
One Piece: The Defender of Justice

Atlas, a young man who was transmigrated into the One Piece world, witnessed the execution of the Pirate King in Logue Town. He decided to join the Marines and use his secret weapon: the twelve talismans from Jackie Chan Adventures. But he soon realizes that the world of pirates and marines is not as simple as he thought, and he has to face enemies and allies from both sides. Will he be able to survive in this chaotic world and reach his goal of becoming the STRONGEST? Disclaimer The first 50 or so chapter will have bad translation, so please just skim through it to get an idea of the background. The rest will be much better. Everything belongs to the original creator (And ODA). If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and I wanted to rewrite it here to increase my vocabulary and earn some pocket money. Support the original author in the Chinese site. Author name: Four evenings For mtl, you can go to mtlnation and search One Piece the Strongest Justice. If you have some extra pocket money, Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/CosmicKaminari Original name : 海贼:最强正文

CosmicKaminari · Anime & Comics
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353 Chs

17. Killing A Pirate Group Along The Way

In the early morning, the drunken sunshine shines on the blue sea, and from time to time, there is a crisp gull call in the sky...

East Blue, Shimotsuki Village.

A simple sailboat is docked on the irregular curved coast.

In the shore is visible a young man with a height of 2.5 meters and a handsome face and a straight posture.

The bulging muscles all over his body hold up his clothes fiercely, and his explosive figure gives people a sense of strength. The boy is Atlas who is training in Shimotsuki Village.

Opposite Atlas were the smiling Koushirou couple and Kuina, who still had tears in her eyes. Kuina's mother, Mrs. Hana (T/N: Some Random name.), now looked much rosier than when Atlas first met.

Because Atlas seemed to have heard in his previous life that Mrs. Hana passed away when Kuina was very young, so he specifically mentioned it to Koushirou.

Atlas lied that he knew some medical skills and told Koushirou that he felt that there might be something wrong with Mrs. Hana's body. He hoped that Koushirou could find a doctor with superb medical skills to look at Mrs. Hana.

Of course, Atlas originally wanted to try the ability of the Horse Talisman, but unfortunately, the ability of the Horse Talisman can only affect Atlas himself.

Whether there will be different changes in the future is probably determined to a certain extent by his strength.

But I don't know what channel Koushirou found a doctor through, and he was hiding from Atlas mysteriously.

Fortunately, Mrs. Hana's complexion improved a lot after being treated by the mysterious doctor.

At the same time, because of this incident, the Koushirou family and Atlas got along a lot better, at least not as harshly as they did at the beginning.

So when they suddenly heard that Atlas was leaving, they felt a little bit sad, especially Kuina who was crying.

Thinking about it, no matter how strong Kuina's character is, she still has a girl's emotional side.

A few days ago, after Atlas achieved the Steel Cutting Realm, he planned to say goodbye to Koushirou and his wife. He even hired someone to spend a lot of money to build a simple boat within a few days that could basically travel to Logue Town. I specially chose the sunny and windy weather today to set sail.

"Just send it here. Goodbye, Mr. Koushirou , and Kuina. I hope to see Kuina become a big girl next time I come over."

Atlas also said goodbye to the Koushirou family with a smile, and even teased Kuina a little.

"Sniff~ Well, I will definitely do it. Next time we meet, I will defeat Brother Canos!"

Kuina sniffed and said firmly to Atlas.

"Hahahahahahaha... Then I'll be waiting for you! Kuina."

Atlas laughed a few times and jumped onto the boat, cut the rope with his sword, opened the canvas, and the ship sailed far away according to the current and wind direction...


It has been two days since Atlas left Shimotsuki Village and sailed on the sea. During these two days, Atlas' training consisted of swimming to exercise physical fitness, daily sword-wielding training, and meditation.

He doesn't really want to eat Devil Fruit yet, and he hasn't encountered any suitable fruit abilities, so now he can swim in the sea to his heart's content.

Moreover, swimming is a very physical exercise. He also wants to be able to cross the Calm Belt with his bare hands like Silvers Rayleigh in the future. Just thinking about it makes people's adrenaline soar. This is the romance of a sea man!

As for meditation, it was Koushirou who taught him. The meditation he used before was something he figured out at random, and the effect was far less effective than what Koushirou taught him.

He has been meditating for more than a year. Observation Haki can already cover half of the island, and his attainments are quite profound. I don't know if his spirit is unusually strong or if it is due to the power of meditation.

After all, sailing on the sea is too boring. After practicing, a red light flashed in Atlas's eyes, and Observation Haki was released unscrupulously. In an instant, Atlas felt that the world became much clearer.

Suddenly, a pirate ship broke into Atlas's coverage area.

What a coincidence. I'm bored right now, so let's practice with you! It could just be used as a meeting gift for Colonel Randall, after all, he was a little late for the agreed one year.

Thinking of this, Atlas warmed up a little, stretched his muscles, and finally gave these pirates a serious ride.

After a while, the pirate ship approached Atlas's small sailboat.

On the skull pirate flag, a hammer is placed diagonally in the middle.

The hull structure is also relatively average. It is probably a pirate group with no reputation, otherwise, it would not be so miserable.

But Atlas was a little biased. Pirates are a group of guys who don't do anything.

they advocate the supremacy of pleasure and spend money or grab it.

As for the ship, as long as it can sail, there are no excessive requirements.

And this is the current situation of the vast majority of pirates.

As the two ships gradually approached, the members of the Hammer Pirates also discovered Atlas, who was alone, and immediately thought of robbing him.

"Hey, you kid over there, do you want me to give you a ride? Hahahaha!"

The captain of the Hammer Pirates stretched out his head comically and smiled at Atlas.

"Okay, then please take me to the Marine Base in Logue town."

Atlas seemed not to notice the other party's full malice and jumped onto the pirate ship and said.

"Hey, hey, hey! Stop it! Brat, do you know who I am?"

Goguro was also shocked by Atlas's move. He had been a pirate for so long, and he had never seen someone so unafraid of death.

He is a pirate! The kind that burns, kills, and loots! Do you want to be so disrespectful?

Thinking about it, Haohei's face gradually became ferocious.


Suddenly, a blood-red slash flew out from the standard long sword that Atlas had drawn, instantly cutting Goguro, the captain of the Hammer Pirates, in half.

The cuts were extremely smooth, and the remaining slashes were still powerful, cutting down several unlucky pirates to the ground, wondering whether they were alive or dead...

"Nani - what is that?"

"Why did the sword kill the captain without touching him!"

The rest of the pirates immediately became excited, and at the same time they became more afraid of the unknown.

Characters like Swordsman are still very rare in the four seas, let alone East Blue, the weakest sea.

Atlas didn't bother to explain and just raised the sword horizontally.

There was no need to use any sword moves. He just cleaned up all the miscellaneous fish like chopping melons and vegetables, and then casually wiped the bloodline on the sword on a pirate lying on the deck.


Atlas took over the ownerless ship as a matter of course, and also searched for supplies along the way.

Run to the cabin and take it for a test drive.

Sure enough, big boats go faster than small boats. Now it is estimated that it will only take one day to reach Logue Town

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