
One Piece: The Awakening of Ace

Power, greatness, gold—these were the hallmarks of the life of the Pirate King, Gol D. Roger, who was sentenced to death for unknown reasons. Twenty years after his death, his son, Portgas D. Ace, whose true identity remains a secret, sets out to sea to pursue his dream of becoming a great pirate and living freely. He also seeks to answer a question that has always haunted him: Does he deserve to live? To find the answer to this question, Ace embarks on countless adventures and faces enemies of unimaginable strength. Along the way, he forges friendships and alliances in the tumultuous world of pirates. I hope you continue to support this wonderful story, and I wish you an enjoyable time +More than 10 advanced chapters available at: patreon.com/elyon_om

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Ace Rebel

Night quickly fell upon the island, its dark shadows spreading across the sand and rocks.

After dragging the giant sea king to the shore, Garp lit a huge fire to cook it, while Ace was busy gathering the necessary firewood. The sound of the wood being broken harmonized with the roar of the waves, creating a unique nocturnal symphony.

Garp sat on a large rock near the blazing fire, watching the dancing flames. Ace lay on the ground, staring at the star-filled sky. This serene view gave him a feeling of peace he had never felt before.

Garp was lost in deep thought, contemplating Ace's remarkable talent since childhood. He believed that if Ace joined the Navy, he would achieve great status and become an invincible soldier. Thanks to his personal training, he was confident that Ace would possess tremendous strength, as he considered him his grandson after all.

Suddenly, Ace broke the silence, saying, "I want to become a pirate, Grandpa, a great pirate."

When Garp heard the word "Grandpa" from Ace's mouth, he felt a fleeting happiness. He sank into his thoughts, realizing that Ace was starting to show him some respect. But his happiness quickly vanished when he absorbed the word "pirate" that Ace had said.

Garp quickly rose from his place and approached Ace, grabbing his head in anger, shouting, "You rascal, what nonsense are you spouting, boy!"

Ace, ignoring Garp's rising anger, responded calmly, "This is not nonsense, old man. I told you, I want to be free, not a subordinate to anyone."

When Garp heard Ace call him "old man" again, his anger surged, and he felt his veins boiling.

"And an old man, too, you fool Ace, I thought you were using your brain."

"Pirates have no future, you idiot. If you become a Navy soldier, you'll live a comfortable life, rise in ranks, and maybe even become an admiral someday."

"But if you become a pirate, no doubt they'll find you dead in one of the seas, or killed in one of the battles, you moron."

Ace's eyes ignited with the fire of challenge, and he suddenly sat up, facing Garp directly. "I'm not looking for a comfortable life, Grandpa. I want to live freely, roam the seas, and achieve my dreams. I don't want to be bound by orders and laws."

Garp took a step towards Ace, his facial features tight with anger and worry. "And what dreams are worth throwing your life away for? You're weakening, Ace. True strength is being able to protect those you love, not following whims and throwing yourself into destruction."

Ace replied with a tone full of determination, "My dream is to be free, to choose my own path. I won't live under anyone's shadow, even if it means facing death."

Garp, overwhelmed by conflicting emotions of fear and love, struck the ground with his iron fist, making a resounding noise. "You're a fool if you think freedom means chaos and death. You haven't seen the world as I have, haven't known the harsh truth. But I won't let you destroy yourself."

Ace jumped to his feet, the flames of resolve blazing in his eyes. "If that's the price I have to pay to live the way I want, I'm ready to pay it. I'm not afraid of death, Grandpa. I'm afraid of a life without freedom."

Garp stepped back, taking a deep breath trying to calm his anger. He saw himself in Ace's eyes, that stubborn spirit that doesn't know surrender. But he also knew the dangers awaiting Ace on that chaotic path.

"Ace, your life is not a game. The world is harsh and unforgiving. If you continue on this path, you'll face a dark fate."

Ace was silent for a moment, then said quietly, "Maybe my fate is dark, but I'll move forward anyway. This is my path, and this is my decision."

Garp looked at the sky, those bright stars he had watched with Ace just moments ago, seemed to fade slowly before him. He knew that this conflict wouldn't end here, and that Ace's departure on his own path would have unpredictable consequences.

He knew that the blood of the Pirate King ran through his veins, and since he was responsible for him, it was his duty to guide him so he wouldn't meet the same fate as his father, Roger.

But deep down, he realized that human curiosity and desires couldn't be controlled or dominated by another person.

The night calmed on the island, and the fire began to wane slowly, just as the conflict between them did.

Finally, the food was ready. "Ace, come here," Garp said, moving the giant sea king off the fire and placing it on one of the rocks.

And he regretted it immediately, watching the little rascal jump on the giant sea king and devour it ravenously, unlike anything he'd seen in his life.

Ace was devouring chunks of meat voraciously, stuffing them into his stomach at an incredible speed. Garp couldn't believe his eyes; he too approached the sea king feast before Ace left him only the bones.

Ace's stomach slowly swelled, filling up little by little until it reached its maximum capacity. Garp, completely astonished, barely picked up a piece before Ace had devoured ten.

It seemed like there was a hungry beast residing in Ace's stomach, partaking in the feast relentlessly.

When Ace finished eating, his stomach looked like a barrel filled to the brim. He lay on the ground again and took a deep breath. Suddenly, his stomach began to contract slowly, making a creaking sound like an old wooden door opening.

Garp, completely astonished, whispered to himself, "This is a monster, not a human."

After Garp finished his meal, he approached Ace with steady steps, exuding confidence. "Ace, I'll show you now the power of Navy soldiers, and I'll surely make you change your mind."

Garp knew that if he performed some flashy moves, Ace would be impressed. This way, he could kill two birds with one stone: Ace would ask to join the Navy to learn those moves, and on the other hand, he would train with him to become one of the strongest soldiers.

Garp stepped forward and clenched his fist, suddenly a strange black layer appeared on his entire arm, as if his arm had turned into metal. He returned towards Ace and aimed a punch at his head.

The punch's power exceeded an ordinary punch tenfold or twentyfold, even though Garp delivered it slowly. Ace fell to the ground from the intense pain, clutching his head and screaming.

Garp laughed until tears filled his eyes and said, "Ha ha ha, get it, Ace. That's why they call me Garp the Fist."

Ace was very impressed with this punch. If he learned it someday, he would certainly become stronger. But he knew deep down that Garp was trying to make him change his mind about becoming a pirate.

He turned to Garp, who stood in place waiting for Ace's reaction, and said indifferently, "It's just an ordinary punch, I'll learn it someday and become a strong pirate."

Garp's eyes blazed with anger again, and he shouted loudly, "You idiot!"

"This punch is called Armament Haki. I wanted to teach it to you if you wanted to join the Navy, but you, you fool, are still clinging to that rebellious spirit."

Ace knew that if he provoked Garp a lot, he would train with him more and show him more techniques to get an idea of them and try to learn them in the future.

Garp was still angry, his blood boiling in his veins, but he remembered it was late, and decided to wait until morning and try to change this brat's mind.

"Go to Sleep Now, Ace, We'll Continue Our Talk in the Morning"


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