips verbatim.

The dream of the Groseade had fueled him for over 20 years, and now he harbored strong dreams for revenge against the World Government and the Marines.

And now, this dream is shattering right before your eyes!!!

How could this not enrage him? How to remain composed?!

Yet, once calmness slips away, flaws begin to emerge.


Atlas, not far off, swiftly closed in, his Haki still robust. His massive fist squarely met World's face.



Wearing a fierce expression, World swiftly raised his free right hand to fend off the assault from Atlas.

"More More Hyakubai Ken (More More Hundredfold fist)!"

Employing the fruit's ability once more, he swiftly deflected Atlas's fist. World promptly retreated, scanning his surroundings frantically.

A massive deck suddenly loomed into view.

Given the Groseade's colossal size, even with the damage inflicted by Atlas's Haki, it would be impossible to completely crush it when it expanded a hundred times.

World's current strategy involved putting aside the unconscious Byojack in his grasp.

This guy was only dragging down his strength!!!


After slightly enlarging the wreckage, he finally identified a suitable spot. Nonchalantly tossing Byojack onto it, World once again engaged the Geppo, sprinting toward Atlas.

The Groseade served as his lifeline, and with its destruction, his sole purpose now is...


Even if it costs him his life, he vows to take a chunk of flesh from this brat!

"The resolve in your eyes is commendable, but it's futile..."

"It won't save you, old man!!"

Atlas advanced, drawing the Kaminari from his waist. The sword glinted like lightning, carrying the unique aura of Conqueror's Haki.


"Kamusari (Divine Departure)!!"

Atlas learned this technique from Shanks, and it's quite straightforward. It involves stacking and intertwining numerous instances of Conqueror's Haki, creating a substantial mental and physical deterrent.

If you possess enough courage, you can almost treat it like a leveled skill! 

World's eyes contracted, and he involuntarily exclaimed, "Roger?!"

This move is essentially a duplicate of Roger's. Apart from the variance in aura, the power is nearly identical!


A flash of swordlight, the blade swung with black and red lightning. A sturdy arm soared into the sky, and blood splattered.


Atlas blocked with his arm, absorbing the impact on his brachioradialis. The subcutaneous fascia tore and withered instantly, causing the once robust forearm to dent.

"Hi~~ That really stings."

Atlas gasped, lifting his gaze to meet World's fierce expression, grinning.

"Trading injury for injury? I'm not scared of you..."


World's pupils dilated, and the hollow created beneath his fist began filling up at a rate visible to the naked eye, even more potent than before!

In terms of weaponry, his skills and level might not be inferior to the Marine facing him, but his Haki's strength and knowledge fall significantly short.

From the beginning until now, the opponent's Haki has shown no signs of waning, giving a clear indication.

And, most troubling of all, the infusion of Conqueror's Haki!

Damn it, with this bizarre recovery ability, how can the fight go on?! 


World endured the intense pain in his shoulder, wearing a sorrowful expression.

"Kid, even if I meet my end here today, you will be laid to rest alongside the Groseade you granted me!!"

Most of his subordinates lay lifeless, with only his brother Byojack barely clinging to life.

World lost all sense of purpose in that moment and resolved to meet his end.

This is the final desperate fight of a cornered creature.

And the wounded beast is undeniably more perilous!

"More More Hyakubai Soku (More More Hundredfold Speed)!!"

World vanished once more, transforming into afterimages as he surged toward Atlas.


Another muffled collision, the blade held horizontally, Haki lingering as it accurately blocked World's fist.

Through the blade, Atlas couldn't help but scrutinize World's rugged face. A ruthless expression suddenly flashed in his eyes, and his forehead darkened abruptly, swiftly followed by Conqueror's Haki.


Caught off guard, it struck World's helmet forcefully, sending iron filings flying and instantly denting his skull!


World felt a roar in his head, no less intense than a direct hit from Conqueror's Haki.

"Old man, you might want to visit Impel Down and spend a few years there first!!"

Atlas grinned, and before the opponent could seemingly recover, he twisted the blade, and another massive arm shot up into the sky!


The intense pain instantly jolted his brain, forcefully dispelling the previous dizziness.

Today, World was exceedingly clear-headed, yet also incredibly wretched!


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