
One Piece: The Defender of Justice

Atlas, a young man who was transmigrated into the One Piece world, witnessed the execution of the Pirate King in Logue Town. He decided to join the Marines and use his secret weapon: the twelve talismans from Jackie Chan Adventures. But he soon realizes that the world of pirates and marines is not as simple as he thought, and he has to face enemies and allies from both sides. Will he be able to survive in this chaotic world and reach his goal of becoming the STRONGEST? Disclaimer The first 50 or so chapter will have bad translation, so please just skim through it to get an idea of the background. The rest will be much better. Everything belongs to the original creator (And ODA). If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: Four evenings For mtl, you can go to mtlnation and search One Piece the Strongest Justice. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/CosmicKaminari Original name : 海贼:最强正文

CosmicKaminari · Anime & Comics
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358 Chs

19. Discussion

Early the next morning, Atlas started a day of training on the base campus. Not to mention, Atlas missed the time when he first joined the Marines and worked hard on the campus...

"Yo! Atlas, it's true. You've been working out so hard since you came back, and you don't even know how to take a break," Colonel Randall, who was passing by, saw that Atlas was practicing as soon as he came back, and couldn't help but joke.

"Ah, I can't help it, I'm still too weak now!" Atlas replied while waving the long sword in his hand, the determination in his eyes not diminishing by half.

"Well, you are such a desperate kid."

"It just so happens that my hands are itchy. Why don't you compete with me to test your strength?" Colonel Randall twisted his thick neck and said to Atlas with a smile.

"Of course, you are not allowed to use Flying Slash." Then Randall seemed to have thought of something and quickly added.

Atlas also felt a little itchy after hearing this. Although he felt that no one in the base could be his opponent now, he still wanted to compete with Randall, the nominally strongest person in the base, and maybe he could still learn something. After all, given Randall's age, he must have much more combat experience than Atlas.

"Good!" Atlas shouted in response, and then followed Randall to a wide area on the field.

The soldiers who were watching the excitement became excited. They were originally curious about who was stronger, Atlas or Colonel Randall. After all, Atlas was a famous monster in the base! Moreover, the previous scene at the port also left a deep impression on them, and then they ran around shouting and calling friends. After a while, the grounds were crowded with dark Marine soldiers.

"Hey, Colonel Randall, you have to do your best later and don't lose too quickly." Atlas glanced at the surrounding situation, then smiled at Randall.

"You're so long-winded, stop talking nonsense, you brat!" Randall also laughed and cursed without giving in.

Then the two drew their knives forward, and where the blades collided, a burst of sparks flashed...

"Kid, your sword is not as sharp as your words!" Randall stared at Atlas, who was confronting him. His face was a little red from exerting too much force, and the veins on his neck were bulging. It was obvious that he was struggling a bit with the strength of Atlas, but he did not admit defeat at all.

"Oh? Really? Then old man Randall, try my trick again!" Atlas was not to be outdone and kept spewing trash talk.

Ittoryu-Iai! Atlas took a step back, his arms bulging, his biceps and triceps working together, and he hit Randall with a powerful and heavy horizontal slash. Of course, Atlas held back a little of his strength; otherwise, he would directly chop Colonel Randall to the point of vomiting blood.

Randall was obviously not a rookie. He held the sword upright at his side and blocked the sword easily.

"Hahahaha, kid! Have you not had enough to eat? Come on! Keep going." Randall continued to speak harshly to cover up his inner uneasiness. F**k, what did this kid grow up on? Why is he so powerful?

Atlas brushed off Randall's trembling right hand without leaving a trace and decided to suppress his strength again to save some face for old man Randall.

The surrounding Marine soldiers naturally didn't know what was going on. They thought the two were evenly matched and kept cheering on the sidelines.

"Come again, kid!" Randall roared angrily, seeming to give himself a BUFF bonus.(T/N: Not everyone is Luffy -_-).

Boom! It was another unpretentious collision, but Atlas's weapon seemed to have some cracks, which was normal. Atlas had always used a Marine standard long sword, which was not a famous sword. It was natural to follow him in the battle. It should have been retired long ago, but it has been able to persist until now and is considered a high-quality standard sword .

"Hahahaha! You brat, your sword looks like it's about to give out!" Colonel Randall obviously also noticed the cracks caused by Atlas's sword. Even with his extraordinary eyesight, a veteran like him could sense something was wrong as soon as he heard the sound of the collision.

"Don't worry, Colonel Randall, it will be enough to support you until I defeat you." Itto ryu- Tori no toge(bird thorn)! A straight thrust came towards Randall, majestic and overwhelming!

Randall blocked the sword, and a white spot suddenly appeared on his beloved saber. This made Randall very distressed. Although this saber was not a famous sword, it had been with him in battles for most of his life. It was better than the Marine standard sword by much.

"You brat! I'm going to get serious!" Randall was also heartbroken at the moment, holding knives in both hands so that he could receive the force of Atlas's slash.

Soru! Randall suddenly disappeared in front of Atlas, leaving only a series of afterimages. In the Marine Six Powers, due to limited qualifications, Randall has only learned two of the powers. He is not yet a Grandmaster, just a beginner. Now he can only bully Atlas, who has not yet learned the six powers.

However, Atlas' current physical fitness has become inhumane and has fully reached the standard of practicing Six Powers. His explosive speed alone is already beyond the reach of ordinary people, but Marine Six Powers is a legacy of physical skills that transcends the limits of the human body! Therefore, though Atlas is currently not as fast as Colonel Randall, but with Randall's physical strength, it is estimated that it will not take more than a few soru. You must know that soru puts a huge load on the user's leg muscles!

Atlas could completely delay Randall until he couldn't support himself, and then easily take down the opponent, but...

Observation haki! lock! Atlas, who had activated his sense of sight, easily spotted Colonel Randall who was about to go around behind him. Then he curled his lips and reached back to take it out!

Don't retreat but advance! Ittoryu-Sanrei ! This is a newly developed move by Atlas. It is essentially a top-down slash, but due to the huge power and kinetic energy, it will produce three ghosts and hit the enemy like a gust of wind past.

At this time, Randall was honored to be the first experimenter recruited by Atlas, but he did not feel lucky at all. The power of Sanrei alone made him feel depressed.

However, just when Randall was about to lose, a sudden change occurred, and Atlas's long sword suddenly turned into iron pieces all over the sky and fell down. It was probably that the long sword that had already cracked couldn't withstand the rain and fell into pieces, so it suddenly broke. 

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